IIM B team makes it to the final of global CAPSIM simulation contest

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Updated on August 1, 2016
Three executive management students from IIM Bangalore -- Sonali Gupta, Mahalakshmi Panchapagesan and Sanjoy Joseph –made it to the finals of the 2008 International Business Simulation Challenge.

They succeeded against a field of 914 competitors running 702 simulated companies from campuses around the globe. The final was however won by Tom Kung of National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan. Six teams, including the IIM B team contested the finals.  

The Capstone Business Simulation Challenge is a global online competition held in the spring and fall semester each year. The competition is hosted by Capsim Management Simulations, Inc, the world's premier provider of business simulations to college graduate and undergraduate students. The competitions are open to all students who have used a Capsim business simulation in their university course.  

Sonali aims to be a social sector entrepreneur, Mahalakshmi to excel in the field of Human Resources and Sanjoy to someday run a company. Sonali said the team had topped the simulation in their class and felt equipped for the challenge. "We just decided to give it our best shot and compete with teams from all over the world," she said. These students used the Capstone Business Simulation as a final module in their Executive General Management Program, with Professor Dharam Pal.

Finalists in Capsim's Fall 2008 Capstone Challenge were:

Tom Kung, National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan. Dr Andrew Chu (Winner)
Alexander Tsui, Washburn University. Professor Norma Juma
Liao Hong Tao, Webster University. Professor Renee English
Trevor Daly, University of Colorado, Denver. Professor Vinit Desai
Mahalakshmi Panchapagesan, Sonali Gupta and Sanjoy Joseph, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Professor Dharam Pal
Man Chun Li, Chun Man Wong and Ho Man Wong, Curtin University, Perth Australia. Dr Kyle Bowyers.

Dan Smith, President of Capsim Management Simulations, said the competition was a great opportunity for aspiring business people to develop and prove their skills.

"Businesses today are looking for people with experience in decision making who have a strong overall sense of how business works," said Smith. "That's where simulations are a valuable addition to the university experience.