Last Updated on August 29, 2017 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2017 Registration: Backlog or grace marks in bachelors - no hindrance to apply to IIMs

A backlog still to be cleared or grace marks are awarded to clear the graduation, poses no obstacle in CAT 2017 registration and applying to IIMs in the CAT 2017 application form. CAT 2017 Registration is allowed even with the backlog and supplementary exam scores in your graduation, there is no need to worry

CAT 2017 Registration: Backlog or grace marks in bachelors - no hindrance to apply to IIMs

If there is a backlog still to be cleared or grace marks are awarded to clear the graduation, it poses no obstacle in CAT 2017 registration and applying to IIMs in the CAT 2017 application form. CAT 2017 Registration is allowed even with the backlog and supplementary exam scores in your graduation, there is no need to worry.

In response to the query whether a candidate who has completed his Bachelors degree in May-June 2017 but have backlog, is eligible to apply for CAT 2017, Prof Neeraj Dwivedi, Convener CAT 2017 and faculty at IIM Lucknow has shared Yes, as per the CAT 2017 eligibility norms, candidates who are completing their degree by May 2018 are eligible to appear for CAT. However, the candidate should select Yes to the question Are you in the final year of Bachelor Degree.

If a candidate has cleared his graduation in any stream with required minimum 50% percent marks or with the minimum percentage of marks required as per his/her category details but has backlog in his/her studies, IIM Lucknow allows him to register for CAT 2017 without any hindrance. There are still more than 20 days available to register for CAT 2017, it is advisable to register without any hurry but avoid the last minute rush which may cause technical glitches.

Related links:

  • CAT 2017: 10 Application & Registration FAQs from aspirants of IIMs, FMS, MDI, answered by experts
  • CAT 2017 Registration: 5 Steps guide to fill CAT application form error free; dont waste Rs.1800/-
  • CAT 2017: No GST on CAT Registration fee; other exams with 18% tax - know the cheapest payment mode

CAT 2017 registration process will come to close on September 20, 2017 at 5 PM after remaining open for 43 days. CAT 2017 aspirants who wish to explore admission to one of the IIMs and ready to register but are unable to understand the various eligibility criteria, guidelines and the online process are getting stuck on small items and are making avoidable mistakes in registration process due to which they are neither able to enter relevant information nor are able to make payment.

Graduation Backlog & Supplementary scores acceptable
Eligibility criteria for CAT 2017 have been described well on CAT 2017 website. Many candidates are still getting confused on various aspects of eligibility and what they should enter in the relevant column.
After analyzing the CAT 2017 registration and application form on academics, experts at MBAUniverse.com share below how to complete the CAT registration process error free, to enable the candidates to get rid of various confusions on academic page

If you have completed your bachelors degree but have a backlog, you can register and apply for CAT 2017.
If you have to appear in supplementary re-examination to complete the graduation degree you are eligible to register and apply for CAT 2017.
The only condition is that you should be able to score the required percentage of 50% marks (General category) and 45% for other categories.
Select Yes to the question Are you in the final year of Bachelor Degree while completing the CAT 2017 registration form.
Submit a certificate latest by June 30, 2018 from the Principal/Registrar of the college/institute (issued on or before June 30, 2018) stating that you have completed all the requirements including appearing for supplementary exams. Results may be awaited.

Candidates belonging to categories for which seats are reserved need to note and readthe eligibility requirements carefully before applying. No change in the category will beentertained after the closure of registration window.
A copy of the Reserved Category certificate(s) must be uploaded at the time of CATApplication online. Failure to upload a copy of the caste/class certificate will result in therejection of your CAT 2017 registration.

NMATbyGMAC 2017: Registrations open. Apply now. NMAT by GMAC exam opens doors to leading management programmes.

Details of Academics: Enter carefully

Details of educational qualification will be required to be entered on the academics page of CAT 2017 registration form, beginning from results of class 10 to the highest qualification with year of passing, marks obtained, percentage of marks, correct name of the Board/University/Institute. It will be better to note down the entire information well before starting the registration process.
There could be 2 options under Bachelors/graduation degree; complete or incomplete. Please enter the data accordingly. If you opt for incomplete, the number of completed years and average/aggregate marks will be required to be filled up in the CAT 2017 application form, till the last completed year.

How to enter management Programmes of IIMs?

Prepare a list jotting down the programmes and the 20 IIMs as per your preference before going to register and apply for CAT 2017
You will be required to enter the programmes offered by IIMs for which you wish to be considered for admission after CAT 2017. The programme names and institutes have already been displayed in the notification. To avoid any confusion and time wastage, write down the details so that the same can be entered quickly.

Choose the 4 preferred test cities
You are required to enter the 4 preferred test cities out of 144 test centres in CAT 2017 registration form. So make sure about these testing cities and then enter the same from drop down menu during registration process. The test centre, date and session shall be advised to you with your admit card which will be available for download from CAT 2017 website with effect from October 18.
Dont pay before Data preview

Pay after verifying the registration data inserted by you for CAT 2017. In case you commit any mistake during the registration or application process, your money would go down the drain.
CAT 2017 has placed the exercise of making the on-line payment as the last step of filling up the form. This change will enable the aspirants to review the accuracy of the filled up details in their application form before making the payment.

Rectify the Errors before submission
You may select Existing User Login on CAT 2017 website to make changes to your personal details, such as address, educational information or exam city preferences. For security reasons, editing of candidates full name, date of birth, email id, mobile no and Country will not be allowed.
Once you have completed the last section, i.e. Payment, your application for CAT 2017 is considered complete and you will receive a confirmation mail. After this, changes to any information on the application form are not possible
While verifying the Captcha Please see that all the letters and numbers are properly entered without any confusion.
CAT 2017will be a single day 2 session exam and will be held on Sunday November 26, 2017 across the country at more than 650 testing venue. The shortlisted candidates on the basis of CAT 2017 scores will have the opportunity to get admission in one of the 20 Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) in 2018 and other top B-schools like FMS Delhi, SPJIMR Mumbai, MDI Gurgaon, IMI New Delhi, IMT Ghaziabad, JBIMS Mumbai, TAPMI Manipal among hundreds of others. It is expected that more than 2 lacs candidates will register for CAT 2017.
CAT 2017: Important dates

CAT 2017 exam related activity

CAT 2017 website activation
July 30, 2017

CAT 2017 Online registration begins
August 9, 2017

CAT 2017 Online registration ends
September 20, 2017 at 5PM

CAT 2017 Admit card download
October 18 till exam date

CAT 2017 Exam date
November 26, 2017 (Morning and afternoon session)

CAT 2017 Result declaration
Second week of January 2018

IIMs admission process begins
Immediately after CAT 2017 result declaration

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on CAT 2017

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