MAT 2017 February Results: Know your MBA options; last opportunity to do MBA in 2017 from top MBA colleges
Ignorance about the MBA colleges accepting MAT score is keeping away many candidates from applying, even after declaration MAT February 2017 exam result
Post declaration of February MAT 2017 exam result on February 22, the candidates are still worried whether they would get some good MBA college to pursue their dream of doing MBA in 2017. Many top scorers in MAT 2017 February exam are in the state of indecision as they are not aware about the good MBA options with their MAT 2017 February score cards in hand.
The very first thing we should know is that MAT 2017 February result offers last chance with any All India MBA entrance exam score to get admission in good MBA college. Most of the good MBA colleges who accept MAT exam score have either closed their application process or propose to close it in a few days.
It is for the first time that candidates are blessed with a round of good options of MBA admission available to them in the good MBA colleges with MAT 2017 February score card. Candidates are supposed to exercise their options in time. The admission opportunities that exist in MBA colleges in all percentile range of MAT, may close shortly as application deadlines in almost all the B-schools are very near.
Top MBA colleges accepting MAT scores
Check your MAT percentile score and according to that find the best MBA colleges accepting MAT and where your admission chances are high as the list of MBA colleges accepting MAT Feb 2017 exam scores is as high as of 700 MBA colleges.
Candidates who have scored 500+ may expect a good B school, if they are quick to react and apply to the preferred B schools accepting MAT 2017 February scores.
MAT February exam scores will be considered for admission by 308 management institutes in AIMAs list of institutes and 400 MBA colleges in Maharashtra where candidates can still register for their Centralized Admission Process (CAP) 2017 the PI round for admission to various MBA/MMS/PGDM programme.
All these 400 B-schools from Maharashtra can offer admission to MMS/MBA programmes only to those MAT test takers who will register and attend the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) 2017 to be conducted by Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra in the month of May-June 2017 after declaration of MAH-CET 2017 result.
MAT accepting colleges are spread all over India. Apart from the listed MBA colleges on AIMA site, any B-School - national or international - can consider MAT Score as an admission input based on the Score Cards issued to the candidates.
MAT February 2017 exam Result can offer you admission to following top B-schools and many others
K J Somaiya, Mumbai
N L Dalmiya, Mumbai
Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH) Greater Noida
New Delhi Institute of Management (NDIM) New Delhi
SIES College of Management Studies (SIESCOMS) Navi Mumbai
XIME Bangalore,
Alliance School of Business - Alliance University Bangalore
College of Management & Economics Studies University of Petroleum Energy Studies (UPES) Dehradun
Durga Devi Saraf Institute of Management Studies (DSIMS) Mumbai
FLAME University School of Business (FLAME) Pune
IFIM Business School (IFIM B School) Bangalore
Jaipuria Institute of Management (Jaipuria) Noida
Jaipuria Institute of Management (Jaipuria) Lucknow
KIIT School of Management (KSOM) Bhubaneswar
MIT School of Business (MITSOB) Pune
To know more aboutTop MBA colleges accepting MAT like collegesacceptingMATscore above 700, 600, 500 and also Top 10 MAT Colleges, click here.
Duplicate score card after March 15
AIMA has despatched the MAT 2017 February exam score cards through normal post. Candidates can view and download their score cards from AIMA site also. However, in case the score card is not received due to one or other reason, the queries as to non-receipt of MAT Score Cards will be entertained only after 15th of March, 2017.
A duplicate score card can be obtained by following the procedure given below:
Application on plain paper requesting for a duplicate Score Card.
Photocopy of the lower half of the Admit Card, which was handed over at the test centre duly signed by the invigilator Or Some Govt ID proof.
Self addressed envelope having :
a) Size 24 cms x 12 cms (approx)
b) Candidate address written in capitals
c) Postage stamp of Rs. 40/- affixed for sending by Speed Post.
The above documents are to be sent at Manager CMS, All India Management Association, Management House, 14, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003
Request for duplicate Score Card as above without any fee will be entertained upto 45 days of the declaration of the results. All requests for duplicate Score Card received thereafter will have to be accompanied with a demand draft of Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of All India Management Association, payable at New Delhi.
Out of the recent 2 MAT exams conducted in December 2016 and February 2017 your best score in MAT will be the criterion in many National and International B schools for admission to MBA/PGDM programmes 2017.
Get help online for MBA admission 2017
To help out MAT 2017 February and December candidates, has started unique initiative to provide updates on MAT Cut-offs, Expert guidance, Admission Counselling for Admission 2017.
MAT 2017 February exam was conducted in paper pencil as well as CBT online test. In the paper pen format MAT 2017 February exam was held on Sunday February 5, 2017 with a test duration of 150 minutes from 10 AM to 12.30 PM in 51 test cities in India. The Computer Based online test was scheduled from Saturday February 11, 2017 onwards in 12 test cities.
AIMA conducts Management Aptitude Test (MAT) 4 times in a year. The next exam is May MAT 2017. The test is proposed on May 7 in paper pen mode and on May 13 in computer based format. Registration process for May MAT 2017 will start in the 1st week of March.
Stay tuned to for more updates on MAT 2017 February exam result
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