Last Updated on July 21, 2016 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

NASSCOM signs MoU with IFIM Business School, Bangalore

NASSCOM signed MoU with IFIM Business School, Bangalore to collaborate on the introduction of Outcome Based Trainings, Assessment and Certification on Quality Packs (QP) and National Occupational Standard (NOS)

NASSCOM signs MoU with IFIM Business School, Bangalore

IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM (SSC NASSCOM) on 5th April signed MoU with IFIM Business School, Bangalore to collaborate on the introduction of Outcome Based Trainings, Assessment and Certification on Quality Packs (QP) and National Occupational Standard (NOS)

This strategic alliance between NASSCOM and IFIM Business School aims to offer Associate Analytics (Qualification Pack Code: SSC: Q2101) and Junior Data Associate (Qualification Pack Code: SSC: Q0401) courses to all undergraduate students as an add-on course to enhance the employability skills of these students

Under this MoU, IFIM will adopt National Occupational Standards (NOS), Assessments and Certifications developed by NSDC through its Skill Sector Councils and NASSCOM will assess and award certificates to the successful candidates along with IFIM via NSDCs SDMS (Skill Development Management System). SSC NASSCOM will also provide guidelines & recommendations related to aspects of the two courses (Associate Analytics & Junior Data Associate), such as faculty selection, student selection, infrastructure for training and evaluation etc. The Indian IT-BPM Industry currently employs about 3.1 million people directly and offers about 9 million people indirect employment opportunities. As per NASSCOMs research report Perspective 2020?, this industry has a potential to create about 30 million employment opportunities (direct and indirect) by 2020.

The goal of the IT-ITES SSC is to enhance employability by leveraging technology and experience in large scale skill development, in a sustainable manner across skill sectors. The Sector Skill Council concept is a systemic approach to scaling quality capacity. The IT-ITeS SSC aims to nurture diversity and inclusive growth to stimulate economic activity relevant to local the local ecosystem.

Speaking on the occasion, Secretary CDE, IFIM Institutions, Mr. Sanjay Padode said IFIM Business School has been consistently ranked among the Top 30 Business School in India. Its resourceful industry connect has been lauded & awarded at various national and international platforms for constantly up skilling the students as per dynamic industry requirements. The Institute has a proven excellence in offering courses on Business Analytics and Big Data. Collaborating with NASSCOM will help us to create a sustainable industry-ready talent pipeline by scaling quality capacity, to enhance employability at all levels.

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