Employabilty a big challenge for inclusive growth: Experts

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Updated on July 28, 2016
Every year India is producing lakhs of graduates but how many of them are really employable -- just 25%.
Amazed to know, but that is the biggest challenge in the way of inclusive growth of India, said experts while addressing the FMS annual convention. Dr. Kiran Karnik, former President of NASSCOM said, "For Inclusive growth of India we need to look beyond economic reform. The major issue in front of us is unemployablity. 75% of Indian graduates are unemployable," while addressing the FMS convention on December 2.
He further added, "The major reason behind this unemployability is our faulty primary education. Our benchmark for testing meritorious students focuses only on technical areas. It lacks the testing of components like soft skills, which include communication skills, teamwork and articulation. We need to include these things, which move individual towards innovation and diversity in thinking."
Suggesting the remedy for reducing unemployment, Mr. Vijay Thadani, CEO, NIIT Ltd said, "Remedy for inclusive growth is to create skilled workforce having relevant business skills." He also emphasized on the creating people with entrepreneurial mindset. "Indian management institutes need to create more entrepreneurs who can further contribute in the inclusive growth of India. Management graduate should start businesses and generate employment," said Mr Thadani.