Last Updated on September 7, 2017 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

XIMB announces MBA admission 2018: Appear in X-GMT if not taking CAT/ XAT/GMAT

Highly ranked Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB) has announced the online admission process for MBA 2018-20 batch with an application fee of Rs.1500/-. The last date to apply is December 8, 2017

XIMB announces MBA admission 2018: Appear in X-GMT if not taking CAT/ XAT/GMAT

Accredited by SAQS and moving towards getting International AACSB Accreditation, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB), one of the highly ranked B-schools in India and an autonomous B-school integral part of Xavier University Bhubaneswar (XUB), has announced the online admission process to MBA 2018-20 batch.

The last date to apply for MBA programme at XIMB is December 8, 2017. XIMB will accept scores of CAT 2017, XAT 2018, and if you have not appeared in these exams, it will conduct X-GMT on Jan 28, 2018, for which you can apply now. Besides, XIMB will accept GMAT (taken from 2016 to 2017) scores as well. The other Schools of XUB will also accept NMAT by GMAC 2017 scores for programs: MBA-HRM, MBA-RM, MBA-SM, MBA-UMG and MBF.
The other Schools of XUB are: Xavier School of Human Resource Management (XAHR), Xavier School of Rural Management (XSRM), Xavier School of Sustainability (XSOS), Xavier School of Commerce (XSC), and Xavier School of Communications (XCOMM) and Xavier Centre for Urban Management & Governance.

Placement 2017 at XIMB saw an increase in average annual compensation to Rs.13.18 lakhs in 2017 from Rs.12.44 lakhs in 2016.
How to apply for CAT 2017, XAT 2018, NMAT 2017

  • CAT 2017 Registration & CAT 2017 Application Process
  • XAT 2018 Registration & XAT 2018 Application form
  • NMAT 2017: 3 retakes choice make NMAT by GMAC unique; registration open with more aspirant friendly changes

?X-GMT available if not taken CAT/XAT/GMAT
For those who are not able to appear in CAT/XAT/GMAT, XUB will organize X-GMT admission test on January 28, 2018. The final admission round after shortlisting on the basis of written test will include Writing Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview but Group Discussion will not be a component of final selection process for MBA 2018-20.

MBA courses at XIMB, and other schools of XUB
Application process for admission session 2017-19 is open for the following courses at XUB: MBA-BM; MBA-HRM; MBA-SM; MBA-RM; MBA-UMG; MBA-Global and Executive MBA programmes.

The minimum requirement for admission to the MBA Programme isa 3year Bachelors degree (or equivalent) in any discipline with at least 55% marks in aggregatefrom a recognized university. Candidates who expect to complete the final part of their degree examinations by June 15, 2018, can also apply. Offers of admission to such candidates, if made, will be provisional and will be automatically cancelled in the event of their failing to complete all the requirements for obtaining the degree before June 2018.

NMATbyGMAC 2017: Registrations open. Apply now. NMAT by GMAC exam opens doors to leading management programmes.

How to Apply
Fill up the form online at:www.xub.edu.in. The application fee is Rs.1500/- if you are applying for one programme. If you are exercising more options, you have to pay additional Rs.700/- for each subsequent options. Candidates have to apply to XIMB/XUB apart from registering and applying for CAT 2017, XAT 2018, or GMAT or X-GMT.

XIMB/XUB application process can be completed in 3 steps as follows-
Step-1:Fill up the Login Details to create and receive by email a unique XUB ID and Password for applying to XIMB, XUB.
Step-2:Login with your XUB ID and Password. Fill up the Personal Details, Academic Details, Professional Details, upload your photo & signature, and choose the program/s you want to apply for and the respective test option/s, and Submit. (You may keep ready the scanned/digital images of your photo/signature in JPEG format, in advance. The dimensions of photo may be of about 200x250 pixels, and the signature may be of about 250x125 pixels, both images within 50 kb each in size).
Step 3:Pay the application fee through the Payment Gateway. (Application fee is Rs.1500/- for the first option, Rs. 700/- for each subsequent options. Use single form for applying for multiple programs and/or through multiple tests.)
If you have filled the application form and paid the application fee successfully, you will receive the confirmation by e mail regarding the acceptance of your online application form.

Important Dates
XIMB/XUBApplication Closes: December 8, 2017
X-GMAT date: January 28, 2016
Exam Scores accepted for admission 2018 at XIMB/XUB
Applicants are required to take any one of the Admission Tests:
XAT 2018: To be conducted by XLRI, Jamshedpur, onJanuary 7, 2018 in single session
CAT2017: To be conducted by IIMsonNovember 26, 2017 in two sessions
GMAT:Taken in 2016 or 2017 (minimum score for applying 550),
X-GMT:To be conducted at Bhubaneswar, Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai on January 28, 2018 by Xavier University. Registering for XAT/CAT/GMAT is a pre-requisite for applying to XIMB, if not opting for X-GMT.
NMAT by GMAC 2017: The score is accepted for MBA-HRM, MBA-RM, MBA-UMG and MBA-SM programmes.

Details about X-GMT
While filling the online form, you may opt for X-GMT. The X-GMT exam fee is Rs.1000/-. TheX-GMT to be held on January 28, 2018 will be online test of 120 minutes duration comprising multiple choice questions (MCQs). The test will have five sections namely Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, Emotional Quotient and General Awareness. There will be sectional time limits, with negative markings for wrong answers.
The pattern and syllabus will be similar to the other tests like CAT and XAT. The test will be conducted on 28th January 2018 and the candidates will have to make their own arrangements for travel and stay. The time schedule and venue details will be intimated by email, by the 3rdweek of January 2018.

It will be a good option for those who have not registered and missed CAT 2017, XAT 2018 and GMAT exams.

MBA Admission process
XIMB/XUB will decide the section-wise as well as total cut-off marks which will be used for short-listing the candidates to be called for Written Ability Test,and Personal Interview. WAT,& PI will be heldin Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi,Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai.

Candidates will have to meet their own travel expenses for appearing in the Interview session. The final selection will be made on the basis ofthe candidates performance in the XAT/CAT/GMAT/X-GMT as well as in theWritten Ability Test, and Personal Interview (which factors in the past academic record and relevant work experience). The selected candidates will be informed by mail in the month of April 2018.
XIMB/XUB MBA Fee structure
Following is the fee structure for various MBA programmes at XIMB, XUB

Fee structure (Rs. in lakhs)

MBA in Business Management (MBA-BM)

MBA in Global Management
8 (For one year at XIMB)

Executive MBA-BM

MBA Human Resource Management ( MBA-HRM)

MBA in Rural Management (MBA-RM)

MBA in Sustainability Management (MBA-SM)

MBA in Urban Management & Governance (MBA-UMG)

Master of Business Finance (MBF)

Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB) was established 30 years ago. XIMB is now Flagship B-School of Xavier University Bhubaneswar (XUB). XUB was established in accordance with the Xavier University Odisha Act 2013 and was inaugurated on the 7th of July 2014. The University is Indias first Jesuit University and an institution of higher learning for imparting professional and technical education. Counted among the leading management institutions in the country, XIMB has been awarded A*** grading by CRISIL.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on XIMB, XUB admission 2018

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