Last Updated on January 24, 2017 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CMAT 2017: Last opportunity to get top MBA college; practice Mock on revised CMAT Syllabus & exam pattern

CMAT 2017 offers the last opportunity to improve your CAT or XAT score and get one of the best MBA colleges accepting the CMAT scores

CMAT 2017: Last opportunity to get top MBA college; practice Mock on revised CMAT Syllabus & exam pattern

If you have not scored well in CAT 2016 or XAT 2017, the CMAT 2017 is the answer to your MBA admission in a good B-school. CMAT 2017 going to be conducted by AICTE on January 28, 2017 for admission to MBA/PGDM programmes in 400+ B schools in the country is also the last opportunity to get one of the best MBA colleges accepting CMAT and also to improve your score.
You will find hundreds of top rated B-schools in the country who accept both CAT and CMAT scores. Since almost all the PGDM B-schools are approved by AICTE and run AICTE approved programmes, most of them also accept CMAT scores with a few exceptions. Although AICTE is yet to update the list of B-schools accepting CMAT 2017 scores, but barring the 20 IIMs, FMS, XLRI and a few other B-schools, the scores of CMAT 2017 would be accepted by many top B-schools for admission 2017-18.

Good chance for 50-60 percentilers in CAT 2016
Those who have scored as low as 50, 60 or 70 percentile in CAT 2016 should not be worried, if they have registered for CMAT 2017. You can very well improve your score and get a good B-school of your choice by taking CMAT 2017.
CMAT 2017 is the official gateway for admissions into the University MBA programs in thirteen states which include Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Kerala, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana and Karnataka. The governments have officially notified CMAT as their official test. In addition, many B-schools offering PGDM programs will also be using the CMAT scores. The scores of CMAT 2017 are proposed to be accepted as the basis for shortlisting the candidates in AICTE approved MBA/PGDM programmes beginning 2017 in hundreds of B-schools.

CMAT 2017: Easy test leading to top MBA colleges
CMAT is considered an easier exam than CAT or XAT. The CMAT 2017exam pattern also awards equal weightage to all the 4 sections including GK which you can crack in not more than 10-15 minutes. The exam will be of 3 hours duration comprising 4 sections with 25 MCQ type questions each. All the sections have equal weightage.
Unlike CAT 2016 where sectional time restrictions were applicable, you can switch from one section to other freely in CMAT 2017. It would offer you an opportunity to utilize your time to solve more questions in other section once you complete one section early.

CMAT awards raw scores out of maximum 400 marks as well as percentile scores. If you can score anywhere between 175 to 275 you may get admission to one of the top MBA colleges like BIMTECH (Specialized programmes),; KJ Somaiya Mumbai; IFMR, IFIM, GIM Goa, Great Lakes Chennai, NDIM New Delhi, DSIMS Mumbai, UPES Dehradun; XIME, XISS among others.

Check! If all the CMAT Syllabus topics prepared well
Although AICTE has not provided a well defined CMAT 2017 syllabus but the various topics which have higher weightage in the exam need to be well prepared and revised in next 3-4 days left for the exam.

Type of questions in Language Comprehension
Language Comprehension or Verbal Ability is the 1st section in CMAT 2017. It covers comprehensive English test which includes the test of grammar, tenses, vocabulary, jumbled paragraphs and reading comprehension. Key topics from which you may expect questions are - usage of Articles, Non-finites, dangling modifiers, Nouns, Pronouns (especially relative Pronouns), adjectives, adverbs, prepositions regular and followed, verbs, Syntax, Subject-verb Agreement, Simple, continuous, Perfect tenses and Conditional-unreal past.

Marking the correct choice of similar sounding and confusing words; picking out the correct words left out in a paragraph; Synonyms-Antonyms -Explaining the Words; analogy words; one word substitution need to be prepared well. Jumbled paragraphs, RC Passages are the game changers in English Comprehension section.

Top scoring section: Quantitative aptitude & data interpretation
Questions in this section are usually single and are not based on sets. While topics like table and pie chart in data interpretation section will require basic calculation skills, the topics from which most of the questions appear in quant are arithmetic (ratios, mixtures, work, averages, profit & loss, basic statistics etc), number properties, probability and counting principles with one or two odd questions in geometry and derivatives (i.e. maxima minima).

Logical Reasoning: Practice more
This section in CMAT 2017 would be a mix of the topics from arrangements like linear, seating, sequencing & arranging with conditions to coding. The other questions are based on statement-conclusion, logical puzzle, numerical puzzle, Venn Diagram, true/false statements, visual reasoning. The basic preparatory tip for LR is to attempt as many practice exercises as possible. They can be solved with basic human logical instinct.

GK the deciding factor
This section with 25 questions and equal weightage can prove to be decisive in improving your total score and percentile. GK in CMAT may have questions from any topic under the Sun. However, for the quick revision purpose GK can be divided in three parts and each part has to be given due weightage. Conventional GK-available in books; Current GK- based on current reading of newspapers and periodicals; Business & Economics GK -for example changes in Fiscal and monetary policy, CRR, Repo Rate, Devaluation and up valuation of Rupee. Please remember current GK-whether Business, national and international has an on-going preparation method and thorough reading of the newspaper only can keep you updated.

Practice Mocks as real CMAT in next 3 days
With only 4 days left to appear in CMAT 2017, it is advisable to solve as many sample papers and Mock Test to score high in CMAT 2017 in real test condition.
To help CMAT 2017 aspirants prepare better, experts at MBAUniverse.com and VistaMind Education have prepared CMAT Mock test with answer keys and solutions. The test contains expected type of questions in CMAT 2017 exam. You can take CMAT 2017 Mock to assess your preparation in revised CMAT 2017 exam pattern with 100 questions.

4 days away, the revamped yearly CMAT 2017 is waiting for you to explore admission opportunity in one of the 400 AICTE approved MBA/PGDM programmes beginning 2017. Since you wish to improve your low score in CAT 2016 and/or XAT 2017, the CMAT 2017 may offer you a big opportunity to get a B-school of your choice. The need is to decide judiciously and remain focused in next 3 days as the CMAT 2017 exam can be attempted well with your ready to apply past preparation that you did for CAT and XAT.

AICTE has revamped CMAT 2017 as a yearly exam exercise instead of being conducted twice a year. The structure and content of CMAT 2017 remains the same as of earlier CMAT exams. Please note that as against earlier CMAT exams to improve scores in second exam, there will not be any other CMAT for MBA/PGDM admission 2017. You have to score well in one CMAT if you wish to get a good B-school.

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Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on CMAT 2017

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