Last Updated on June 16, 2017 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

EDII Ahmedabad: Grooming entrepreneurship among students; Admission open in Corporate sponsored B-school till June 19

EDII sponsored by apex financial institutions offers 2 years full time PGDM-BE and PGDM-DS programmes and students prefer launching their own ventures instead of participating in placement process

EDII Ahmedabad: Grooming entrepreneurship among students; Admission open in Corporate sponsored B-school till June 19

Much before the launch of Make in India; Start-up India campaigns, the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad felt the need to launch a program in order to develop entrepreneurial skills for those who intended to grow and diversify their family businesses or create new ventures. Doing PGDM from EDII will shape your career as an entrepreneur instead of making you a job seeker after completion of the 2 years management programme.

EDII offers 2 years full time PGDM-BE and PGDM-DS programmes. EDI students prefer launching their own ventures instead of participating in placement process as has happened in past placement seasons. Students of EDII instead of searching a job that kills the creativity prefers sharpening their entrepreneurship skills after completing their PGDM (Business Entrepreneurship) although high placement is also offered by prominent recruiters to EDII students.

EDII is one of the few pioneer B-schools where you can still get admission in either of the two PGDM programmes. The last date to apply is June 19, 2017. The institute has consistently been successful in creating more entrepreneurs than job seekers in the country.

According to Dr Sunil Shukla, Director of EDII, Ahmedabad EDII develops students to continuously analyze opportunities and take initiatives based on calculated risks to seize them with confidence. They are groomed for creating, developing and nurturing an enterprise.

Corporate Sponsored B-school
Sponsored by apex financial institutions namely IDBI Bank, IFCI, ICICI and State Bank of India (SBI), the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) Ahmedabad was set up in 1983 with the vision to inculcate Entrepreneurship skills among management aspirants. EDII believes that entrepreneurs need not necessarily be born, but can be developed through well-conceived and well-directed activities.

Programmes offered
EDII offers 2 academic PGDM programs PGDM (BE) and PGDM (DS). The Post Graduate Diploma in Management- Business Entrepreneurship (PGDM-BE) is AICTE approved two year full- time programme and offers specializations in New Venture Creation and Family Business Management.

Post Graduate Diploma in Management Development Studies (PGDM-DS) is also AICTE approved, 2 years full-time programme. It is specially designed to enhance leadership skills and competencies to develop and implement strategies that enable professionals to work in development sector organisations or set up their own social enterprises.

Admission Process open at EDII
The candidates seeking admission in EDII can get admission to one of its PGDM programmes on the basis of any national level MBA entrance tests like CAT/MAT/CMAT/ATMA/XAT.
The admission process at EDII for June cycle is open till June 19 to participate in GD-PI round. All eligible candidates of PGDM-Business Entrepreneurship are called for Entrepreneurial Aptitude Test followed by Group Discussion and Personal Interview. And those for PGDM-Development Studies are called for Social Awareness test followed by Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Candidates are selected based on their overall performance.

Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI) schedule
June Cycle

Last Date for Submitting Application Form
19 June 2017

Download Admit Card
19 June 2017 onwards

GD and PI
22-23 June 2017

How to apply

Apply online at http://forms.ediindia.ac.in/
Application Fee is Rs. 1025/-.You can pay online through Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net Banking.
Please keep your scanned passport size photograph ready before filling the form. The photo size should not be more than 50 KB. Allowed photo types are png gif jpg jpeg.

Key features of PGDM at EDII
PGDM (BE) enables student entrepreneurs to work either individually or in teams and gain entrepreneurial experiences, understand the market pressures and demands in the early stage of their start-ups.
EDII Gurukul provides mentoring and networking support to students and professionals who are passionate about starting new ventures.

Milestone Based Learning has been introduced to enable students in attaining stepping stones along their entrepreneurial journey. Successful milestone bonus point achievers are offered seed funding for setting up new ventures.
With an aim to help students in exploring business opportunities in varied promising sectors about 20 Industry Verticals are offered under the program from which students can opt for any three.
Leading practitioners from respective fields are invited for seminar sessions to conduct intensive sector specific knowledge sharing exercises which enable students in tapping exclusive, niche areas and also strengthen their networks.

PGDM (DS) focuses on building a cadre of new generation development professionals with required knowledge, competence, orientation and values
Builds expertise for promotion of solutions in the areas of Microenterprise, Micro finance, Livelihood promotion, Women entrepreneurship, Group entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility
Offers rewarding careers around overall economic development with inclusive growth; Sustainable and environment friendly solutions; Governance; Use of technology for development

High Placement rate at EDII
EDIIs PGDM- Business Entrepreneurship program aims to create first generation entrepreneurs, growth drivers of family businesses and intrapreneurs or enterprising managers. Students are groomed for creating, developing and nurturing an enterprise.

78 percent of PGDM-Business Entrepreneurship alumni have opted for entrepreneurial careers. They have either charted growth paths for their family businesses or have created new ventures in varied fields including manufacturing, trading and service sectors.EDII alumni with their intrapreneurial skills have reached at senior positions in reputed organizations such as Kotak Securities, Plum Slice Labs, Patni Computers (iGATE), Eco Lab, Donear India Limited, DS Group, AC Nielson, Standard Chartered Bank and similar others.

The PGDM- Development Studies program has 100% placement in development sector organizations. According to Dr Shukla Our PGDM-Development Studies alumni are well placed across reputed national and international organisations.
Key recruiters for PGDM (DS) programme include the World Bank, Friends of Womens World Banking (FWWB), National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), Self Employed Womens Association (SEWA), Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Azim Premji Foundation, Annapurna Microfinance, Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP), UN Organizations, Selco India, Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan, Start-Up Village Entrepreneurship Program, Sense International India, Jaipur Rugs, Lupin Foundation, National Innovation Foundation, Adani Foundation, World Wildlife Fund(WWF), Saath Charitable Trust, Utthan, Care India, Jharkhand Skill Development Mission, Chetna, Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN), Unnati, Gujarat Livelihood Promotion Company (GLPC), State mission units of NRLM and similar others.

Since last date to apply to EDII Ahmedabad is drawing to close very shortly, those desirous to pursue PGDM-BE from EDII should no longer wait and should apply at the earliest.
The B school earns accolades and support from the World Bank, Commonwealth Secretariat, UNIDO, ILO, FNSt, British Council, Ford Foundation, European Union and several other renowned agencies.
So far EDII has provided assistance to 70+ countries in their Entrepreneurship Development projects. EDII has successfully carried out the prestigious task assigned by the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India, to set up Entrepreneurship Development Centres in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam apart from setting up twelve state-level exclusive entrepreneurship development centres and institutes. Top executives of apex financial institutions are on the Board of Governors of EDI.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on EDI I Ahmedabad

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