CII to launch SME mentoring network with IIT-K, IIT-M, IIM-C, EDI and NMCC

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Updated on July 25, 2016
CII will be starting a SME vitalisation cell for one stop shop Mentoring Network for Small and Medium (SME) sized companies.

Mid-size companies can now aspire to become the Matsushita's or Sony's of tomorrow in a three year time horizon by signing up to this unique initiative to create Visionary SMEs. This kind of Accelerated growth for Mid-Size companies programmes is an outcome of a strategic partnership between CII, IITK, IITM, IIMC, EDI and NMCC on the Indian side, and Prof. Shoji Shiba and JICA from the Japan side.

"These companies would become the locomotives by pulling up the SMEs in India to become Visionary SMEs. A key factor that makes such a transition, is the company philosophy. We would build that through a community network of the SMEs supported by Government (NMCC), Academia and CII. More than 100 Mentors would be drawn from Industry, Academia and Institutions who would become mentors for strengthening of Leadership, Management, Innovation through Technology, Operations and Marketing." Said Prof. Shoji Shiba on the occasion of presenting the programme to JICA in Osaka.

"We from Government would propose putting into place the mechanism to give these VSMEs all support on a priority basis by giving them VSME Passports and recognition through Awards by highest levels in Government. To academia we would give them incentives for preparing excellent case studies and supporting excellent innovative projects that would catapult the VSMEs to the next stage of growth" said Mr. Sahoo during the same ceremony.

"CII would be introducing the programme jointly with IITs, IIM and EDI and starting the first mentorship workshop on 26th September in Mumbai. The process of company selection has been kicked off here, and 10 to 15 companies would be invited to join the programme. A selection criteria has been drawn up for this and an invitation task force set up for completing this task by August 15th. . The SME vitalization cell in CII would aim to become a one-stop shop mentoring network to create the new brand of India SMEs" said Sarita Nagpal, DDG, CII.

"We from Government would propose putting into place the mechanism to give these VSMEs all support on a priority basis by giving them VSME Passports and recognition through Awards by highest levels in Government. To academia we would give them incentives for preparing excellent case studies and supporting excellent innovative projects that would catapult the VSMEs to the next stage of growth" said Mr. Sahoo during the same ceremony.