Woxsen University
University Established 2014
Address : Kamkole, Sadasivpet
City: Hyderabad | State: Telangana
MBAUniverse.com Rank: 9,999 | AA+ |
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MBA education is getting more and more expensive. MBA scholarships, offered by the MBA colleges in India not only reduce the burden of MBA Fee which runs very high, it turns out to be good support during your MBA course. Since your dream of doing MBA from one of the top MBA colleges requires lot of money during the course of study, the MBA scholarship offers fee waiver depending upon your performance in entrance exam, academics, category and skill set. To reduce the financial burden on Meritorious students, Good MBA colleges offer number of MBA scholarships to its students in first and second year of MBA course. Schemes of special scholarship for Indian girls and women are also offered to improve gender diversity in the management institute.


Woxsen University offers many Institute based and Corporate Sponsored scholarships to students in 1st and 2nd year of the course to support its students to pursue the management program with reduced financial burden as given below


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