Last Updated on December 31, 2022 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

Your preparations must have reached the final stage. At this juncture a look at the first MAT of the year 2011 can provide you with important clues.

Your preparations must have reached the final stage. At this juncture a look at the first MAT of the year 2011 can provide you with important clues.

Your preparations must have reached the final stage. At this juncture a look at the first MAT of the year 2011 can provide you with important clues.

There are now just around two weeks left for the second Management Aptitude Test of the year 2011 (MAT May 2011), conducted by AIMA. MAT May 2011 is scheduled to be held on Sunday, May 1, 2011 and Saturday, May 7, 2011. The exam will be held in both paper pencil format and computer based format.

Your preparations must have reached the final stage. At this juncture a look at the first MAT 2011 (MAT February 2011) can provide you with important clues on the questions that you can expect and the likely pattern of the paper. In this context we present to you the analysis of MAT February 2011. You will certainly gain more confidence for the D-day after reading this article. Read further to know more:

Management Aptitude Test (MAT) Feb was held on Sunday, February 6, 2011, and was on the traditional lines. The total number of questions was 200.

The five sections of the test were: Reading Comprehension and English Usage, Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency and General Knowledge. The difficulty level of the first MAT 2011 was Moderate. The marking scheme of the paper was one mark for each correct answer and 0.25 negative marking for each incorrect answer. Let us see the section wise analysis of MAT February 2011. Quantitative Ability There were 40 questions in this section from the areas of Time-Speed-Distance, Work and Time, Pipes and cisterns, Percentages, Partnerships, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Probability and Permutation & Combination. The questions were of moderate difficulty level. Logical and Critical Reasoning The questions were from the areas of Data arrangement, Relations, Linear arrangements, Number and Alphabet Series, Assumptions Statements, Assertion Reason. According to test takers, the Data arrangement questions were easy. The difficulty level of the section was from easy to moderate.

Reading Comprehension and English Usage There were five Reading Comprehension passages with four questions each. While some questions were direct, some of them were inference based. From the English Usage area,
the questions were on fill in the blanks, para jumble, sentence correction and Grammar (identification of correct sentence). The overall difficulty level of the section was easy. Data Analysis and Sufficiency There were 25 questions on Data Interpretation, five questions on Data sufficiency, five questions on Data Comparison and five questions were on caselets. Some of the questions on graphs were calculation intensive. The Data Interpretation questions were on Line Graph, Caselet, Pie Charts, Bar Graph and Tables. General Knowledge The difficulty level of this section was moderate to tough. The questions were on Economics, Current Affairs, Awards and Prizes, Indian Constitution, Business and Sports.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more expert advice on MAT May 2011.

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