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Does both Mumbai &Bangalore campuses are one and the same?I heard that around 85%ile will be the cutoff.If suppose we are not meeting this requirement it's waste of applying?How are placements?does all students get placed??
6 years 6 months ago
a.agnihotri's picture
Answered by: Amit Agnihogri on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 11:08 AM

Welingkar cut offs remain in the range of 80 to 86. It could be slightly less for Bangalore. The institute has high placement record. Apart from entrance exam cut offs, the B-school considers other key parameters like academic profile, achievements and therefore, follows two phases of shortlisting process for final selection round - Profile based shortlisting and Non-profile based shortlisting. Many candidates with excellent profile get admission in Welingkar despite not scoring very high in entrance exams.