IMS Learning on How to prepare for Group Discussion

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Updated on July 25, 2016
This article on ‘How to prepare for Group Discussion’ is written by MS Jaya Desai, Centre Head, IMS Learning – Mumbai based India’s leading MBA test prep institute.

How to prepare for Group Discussion
By Ms Jaya Desai, Centre Head, IMS Learning

The GD-PI stage is arguably the most crucial stage in the post test scenario. It is a bit like the journey from qualifying in the heats to winning the gold medal in a sports event. In this article, let us take a look at certain important aspects of this process.


GDs are conducted to test the following managerial attributes-

  • Interpersonal skills- It is not enough for aspirants to know a lot or be  great 'thinkers'. The capacity to interact with others effectively is an important requirement of the managerial function.
  • Flexibility- The ability to factor in somebody else's valid perspective and build on the same is a desired trait. Assertiveness,  as differentiated from aggression and submission will be the decider.
  • Leadership - This much desired trait is visible in the way the aspirant initiates a discussion or rescues a floundering one to bring it back on track.
  • Analytical and rational thinking- A reasoned approach to the topic, using logic and facts and not indulging in mere opinionated outbursts.
  • Indepth knowledge , i.e content- The economic, social and political ramifications of an issue ,with substantiation via facts .
  • Aspects of personality such as poise, gestures eye contact and confidence levels.

Some common types of GDs are-

A] FACTUAL Topicsa comprise contemporary issues. Sometimes , they could be inherently controversial.
B] ABSTRACT - Topics that involve lateral thinking and unconventional perspectives ultimately rooted in reality.
C] CASE STUDY- A corporate situation or a person/organization based situation is given and the participants have to find an optimum solution by virtue of a methodology.

A] Keep abreast of issues , utilizing the print and the visual media. Make sure you have a fair share of national as well as international news and issues.
B] Practise ease of expression since clarity , brevity and word choice are keenly observed by the evaluators.
C] Remember that some things are of abiding interest- budget, GDP, population, aspects of Indian governance. Do brush up on the same.
D] Form discussion groups and practise .
E] Learn to summarise a GD-[ both oral and written]-  A crisp recapitulation of whatever has taken place without personal  view on anything.

Some of the topics in the past years at the IIMs and MDI-
1] Subsidies for higher education should be done away with.
2] The ends justify the means.
3] Reservation is essential for social transformation.
4] Case study detailing attrition problems in a company that had hired highly educated professionals.