Last Updated on August 25, 2017 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2017: 10 Application & Registration FAQs from aspirants of IIMs, FMS, MDI, answered by experts

IIM Lucknow the CAT 2017 convening IIM, warns the aspirants not to make mistakes at various registration and application points while filling up the CAT 2017 registration and application form. The expert responds to key queries and FAQs raised by aspirants on CAT 2017 registration process

CAT 2017: 10 Application & Registration FAQs from aspirants of IIMs, FMS, MDI, answered by experts

IIM Lucknow the CAT 2017 convening IIM, warns the aspirants not to make mistakes at various registration and application points while filling up the CAT 2017 registration and application form. The CAT 2017 registration process requires a bit diligent attention and the basic reason is that many details are not allowed to be changed later on.

It is therefore, very much necessary to understand well the key points and get answers to your CAT registration related queries before beginning the registration process. While the registration guide and video have been enabled by CAT Centre 2017, still there are points where students get stuck and are unable to move further on registration.

CAT 2017 registration process which opened on August 9 at 10 AM, has 2 parts comprising personal details and application details in 5 pages. Many items in CAT 2017 registration process creating confusion among aspirants are answered by experts to ensure error free submission.
Important CAT registration related links

  • CAT 2017: No GST on CAT Registration fee; other exams with 18% tax - know the cheapest payment mode
  • CAT 2017: 5 Registration form mistakes, you should avoid in Personal details & Academics
  • CAT 2017 registration is open now: Know how to register and apply

Prof S K Agarwal, expert on Verbal Ability and mentor on CAT 2017 preparation, while responding to various FAQs and queries advises aspirants to go through the necessary guidelines for registration and prepare a check list before beginning the process. This exercise is required as leaving any mandatory box blank by not filling up the required information or filling up any wrong information may render the candidate disqualified even if he or she has secured a high percentile in CAT 2017.
All the CAT experts and mentors suggest that aspirants should patiently complete the entire registration process for CAT 2017. Instead of resorting to speedy or overconfidently filling up the registration and application form, without arranging proper information in order of instructions, completing the process item by item and page by page should be ensured.

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Read the instructions and arrange the documents

Read the guidelines to gather the required information
Prepare a check list of documents
You can complete the process in 15 minutes, but if you are not clear on any point, remain confused, do not understand the step by step process, forget even a single step or do not correctly fill in the required information, you are running the risk of losing your candidature as well as the registration fee paid to appear for CAT 2017 exam

The expert responds to key queries and FAQs of CAT 2017 aspirants on all the important points below:
Registration: Create the Profile first
The first part of CAT 2017 registration is related to creating the profile and the process is very short and simple. On the homepage of CAT 2017 website, there is a simple icon Registration for new user. It will ask you to insert your registration details like name, date of birth, email and mobile number. When you complete it, please check and then click on submit as later on you wont be able to make modifications in your name and date of birth.

After submission, you will receive the necessary one time password (OTP) on your mobile. This will enable you to login with another CAT 2017 password that you will receive immediately after entering your OTP. You can then complete the CAT 2017 registration process by login with the new CAT 2017 ID received on mail and password which you will immediately receive on your mobile.

Writing your Name be careful
According to the instructions for CAT 2017 Registration process name of a candidate should be the same as on your 12th/Diploma/Degree certificates. You are therefore supposed to write your name as it appears on the prescribed document.
Many candidates have their surnames appearing before their first names in their 12th standard certificates. Now the problem is whether to write the name in the order as given in the certificate or should begin with the first name. Since the name has to be as per the certificate, you have to abide by the guidelines.

If you have a changed name?
If you have a changed name, you may enter your changed name but need to produce supporting documents for change of name at the time of examination, interview and admission.
Please do not write a name different from the one given in the prescribed certificate unless the supporting documents are available as it is fraught with the risk of not being allowed to appear in CAT 2017.

How to enter DOB? No change possible afterwards
As per the registration instructions for CAT 2017, no amendment is possible in Date of Birth after making the payment for registration and clicking the submit button. Format for filling up the date of birth is DD/MM/YYYY in CAT 2017 registration and a candidate is not required to write it since the calendar icon has to be used to select the correct date.

When to login as existing User?
To login to next part of registration, please go to Existing user login and use your CAT 2017 Id and password received by you from CAT Centre 2017 on your mobile and mail. Please note this is not OTP but the CAT 2017 ID and Password.
This part of registration and application for CAT 2017 consists of 5 pages
1.Personal Details | 2.Academics | 3.Work Experience | 4.Programmes | 5.Payment
CAT 2017 has not asked for payment of registration fee before completion of registration and application form. The requisite fee of Rs.1800/- is to be paid online only after completion of CAT 2018 registration and application details.
Dont be in a confused state, be clear
It is very much necessary that you are clear on what you have to fill in the CAT 2017 registration form and how to complete it. Petty mistakes can lead you to go for re-registration as your earlier registration will become invalid and you may have to shell out another chunk of Rs.1800/-.
How to upload Photograph & Signature? What is the size
You need to upload the photograph and signature of required size in personal details section. Scan the photograph and signature of required size and then upload them.

The scanned image of your passport photo must be within the dimensions of 30mm X 45mm. Also, upload the scanned image of your signature within the dimensions of 80mm X 35mm. The documents file format should be a .jpg or .jpeg and the file size should not be more than 80KB each. The image should be clear with a minimum resolution of 150px/inch. The photo should not be more than 6 months old and should have a white background. You will require the same photograph uploaded here, to be affixed on the admit card on the day of the test November 26, 2017.
The suggestion is to put your signature on a plain white piece of paper in black ink. Scan the signature part only and get to the required size and then upload.

How to upload the documents?
The required category certificates are available on the site. Download the Certificate from the CAT 2017 Website, fill, and get signatures of appropriate authorities, self-attest and scan as PDF document to upload. This is the prescribed process.
If you already have a certificate that fulfils the prescribed criteria, you may upload the same. Please cross check the details given in your certificate and the certificate on CAT 2017 site

The certificate should have been issued by competent authority.
The name of the caste and caste number should appear in the certificate
The Ministrys resolution/order number should be available
The certificate should be in Hindi or English only

Conversion of academic Grades to percentage: Simple process
If you have only grades instead of marks and percentage on your marks/grade sheet as many institutes/universities award grades only, you should obtain a certificate from the Board/Institute/University specifying the equivalent marks which should be used for filling the online CAT 2017 application form.

How to enter Work Experience?
The working professional finds it difficult to enter the relevant work experience. For example, if you are working in the Accounts & finance section of an Automobile company, what should you fill in - Finance or Automobile.
Think logically now. Although the company is an Automobile company, your experience is in Finance & Accounts. So, when you are asked about the area in which you are working, it is sure Finance but when you are asked about the type of company you are working in, it is Automobile. You should therefore select accordingly. The work experience is to be entered in months till July 31, 2017, please note.

How to choose the 4 preferred test cities?
CAT 2017 aspirants are given the option to select 4 Test Cities in order of preference while completing the CAT 2017 online application form. All the 144 test cities are available at the drop down menu and you can select the preferred 4 cities out of them.

According to Prof Neeraj Dwivedi, convener CAT 2017 and faculty at IIM Lucknow, Test Cities and Centres will be assigned to the candidates only after the last date for CAT 2017 registration and hence candidates need not rush to block slots and cities in the initial days of registration. Adding further Prof Dwivedi shares, We will try our best to assign candidates to their first preferred city. In case it is not possible, they will be assigned a city following their given order of preference. In the rare case that a candidate is not allotted any of the preferred cities, he/she will be allotted to an alternate city.

Carefully make Payment: Preview the data
Please preview the data that you have entered and ensure that entire information is error free. If you make the payment of Rs.1800/- and submit there is no scope to rectify any incorrectly entered information.
Besides, its quite possible that at the material time of making payment for CAT 2017 some internet issue comes up or some wrong details are entered. The first step is to connect to your Bank and by the time you get your amount back, make the payment again with correct details to avoid the loss of money and opportunity
When to Register? Expert advice

Please also remember there is no use of waiting for the last days as it is possible that due to heavy rush during the last days of CAT 2017 registration, there may be some technical problems, to avoid it you should register and apply for CAT 2017 without waiting for the eleventh hour.

It will therefore, be better to register and apply for CAT 2017 by following the guidelines, paying requisite fee within next 2-3 days, instead of waiting for the eleventh hour if you wish to avoid last minute technical glitches in CAT 2017 registration site and getting your application fee stuck in transit.

Common Admission Test (CAT) 2017 conducted by IIM Lucknow, with Prof Neeraj Dwivedi as exam convener is the mandatory exam for admission to MBA/PGDM 2018-20 batch of all the 20 IIMs, FMS Delhi, SPJIMR, MDI, IMI, IMT, TAPMI, NITIE, JBIMS among other top B-schools. The CAT 2017 will be held on Sunday November 26, 2017 in morning and afternoon sessions. The registration and application process for CAT 2017 is proposed to close on September 20, 2017 at 5PM.
Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on CAT 2017
CAT 2017 Related links:

  • CAT 2017: Exam pattern to benefit second timers more; may get edge in IIMs shortlist
  • CAT 2017: 5 tips from toppers how to prepare & crack CAT; begin your journey to IIM A,B,C in 2018
  • CAT 2017: 5 changes in Exam Syllabus; ensure your preparation on right CAT exam pattern & topics
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