Last Updated on March 14, 2017 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAH CET 2017 Result Analysis: 99.99 percentile at 136 marks; expect low cut offs at JBIMS, SIMSREE MBA/MMS 2017-19

DTE Maharashtra has declared the result of 88226 candidates who appeared in MAH CET 2017 exam out of total 94,679 total registered candidates

MAH CET 2017 Result Analysis: 99.99 percentile at 136 marks; expect low cut offs at JBIMS, SIMSREE MBA/MMS 2017-19

MAH CET 2017 result for admission to MBA/MMS 2017-19 has surprised thousands of candidates as the highest percentile of 99.99 in MAH CET is awarded this year to the score range of 136 to 145 marks as against 151 to 165 marks last year, this has brightened admission chances to JBIMS and other top colleges at low scores. On the top of it only 1 candidate has obtained the highest score of 145 marks.

MAHCET 2018 Result Analysis: JBIMS, SIMSREE Cut offs to go up; 10000 seats for All India candidates
DTE Maharashtra has declared the result of 88226 candidates who appeared in MAH CET 2017 exam out of total 94,679 total registered candidates. While there are 88177 candidates who have scored non-zero positive marks, 49 test takers have score zero marks and zero percentile in MAH CET 2017 exam for admission to MBA/MMS 2017 programme at JBIMS, SIMSREE, K J Somaiya and other 400 MBA colleges in Maharashtra.

MAH CET 2018 Exam Analysis
Based on the award of percentile scores in MAH CET 2017, the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) to be conducted by DTE Maharashtra for admission to MBA/MMS 2017 in top B-schools of Maharashtra may see low scorers getting into JBIMS, SIMSREE, K J Somaiya, N L Dalmiya among other highly ranked colleges. The result has surprised the test takers and academicians alike as not only there is a dip in high scores, substantial gap also exists in the highest scores with top percentile. The scoring pattern in MAH CET 2016 is a clear indication that low scorers may also explore admission opportunities in top B-schools of Maharashtra.

MAH CET 2017 Result has been declared on March 10, 2017 at 5PM. Along with the individual access to the result, the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) has published the comprehensive list of successful candidates who appeared in MAH CET 2017 MBA/MMS entrance exam on March 4 and 5, 2017 in multiple sessions. The result contains the name of the candidates, their MAH CET score and percentile score.

Top scorers in MAH CET 2017
The highest percentile of 99.99 in MAH CET 2017 has been awarded to all the 11candidates who have scored marks between 136 to 145. The highest score is lower than last year. This has increased the admission chances in JBIMS, SIMSREE, K J Somaiya and other top MBA colleges at lower scores compared to last year scores.

MAH CET 2017 score: 145
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
MAH CET 2017 score: 140
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
MAH CET 2017 score: 139
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
4. Name: RIA MEHTA
MAH CET 2017 score: 139
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
MAH CET 2017 score: 138
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
MAH CET 2017 score: 138
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
MAH CET 2017 score: 138
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
MAH CET 2017 score: 137
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
MAH CET 2017 score: 137
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
10. Name: SHASHANK
MAH CET 2017 score: 136
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
MAH CET 2017 score: 136
MAH CET 2017 Percentile: 99.99
93.18% appeared in MAH CET 2017

The percentage of candidates who took MAH CET 2017 exam is 93.18% of the total registered candidates. There are 88226 candidates who appeared in MAH CET 2017 exam out of 94679 total registered candidates for the exam. This is the highest number and percentage of the candidates who have registered and appeared in MAH CET exam during the last 4 years.

Result trends: Low scores in 2nd successive year
For the 2nd year in succession, MAH CET 2017 score sheet published by DTE Maharashtra shows a dip in highest score leading to highest percentile. In MAH CET 2017, highest percentile of 99.99 has been awarded to 11 candidates who scored in the range of 136 to 145 marks.

MAH CET 2017 result as per the past trend has awarded the raw scores alongwith the percentile scores. On the award of percentile scores in MAH CET 2017, admission process to MBA/MMS 2017 in top B-schools of Maharashtra would begin through DTE-Centralized Admission Process (CAP) 2017 to be held in the month of May 2017.
MAH CET 2017 Vs 2016 Result

MAH CET Result year
Highest Marks scored
Highest score range for award of highest percentile
Highest percentile awarded to the score range

151 165

136 145

No 100 percentiler in last 4 years
For the last 4 years, DTE Maharashtra has not awarded 100 percentile to any candidate. There is only 1 candidate who has scored highest145 marks out of maximum 200 marks in MAH CET 2017 exam. Last year, 99.99 percentile was awarded to the candidates who scored in the range of 151 to 165.

11 candidates awarded highest percentile
11 candidates have been awarded the highest 99.99 percentile in MAH CET 2017 but the marks scored by them are much lower than that of candidates who scored the similar percentile last year. Besides, the scoring pattern also indicates sufficient gap among the top scorers. At a score of 107 out of 200 marks candidates have scored 99+ percentile.

863 score 99+ percentile in MAH CET 2017
There are 863 candidates who have scored above 99 percentile by scoring 107 and more marks out of 200 in MAH CET 2017 exam. A quick glance at the scores will bring home the idea whether you could get admission opportunity in JBIMS, SIMSREE, N L Dalmiya, K J Somaiya, PUMBA among other top 100 MBA colleges who will offer admission through DTE-CAP 2017.

Score Range (Marks scored out of 200)
Percentile score awarded
Number of candidates in the range
136 - 145

132 - 135






107 to 124
99.02 to 99.9

JBIMS, SIMSREE: Cut off may go down to 115-120
It is expected that the cut offs in top MBA colleges and the merit scores calculated in CAP round may go down for admission to top MBA colleges this year. It is possible that candidates scoring as low as 120 can get into JBIMS, SIMSREE, K J Somaiya, N L Dalmiya among other highly ranked colleges.

JBIMS, Mumbai which has earlier announced that it would conduct its own GD-PI round, has clarified now that it will accept MAH CET 2017 exam scores and will also participate in the DTE-CAP 2017. The admission to JBIMS will be on the same lines as adopted for other 400 MBA/MMS colleges of Maharashtra. There is no need to the candidates to apply to JBIMS separately now.

After the MAH CET 2017 result declaration, the DTE-Maharashtra proposes to open registration process and notify the dates for the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) through which seat allotment will be made in 440 Maharashtra B-schools shortly.

MAH CET 2017 exam was held in multiple sessions on March 4 and 5, 2017 across the country for admission to MMS/MBA/PGDM and other Management programmes in MBA colleges of Maharashtra.
There are more than 40000 seats in MBA/MMS/PGDM programmes in 400+ MBA colleges of Maharashtra in which admission opportunity can be explored through Centralized Admission Process on the basis of MAH CET 2017; CAT 2016; XAT 2017; CMAT 2017; MAT 2017; GMAT and ATMA exam scores.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on MAH CET 2017 Result and Centralized Admission Process

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