SNAP 2011 prep guide: Analysis of past 4 years papers
If you know about the last five years pattern, then the task of strategizing will get even easier for you. In this article of, we provide you the paper pattern and analysis of the last five years of SNAP exam.
SNAP, the entrance exam for the institutes under the Symbiosis International University has been announced for the admissions in the year 2012. The exam will be held on Sunday, December 18, 2011. There are about five months left for SNAP 2011 and if you prepare with a proper plan in your mind, then you will definitely succeed.
The duration of SNAP exam is 120 minutes. There are four sections in the paper, General English, Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency; General Awareness and Analytical & Logical Reasoning. The paper offers multiple choice questions with four options. For each wrong answer there is negative marking of 25 per cent. The test is of 180 marks total. The sections General English, Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency and General Awareness sections have 40 marks each. Analytical & Logical Reasoning section has 60 marks. Read the past years SNAP analysis: SNAP 2007 SNAP 2007 had 150 questions. The overall difficulty level was easy. The Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency section had 40 questions. The overall difficulty level was easy. The Analytical & Logical Reasoning section had 30 questions on Critical Reasoning, Deductive logic & logical consistency, Logical Reasoning, Visual Reasoning, Cross word, P & C etc. The General English section had 40 questions. It had four Reading Comprehension passages. The other questions were on grammar & English Usage. The General Awareness section had 40 questions.
The questions were from static general knowledge, current affairs and Business. The difficulty level of the section was easy to moderate. SNAP 2008 SNAP 2008 had 135 questions of Moderate difficulty level. The General English section had 35 questions. There were three Reading Comprehension passages and questions on grammar & vocabulary. The section was of easy to moderate difficulty level. The Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency section had 35 questions. The overall difficulty level was Easy. The Analytical & Logical Reasoning section had 30 questions of easy to moderate difficulty level. The General Awareness section had 35 questions. The questions mostly came from static GK. The difficulty level of the section was easy to moderate. SNAP 2009 SNAP 2009 had 150 questions which saw an increase from last years 135 questions. The overall difficulty level of the paper was easy to moderate. The Analytical & Logical Reasoning section had the least number of questions but maximum weightage. The difficulty level was easy to moderate. The Quantitative and Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency section had There were no questions from Data Sufficiency and very few from Data Interpretation.
The section had questions from Arithmetic, Number puzzles and some from Visual reasoning and two sets from Data Interpretation. This section was of moderate difficulty level. General English section had 40 questions. There was only one Reading Comprehension passage. The other questions were on Vocabulary, Grammar and Composition. The General Awareness section was moderate to difficult. The questions were on questions on Definitions (Dendrochronology, Ekistics etc.), Economy, Acronyms, History, Sport, Science & Technology and Current Affairs. SNAP 2010 SNAP 2010 also had 150 questions. The difficulty level ranged from being easy to moderate. The General English section had 40 questions. The questions were on Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Ability. The difficulty level of the section was easy to moderate. The Quantitative and Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency section had 40 questions. The difficulty level of the section was easy. The DI set based on bar chart was quite difficult in nature. The Quantitative questions were on the following topics: Numbers, Time & Work, Number Series, Percentages, Number Analogy, Equations, Geometry, Mensuration, Time & Distance, Venn Diagrams etc. There were 30 questions in the Analytical & Logical Reasoning section. The difficulty level was easy and the questions were easy and the section was quite easy. The topics of the questions were: Quant based Reasoning, Missing Numbers, Linear & Circular Arrangements, Deductions, Data Interpretation, Critical Reasoning etc. The General Awareness section had 40 questions. The difficulty level of the section was Moderate. The section had a good mix of current affairs and static GK questions.
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