Last Updated on January 8, 2017 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

XAT 2017 Live! Exam begins on time with 12% less turn out; no glitches in test

XAT 2017, admission Test for MBA/PGDM-2017-19 programme in XLRI, SPJIMR, IMT, XIMB and 150 other B-schools has begun today on January 8, at the scheduled time of 10AM

XAT 2017 Live! Exam begins on time with 12% less turn out; no glitches in test

Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) 2017, admission Test for MBA/PGDM-2017-19 programme in XLRI, SPJIMR, IMT, XIMB and 150 other B-schools has begun today on January 8, at the scheduled time of 10AM in 47 test cities in India and in Dubai (UAE) and Kathmandu (Nepal) abroad. XAT 2017 is a paper based test of 3 hours duration from 10AM to 1.30PM. It is a single session one day exam.

So far there is no report of any mismanagement or technical issue in regard to seating arrangement or distribution of test booklets, OMR sheets due to which XAT 2017 exam could not be started on time.

Around 90000 candidates have registered for XAT 2017. The turnout of XAT 2017 test takers is less than 100% at each test centre and the absentee ratio is from 10 to 12 percent. This is the 2nd XAT conducted in the revamped format with reduced questions and more time of 30 minutes allotted to attempt the test paper.

The fear of technical glitches and management problems at the test centres vanished when the XAT 2017 exam began at right time in almost all the regions in the country.

XAT 2017 is convened by XLRI Jamshedpur under the convenership of Prof Munish Thakur, XLRI Admission chair. XLRI has been conducting XAT since past 60 years in paper-pen format to provide level playing field for all the candidates including the ones who have no access to computer systems or other technology gadgets. Number of reports anticipated the technical glitches that could mar the beginning of XAT 2017 exam but all such fears have been put to rest as XAT 2017 began with its pristine glory without any technical or seating issues.

Candidates gathered in good number at the XAT 2017 exam centre an hour before the scheduled time of test at Noida in the cold morning around 9.00 AM today on January 8. Most of the test takers had gathered by 8.45 AM and the gates of the exam centre were opened around 9.00AM. Some of the XAT 2017 invigilation team members were seen coming even till 9.15AM. Candidates who arrived till 9.45 or even a little late were also frisked with security check and were allowed to enter the testing room.

More Testing rooms were arranged in the examination centre to accommodate more number of candidates. Initially a long queue got formed before the security check point. However, it continued moving and by 9.30 the handling became smooth. The cool winters also helped the candidates to continue standing and basking in Sun in the early morning without any complaints.

Candidates anticipating high LoD
Keeping their fingers crossed, candidates moved on and were seen entering the testing lab slowly. A few of them, knowing that no breaks would be allowed during the examination preferred to go to the restroom before entering the testing lab.
Test takers anticipated a bit more difficult exam as the number of questions in XAT 2017 has been reduced further from 78 last year to 72 this year. The doors of the XAT 2017 testing labs were closed at 9.45AM although a few candidates still continued pouring in. The invigilator in the testing lab read out the instructions and clearly advised the candidates to adhere to them.

It was anticipated that the first session could be delayed due to various problems at the exam centre. But XAT Centre 2017 has well managed the stage and started the test with no delays.

It is anticipated that XAT 2017 with similar pattern of last year XAT will be a big success and will be a good experience both for the organizers as well as the test takers since the exam is claimed by XAT convener to be more aspirant friendly providing level playing field for the candidates coming from all academic streams.

XAT 2017 Analysis & Percentile predictions: Immediately after the exam
XAT 2017 exam analysis will be published by MBAUniverse.com experts and Research & Analysis team immediately after the exam is over. The analysis will guide the test takers about the level of difficulty, scoring pattern, how much score can be expected with your good attempts and what could be cut offs in top B-schools.

On the basis of difficulty level, the low scores in XAT 2017 can also award you with high percentile in the relevant section. Accordingly the detailed analysis will also reflect the expected percentile on your sectional performance alongwith the past trends.

Related Article
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Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more live coverage of XAT 2017

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