Last Updated on December 30, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

International Accreditations needed to follow benchmarked systems Interview with Dr N R Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD Mysore

Director, SDMIMD Mysore in interview with MBAUniverse.com shares the importance and benefits of International ACBSP Accreditation that the B-schools has earned and also about newly launched Rs.100000/- scholarship scheme

International Accreditations needed to follow benchmarked systems Interview with Dr N R Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD Mysore

Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development(SDMIMD),
Mysore has recently earned the international ACBSP Accreditation. It is one of the top 3 international accreditations and is awarded by Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), USA.

ACBSP accreditation standards are modeled on the Balridge National Quality Program. Out of thousands of B-schools in India, less than 20 B-schools are accredited by ACBSP. SDM IMD received the accreditation in November 2016.
Talking to MBAUniverse.com on this achievement Dr N R Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD Mysore shares the importance of ACBSP Accreditation in Indian Management Education & Research related areas, academics at SDMIMD, gain for the faculty and students of SDMIMD and other key benefits. Below are given the excerpts of the interview

How do you see the rare recognition of ACBSP Accreditation on SDIMD as a management institute?
We at SDMIMD feel that it is a validation for all the progress that the Institute has been making in both the academic and research fronts.

How much time did SDMIMD invest in getting the ACBSP Accreditation?
The accreditation process involves meeting several rigorous international standards and procedures. What is even more heartening is that we took less than 2 years in completing the process.

What is the process to get the accreditation?
Does SDMIMD propose to get more such international accreditations?
Please share the status
The accreditation process involves first the submission of preliminary documents and status report to convince the authority that the Institute is ready to commence the process, once ACBSP identifies that the applicant institute has the potential, the institute will be designated as a Candidate for Accreditation. After that it is a question of working on various standards, the vision and strategy of the Institute and in bringing about changes to facilitate meeting these. Here the adaptability of the Institute to change is brought to sharp focus. Yes, SDMIMD does have plans to go in for other reputed international accreditations in the ensuing years.

Do the international accreditations really make favourable impact on MBA education in India? Please share the beneficial implications to SDMIMD
I think that international accreditations enable Indian institutes to go through the benchmarked systems and procedures with reference to objectivity and meeting the end purpose. The standards are clear and need concerted efforts to achieve. I think that the fact that more and more Indian institutes are going in for international accreditation process is an indication that we are gearing up to be benchmarked with the best in the world.

Please share the strategy adopted by SDMIMD to achieve this accreditation?
First, SDMIMD has one of the best practices in academic rigor in the country. Be it in terms of curriculum revision or implementation of modern pedagogy or in evaluation, the best practices are followed. During the accreditation process we strove to make the practices uniform across courses and disciplines by drawing out comprehensive rubrics for each course. Secondly, we consolidated on our research activities and it is a matter of joy that we have among the best figures in respect of per capita faculty publication. The dedicated team of faculty and staff in the Institute worked together to identify the areas for improvement and effected changes wherever needed.

What is the vision of SDMIMD Mysore after achieving this rare feat?
The vision remains the same. We seek to bring out quality management students whose value substratum is high. We seek to develop quality international leaders with a strong sense of ethics.

How would ACBSP Accreditation benefit the SDMIMD students?
There are several areas by which students will be benefitted. First, students will now be passing out of an internationally benchmarked Institute whose standards and practices meet standards in similar such institutes around the world. Secondly, the Institute will be able to have greater number of foreign collaborations as a result of the accreditation and this will be to the benefit of the students at large.

SDMIMD is located in a comparatively smaller city of Mysore as compared to Metros and state capitals. Does it in any way affect adversely in achieving various goals on quality improvement? How will the ACBSP accreditation would help in it?
First of all, we feel that having the Institute located in a place like Mysore is a great advantage. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life, the location enables calm imbibing of knowledge. We have not ever felt that the location has resulted in any specific disadvantage to us. The ACBSP accreditation adds more credibility to the Institute.

Is there any change in admission criteria for 2017-19 batch at SDMIMD? Please share
As in the past, the admission will be based on scores in the competitive exam, grades obtained consistently from 10th standard up to graduation, work experience, extra- curricular activities if any and above all the score in the interview process. We do not propose to change this for 2017-19.

Does SDMIMD have any scholarship scheme for high CAT/XAT scorers?
We have introduced a scholarship scheme by which students with CAT/XAT scores of 85 percentile or more (or valid GMAT score of 680 and more) are eligible for Rs.100000 each on getting admitted to SDMIMD.
SDMIMD, Mysore is one of the leading B-schools in India. SDMIMDs flagship 2 year, full time, residential Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) program is approved by AICTE, accredited by NBA and ACBSP now. The Institute has been rated A** (A Double Star) by Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited (CRISIL) and Brickwork Ratings at the National level.

The AICTE approved PGDM, the flagship programme of SDMIMD, is designed to prepare students for the modern day industry which is undergoing a radical change in this globalized world. Students can opt tospecialisein the areas of Marketing, Systems, Finance, Operations or Human Resource Management.Students have the opportunity to pursue dualspecialisation. The application process for the batch 2017-19 is open now on our website (admission@sdmimd.ac.in ) . SDMIMD accepts CAT/XAT/GMAT/CMAT exam scores to shortlist candidates for final admission round.

SDMIMD was established in 1994 and till date 21 batches of PGDM graduates have passed out from its portals, currently holding important positions in the Indian and foreign corporate and service organizations.Institute has a creditable placement record.The highest placement package offered at SDMIMD in 2016 is Rs.12 lakhs. The average salary offered to a SDMIMD student is Rs.6.5 lakhs.

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