CAT 2008: Early Impressions by Indias leading CAT experts on
Within hours of CAT exams getting over this afternoon, leading test prep companies like IMS Learning, T.I.M.E, Career Launcher and PT Education have shared their initial analysis of CAT 2008. presents a review.

Remember these are early impressions and will get refined as the day draws to a close.
CAT 2008 was an easier paper, but Data Interpretation tougher: IMS Learning
IMS Learning say that overall CAT 2008 was on the easier side.
It adds, The increase in the number of questions in the Verbal section would have caught many by surprise, but this was offset by the fact that the questions were easier as compared to the last two years. The uneven number of questions across sections also meant that time- management became crucial.
Relatively speaking, Data Interpretation was tougher than in previous years, notes IMS. The smaller number of questions per caselet (just 2 or 3 in each set) meant that the value-for-time of attempting each set was quite low. However, a score of 30 was quite achievable with judicious choice of questions, says IMS.
IMS Cut-offs 2008
DI: 32-35
Verbal: 46-49
Overall Cut-Off
1-2 IIM Calls: 120+
3-4 IIM Calls: 130+
5-6 IIM Calls: 140+
Changes in Quantitative and Language ability question pattern in CAT 2008: T.I.M.E
Hyderabad based Triumphant Institute of Management Education have also shared their early analysis of CAT 2008. TIME says that CAT 2008 has put more emphasis on verbal and language ability section after almost ten years! And Quantitative section in CAT 2008 was tougher than last year. Time also says that there was a Minor typo in one question, but overall paper was free from any major errors.
Here is a snap shot of what TIMEs analysis.
T.I.M.E. preliminary Cut-off Estimates CAT 2008
Quant: 15 21 Marks
LDI: 26 30 Marks
Verbal: 39 45 Marks
Overall: 118 124marks
CAT 08: Logic & DI Overview
This was similar to CAT 2007.
The section was classical DI, with sets on logic as well (in addition to sets on Data Interpretation)
Was tricky and like CAT2007 involved calculations.
CAT 08: QA Overview
More difficult than CAT 2007
Was easily the toughest section of Cat 2008
Fewer questions on Arithmetic
More questions on higher math like functions.
CAT 08: Verbal Overview
Less ambiguous than last year
Had more weightage as there were more questions in this section than in the other 2 sections.
40 in Verbal compared to 25 in Quant and 25 in LDI
20 Questions in RC and 20 in Verbal Ability
Shorter passages than last year
Higher level of vocab based questions
VA weightage at 50% of section after 1998.
A balanced paper: Career Launcher
Overall, the CAT08 paper was of a moderate difficulty level. The paper was more balanced than previous years, primarily because of more choices in the English section. There have been an increase in the total number questions - from 75 to 90, with English section accounting for 40 questions (an increase of 15 from last year) and Quant and DI having 25 questions each.
The Quant section was less difficult than last two years, though not in an absolute sense.
DI, however, proved to be a tougher nut to crack this time around.
The English section, with more choices, was easier to handle.
Expected cut-offs:
Quantitative Section: 30-32 marks
Verbal Ability: 46-48 marks
Data Interpretation: 28-30 marks
Overall: 125+ marks
These marks are from an overall universe of 360 marks.
No big surprises: PT Education
Indore based PT education believes that there were no big surprises in CAT 2008 and the paper was a well balanced one.
Speaking to, Mr Sandeep Manudhane, Founder Chairman, PT Education said, We find that CAT 2008 is a good paper that will separate the wheat from the chaff. Its slightly more difficult when compared to last years paper, but there are no big surprises. Overall it was 15-20% tougher than last year.
In terms of expected cut-offs, PT Education shared these initial cut offs with
Quantitative Section: 30-35 marks
Verbal Ability: 40-45 marks
Data Interpretation: 30-35 marks
Overall: 120+ marks
These marks are from an overall universe of 360 marks.
Stay tuned to for most comprehensive coverage on CAT 2008.
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