Last Updated on January 2, 2018 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MBA or Job? 15 Resume making tips if you decide to go job hunting

Dont lose heart, if you are not happy with your CAT or XAT scores and have not landed your dream admission offers. Prepare better and try again next year and during the preparation process, it is a good idea to take up a job and improve your resume which will brighten your chances of getting into IIMs.

MBA or Job? 15 Resume making tips if you decide to go job hunting

If you are not happy with your CAT or XAT scores and have not landed your dream admission offers, dont lose heart. You can prepare better and try again next year. While you do that, it is a good idea that you take up a job, which will improve your resume and your chances for getting into IIMs. All top B-schools prefer candidates with work experience.
So, the first step towards getting a good job is to prepare a solid resume. We asked experts at resume building website Shriresume.com to help you prepare a strong resume. Here are expert resume building tips for you.

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15 Resume Making Tips by Shriresume.com
Here are some highly effective resume making tips by Shriresume.comthat can help you get shortlisted for job interview from hundreds and thousands of resumes.

How to craft your resume in the right way?

Make it look professional- Your resume is like a business document, and hence, it must appear totally professional. You cannot take the risk of incorporating pictures, gimmicks, or humorous elements in it. For example, a lot of people still use the same old email id they had created during their teenage days; which are usually unprofessional kind of. So, if you too have one such email id, it is the time to get a new one. When it comes to maintaining a professional tone, sticking to the facts is also vital.

Sell Yourself- Yes, your resume must provide a clear idea to the recruiters that how you and your skills can prove to be beneficial for their company. Just like every job aspirant has some expectations from his/her employer; the recruiters also carry some expectations from you. So, before you submit your resume, get it tailored according to the nature of the job and the company you are applying in. In other words, make it targeted.

Career Summary- The objective section has become quite common these days. Plus, most of the objectives sound similar too. For this reason, if you do not want to make your interviewer feel bored then you should definitely replace objective with Career Summary. It will surely grab the attention of the hiring manager.

Choose the right words- Words do contain a lot of power within them, and this is the reason why you need to pick the most effective words. Words that render positive effects, such as influenced, restructured, enhanced, attained, and achieved are more apt for making a powerful resume. On the other hand, you must refrain from using regular or everyday buzz words like ambitious, reliable, and hard worker. The moment an experienced recruiter stumbles upon such (regular) words, he/she starts making a negative impression about the candidate. If you are not so good at writing, it is definitely better to avail the services offered by the resume writing agencies. They have professionals who can jot down highly effective resume for your interview.

Showcase your skills and achievements- Dont be scared of promoting your achievements and abilities. If you do not tell your potential employer about your skills, how come he/she will know about it! However, keep in mind that blowing your own trumpet is not good at all. So, mention only those achievements and abilities that emphasis your skills related to the job you have applied for.

Quality vs Quantity- Some job seekers do not shy away from creating resume so lengthy that it looks more like a manual book of a washing machine! Like it was mentioned above, the recruiters already have to skim through dozens of resumes every day, for this reason, you must keep your resume small and effective (2 pages are enough). Rather than filling up your resume with irrelevant data, you should focus on your skills and experience.

Format matters- Your resume is not like a power point presentation. You cannot take the liberty of including fancy fonts, colourful texts, or use italics. A lot of companies these days make use of scanning software, for this reason, you must keep the format simple and easy to understand; otherwise, if the software is unable to read your resume, it means you are out of the race!

Grammar and spelling matters- Poor grammar and spelling can totally demolish the possibility of your resume being shortlisted by the recruiters. When your resume contains punctuation errors and spelling mistakes, it clearly affects your professional image. Therefore, you must proofread your resume at least three times before submitting it. Again, in case your grammar is not that good, you must consider taking professional help. Spending a couple of hundred bucks will surely prove to be more beneficial in the long run.

Maintain a proper flow- When recruiters go through your resume, they should not feel as if your resume is like a blend of three or four resume formats. In simple words, consistency has to be there. You must ensure a proper order and logical flow has been maintained right from the beginning till the end. In this context, the margins, line spacing, and fonts are some of the vital elements you need to focus on. Even if you want to use bold fonts for highlighting your skills, you should not over-do it. Remember, consistency showcases professionalism.

Dont mention money- Your resume is not the place where you should mention the CTC you are expecting from your future employer. It not only looks unprofessional, but it also closes the door for negotiation.

Avoid gaps- A lot of job aspirants have gaps in their resume; it could be related to their academic life too. No matter if you have a gap of just 6 months or a long one, coming up with a valid explanation is important. It would be better if you can camouflage the gap period with something else. When you provide the reason in your resume, make sure it sounds logical and fair.

Avoid personal information- To be very frank, most of the recruiters do not pay heed to the personal information mentioned in the resumes. You might have a few good hobbies to share, but if they are not at all relevant to the job profile, do not mention them.

Use Keywords- In the digital world, the importance of keywords cannot be ignored at all. If you do not want your resume to be left out, make sure you incorporate the most relevant keywords. The HR managers these days search through the digital database, and they make use of specific keywords for the same. So, when your resume contains such keywords, it gains more amount of exposure.

Use effective titles- Even though it is said that we should never judge a book by its cover, but the HR managers or recruiters do not believe in the same. This is the reason why it is so crucial to come up with interesting and effective titles.

Bullet points- Long paragraphs are usually boring, which can make any recruiter run out of his/her patience. On the other hand, bullet points render a crisp appearance to your resume, and they also make it easier for the recruiters to scan through the details like achievements, skills, etc.

So, those were some of the vital tips you can keep in mind while jotting down your resume. Shriresume.comhas more tools and tips to help you land a job. So add value to your resume by getting a job, and then reapply for CAT exam, IIMs and other top B-schools.

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