Last Updated on November 25, 2017 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2017: 10 Last minute Exam day queries on Admit card, exam pattern answered by expert

Thousands of CAT aspirants have raised their last minute queries in the Live Chat session which MBAUniverse.com has been running on CAT 2017 at https://goo.gl/uwhxGK for the last few days to help the CAT aspirants by getting their queries responded by experts

CAT 2017: 10 Last minute Exam day queries on Admit card, exam pattern answered by expert

MBAUniverse.com has been running Live Chat session for CAT 2017 at https://goo.gl/uwhxGKfor the last few days to help the CAT aspirants by getting their queries responded by experts. Thousands of CAT aspirants have raised their queries in regard to errors in CAT Admit Card, how to get the mistake rectified, how to attempt the CAT exam, what is the difference between MCQ and non-MCQs among others.

To help the CAT 2017 aspirants on their queries and to apprise other aspirants also, the last minute queries have been responses by the experts. Most of the queries are related to reporting at CAT exam centre, carrying the relevant documents and dos and donts for the exam day are answered by the experts.

Important links:

  • CAT 2017: 10 Exam day Donts and important testing room strategy on Nov 26
  • CAT 2017 exam related FAQs answered here

Since such last minute queries just a day before exam might also be haunting the minds of many CAT aspirants going to appear in CAT exam tomorrow, if you also have any such query, please raise it by clicking at https://goo.gl/uwhxGK, we will try to get the same answered by the expert

Important last minute queries

Q.1. Will they accept college id in CAT as id proof?
A. Yes, College Photo ID is a valid ID proof at the CAT 2017 exam centre.

Q.2. Do I need to affix same photo on CAT Admit card as I uploaded at the time of registration?
A. Yes, you need to paste the identical photo on the CAT 2017 Admit card as you uploaded in the CAT registration form.

Q.3. I have wrong Date of Birth on my CAT Admit Card? What should I do?
A. Please carry the correct DoB document with you to the exam centre to appear in the exam. Later you should contact also the CAT helpline and follow the instructions given by them.

Q.4. Is the level of quant question in CAT is very high?
A. No, but it is expected that you are able to solve different types of questions on Math upto class 10/12 level.

Q.5. Do the Non-MCQs also carry negative marks?
A. No, there is no negative marking for wrong answers to Non-MCQs.

Q.6. Do the non-MCQ type questions carry equal marks as MCQs?
A.Yes, all questions carry equal marks. However, for non-MCQ type questions, you must type the answer on the computer screen in the given space.

Q.7. Is there sectional time restriction to attempt the exam?
A.CAT 2017 will have a time duration of 3 hours. There will be individual sectional time limit of 1 hour to attempt each section. You will be allowed to move to next section when 60 minutes are over for the section, you are attempting presently.

Q.8. What is the marking/grading scheme for CAT? Is there negative marking for a wrong answer?
A.For questions other than MCQs, 3 marks are assigned for correct answer and no marks for incorrect answer or no attempt.

For Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) the scoring scheme is as follows:

  • Each correct answer is awarded 3 marks.
  • An incorrect answer fetches -1.
  • No marks are given or deducted for unattempted questions.

Q. 9. How do IIMs calculate percentile from raw scores in CAT 2017?
A.CAT 2017 exam has two sessions and two different Test Forms shall be administered in two Test Sessions. In order to ensure fairness and equity in comparison of performances of the candidates across different test sessions, the scores of the candidates shall be subjected to a process of Normalization.

Q.10 When will CAT 2017 result be declared?
A.CAT 2017 exam result will be declared in the 2ndweek of January 2018 preferably between January 7 to 10.

Q.11. Will there be common shortlist by all 20 IIMs for next level of admission round?
A.No, the list of candidates shortlisted for the next level of selection will be made available on the website of the respective IIMs. Each IIM will send interview letters to the shortlisted candidates directly. The criteria for shortlisting will vary from IIM to IIM.

Q.12. How can I check my chances of getting shortlisted for PI/WAT round by IIMs?
A.IIMs have announced their admission policy for 2018-20 batch. Based on the admission criteria of IIMs, MBAUniverse.com has launched theIIM Call predictorwhich includes all the broad shortlisting components of IIMs. You can check your shortlisting chances after inserting required inputs atIIM Call predictor.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more tips and updates for CAT 2017 exam day

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