CAT 2017 Website: operational on July 30; 10 key points to note to appear in CAT
Activation of CAT 2017 website with the CAT notification release will be a great help for the CAT aspirants, to get full information about the CAT exam registration process, CAT exam pattern, syllabus, CAT exam test centres, CAT scoring pattern, Admission criteria for IIMs in detail
What you wont get in the CAT 2017 notification, will all be available on CAT website, that too with all the minute details and guidance regarding the CAT 2017 registration process, exam pattern and answers to all other questions hovering your mind regarding the conduct of CAT 2017 and admission process at IIMs.
The Official CAT 2017 website will be launched on the same day of CAT notification release on July 30, this has been confirmed by CAT convener Prof Neeraj Dwivedi, faculty and admission chair at IIM Lucknow. He has informed, The website is also expected to be activated the same day of bringing out the CAT notification on 30th July.
Activation of CAT 2017 website with the CAT notification release will be a great help for the CAT aspirants, to get full information about the CAT exam registration process, CAT exam date, CAT exam pattern, syllabus, CAT exam test centres, CAT scoring pattern, Admission criteria for IIMs in detail as the CAT notification is an advertisement with information in very short. The official CAT website is to be activated a few hours after the CAT notification release.
Important links about CAT 2017 exam date, notification
- CAT 2017 to be a single-day two-session exam; likely Exam Date is November 26:
- CAT 2017 Notification release on July 30 by IIM Lucknow; 5 dos on this Sunday
- CAT 2017: Online Registration & Application begins on scheduled date; be ready with your documents
You will get all the important information in detail on CAT website which will help you in ascertaining your eligibility, completing the CAT 2017 registration, keeping updated on the changes in exam pattern, making fee payment and getting answers to all your CAT related queries. You should check the following detailed information on CAT website which is supposed to be made live on July 30 by IIM Lucknow:
Important dates and CAT exam schedule
All the dates related to CAT 2017 exam schedule are available on CAT website in regard to dates for CAT registration commencement and close, CAT registration process and fee
CAT exam eligibility: Ascertain your candidature
There are certain instances where candidates even after completing their graduation are not eligibile to appear in CAT. The official CAT website will inform about the key eligibility criteria for example acceptable recognized institutes and universities, percentage of marks and grades among others.
CAT registration guide and video
CAT registration guide and registration video will be launched only on CAT website by IIM Lucknow to help IIM aspirants to know about the step by step registration process, how to register for the first time, how to fill up the CAT online application form, required documents and their size, how to upload your image, signature and mandatory documents and how to make payment of CAT 2017 registration fee.
CAT 2017 exam Syllabus
The CAT exam does not have a defined syllabus for CAT preparation. However, going by the past CAT exam pattern and topics on which questions are asked in CAT exam every year, a candidate can take the clue to prepare for CAT 2017 exam which will amount to preparing as per CAT syllabus.
Syllabus of CAT exam 2017 is based on the mentioned guidelines and current structure of CAT exam. Past tendencies reflect that CAT exam syllabus and pattern overall tests the candidate on Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension; Quantitative Aptitude; Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning. CAT exam Syllabus covers all the major topics on these test sections..
CAT 2017: Revised exam pattern
Details about revised exam pattern of CAT 2017, its sections, number of questions, type of questions are shared only on CAT website and not in CAT notification. Since the CAT exam pattern is reviewed every year by IIMs, there could be major or minor changes in CAT 2017 exam pattern which could be understood after going through the CAT website.
CAT 2017 Mock: Only way to understand question pattern
Official CAT mock tests are the key source to understand the CAT exam pattern and CAT exam syllabus. The more you practice and study according to this structure and content, the better will be your CAT preparation. The official CAT Mock and other sectional quizzes can be practiced now. IIM Lucknow proposes to enable next official mock test for CAT 2017 around October 2017 on CAT website.
Important Instructions & CAT Admit Card
All the key instructions in regard to your CAT 2017 admit card, exam day instructions, what to carry and what not to carry are contained on the CAT website. All the CAT aspirants who have registered and wish to appear in CAT 2017 should meticulously follow these important instructions.
CAT 2017 Test centres
Year after year the test cities for CAT exam are changed. It is again expected that for CAT 2017 a few test cities may not be included in different states. This information is made available on CAT website only. For example in 2015 IIM Ahmedabad discontinued Noida as one of the test centres, but in 2016, IIM Bangalore again included Noida as one of the CAT test centres.
CAT 2015 had 136 test cities, CAT 2016 had 138 test cities across the country but now a few of the small town CAT test centres are proposed to be discontinued for CAT 2017.
CAT Scoring pattern & IIMs Admission Criteria
To keep the academic diversity and more representation of different education domain in IIMs on increasing trend, in case there is any change in the scoring pattern of CAT 2017 it will be available only on CAT website.
Updates on IIMs and their programmes
The CAT 2017 website will display number of different management programmes offered by the 20 IIMs and other B-schools accepting CAT 2017 scores. You will need to choose the preferred IIM and preferred programme while finalizing the CAT 2017 registration.
Candidates will be shortlisted for all the programmes on the basis of CAT 2017 scores. So, before you apply for CAT 2017, you must visit the websites and/or read programme advertisements of the concerned IIM and specific programmes to ensure which programmes you want to apply for, eligibility requirements and admission processes.
This will help you to finalise your registration process as you need to choose and fill up the names of IIMs and their programmes in order of preference so that you may be considered by respective IIM as per your choice, if you are shortlisted.
Admission to around 6000 seats in 20 IIMs in 2018 will be offered on the basis of CAT 2017 scores and subsequent admission rounds. If CAT 2017 website opens alongwith the release of notification, please ensure to go through it and arrange the required items of information as they will be required at the time of registration and application for CAT 2017.
IIM Lucknow is convening CAT 2017 exam for admission to MBA/PGDM 2018-20 programmes in all the 20 IIMs, FMS Delhi, SPJIMR Mumbai, MDI Gurugram, IMI New Delhi, IMT Ghaziabad, JBIMS Mumbai, TAPMI Manipal and other hundreds of highly ranked B-schools in India. Professor Neeraj Dwivedi, faculty and admission chair at IIM Lucknow is the convener for CAT 2017.
Stay tuned to for more updates on CAT 2017
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