Last Updated on February 23, 2017 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

FMS Delhi student grabs Rs. 1 Crore offer in Placement 2017: process over with 107 getting average salary upwards of Rs.20 lakhs

The highest RoI B-school in India, FMS Delhi has wrapped up its final placement for MBA batch 2015-17 with higher average salary of Rs. 20.6 lakhs and highest international salary of Rs. 1 crore plus

FMS Delhi student grabs Rs. 1 Crore offer in Placement 2017: process over with 107 getting average salary upwards of Rs.20 lakhs

Out of 209 students who participated in FMS Delhi final placement 2017, one of the FMS students grabbed international placement for USD 150000 equivalent to INR 1 crore while 107 students got placement offers of more than Rs. 20 lakhs each from top recruiters.

The highest RoI B-school in India, FMS Delhi has wrapped up its final placement for MBA batch 2015-17 with higher average salary of Rs. 20.6 lakhs. Prof.KavitaSinghPlacement Convener at FMS Delhi commented Our average salary for the 2015-2017 batch has gone up. This is a testimony ofthe academic discipline at the Faculty along with the exceptional quality and aptitude ofstudents at FMS, Delhi.

Placement season 2017 at Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) Delhi has yet again maintained 100% record with higher packages and more offers. The highest domestic salary recorded at FMS Placement 2017 is Rs.54 lakhs while the average salary is Rs.20.6 lakhs marking an increase over the last year. Highest international placement in 2017 at FMS Delhi stands at INR 1 crore (USD 150000).

FMS Delhi Placement 2017 has gone on record nullifying the speculation of economic slowdown and has again placed its MBA programme a shining star all around. Entire participating batch of 209 students got 224 placement offers in diverse domains at yet higher packages offered by more recruiters.

Top recruiters at FMS Delhi in placement 2017 include EY Consulting; Accenture Strategy; ITC among others.

The placement process at FMS Delhi was divided into 2 parts, the lateral and the final placement processes. Students with greater than 18 months of work experience prior to their MBA participated in the laterals placement process in December 2016. Subsequently, the final placement process for the remaining students was held in January 2017.

Entrepreneurship encouraged
Releasing the final placement 2017 report Dr Kavita Singh, Placement convener FMS Delhi said To ensure a smooth and transparent process for the companies, some important measures were taken. Firstly, a slotting exercise was done to democratically decide when a company would come in the placement process. Also, for the third year in a row, a scheduling algorithm was run in the placement process to optimally match the company and students preferences during the recruitment exercise. To encourage entrepreneurship, FMS provides a placement holiday to students who wish to pursue their own ventures and allows them to participate in a subsequent placement process for up to 2 years, in case they want to avail the opportunity.

FMS: Key Trends in placement 2017
FMS Delhi has a legacy of securing stellar placements, both in terms of the compensation and the wide variety of profiles on offer. Placement 2017 was no exception to this feat. 209 students out of the MBA batch 2015-17 comprising 218 students at this highly ranked B school participated in the placement process 2017 to explore placement opportunities. 9 students from the batch of 2017 opted to sign out from the Final Placements this season.
Students were offered roles in Consultancy & General Management, Sales & Marketing, BFSI, IT & Operations, and E-commerce among others.

Average salary goes up
Proving again that there is no slow down for FMS MBA education, students of this highly ranked B school with high ROI grabbed higher compensation packages in placement 2017. The placement season 2017 at FMS Delhi saw a rise in average salary to Rs.20.6 lakhs.

Top 50% of the offers accepted by the FMS students recorded an average salary package of Rs.26.4 lakhs in 2017.

High number of recruiters
Out of a total 156 participating recruiters who confirmed to participate in placement 2017 at FMS, 81 recruiters made 224 offers to 209 students.

FMS Placement 2017: BatchStatistics
Domain wise placement
Sales & Marketing


30% of the total offers were received in this domain. Some of the most prestigious companies in FMCG sector made offers at FMS Delhi in placement 2017.
The top recruiters in this domain include Alshaya, Asian Paints, Bajaj, Dr. Reddys, Godrej, HCL, Hindustan Unilever, Nestle, PepsiCo, Philips, RBG group,
Tata Sky, Tata Steel, Wipro among others.

E-Commerce, IT & Operations
Breakingthetrendthisyear,studentsatFMSreceivedagreaternumberofoffers inE-Commerce/ IT/ Operationsrolesascomparedtolastyear.
Companies that recruited from FMS for roles in E--?Commerce/IT/Operations were Amazon, Carzonrent, Dazzlo, Flipkart, HCL, Hexaware, IBM, PayTm, ShopClues,
Times Internet, Tolexo, Uber, VMock and Wipro. Amazon recruited for coveted roles in product management and program management. Uber recruited for the
highly sought after operations profile.

An increaseof50%inthenumberofstudentsplacedinsuchroles.Legacyrecruiters suchas Amazon, UberandPaytmrecruitedfortheircovetedroles.Theprocessalso
sawtheparticipation offirsttime recruiterssuchasCloudtail,OfBusiness,SharekhanandWadi.

FMS saw a good increase in the number of roles in Finance offered to students in comparison to last year. Offersweremadeacrossdomainswhich included Investment
Banking,Treasury, M&A, PrivateEquity,CorporateBankingand CorporateFinance.

Companies that recruited from FMS for Finance roles were Avendus Capital, Axis Bank, Capital Citi Bank; Cloudtail; Crisil;Goldman Sachs; HSBC;
ICICI Bank;Intellect Design;Indus Valley Partners; KotakMahindra Bank; RBL Bank; Reliance; RPG; StandardChartered;Yes Bank.

Consulting & General Management

FMS Placement 2017: Key highlights
-- Highest International CTC:$150,000
-- Highest Domestic CTC: INR54 lakhs
-- Average CTC: INR 20.6 lakhs
-- Average CTC for top 50% batch: INR26.4 lakhs
Since 1954, as one of the top management institutes in India, FMS has developed distinct brand equity. The learners here challenge assumptions, think beyond
visible limits, and add the value of excellence in whatever they do. It was established under the aegis of the University of Delhi. It is situated in the heart of North
Campus neighboring some of best colleges and departments of the university.

FMS Delhi is a high ROI B school. If you want to do your MBA from a Top leading Premier B School without burning a hole in your pocket, FMS Delhi is the ideal
option for you. No other top rated B School in India charges fees as low as Rs.11,000/- per year for a full time MBA degree. On certain counts doing MBA from
FMS Delhi is better than doing it from a top IIM.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on FMS Delhi

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