10 Days to CAT 2011: Tips for relaxing your stressed mind Short Story: With just 10 days to go, the air is filled with tension for CAT 2011 test takers. There seems to be no time for relaxation.
With just 10 days to go, the air is filled with tension for CAT 2011 test takers. There seems to be no time for relaxation.
With just 10 days to go, the air is filled with tension for CAT 2011 test takers. There seems to be no time for relaxation. According to top MBA experts, apart from the preparation you do, a healthy body and a healthy mind are the key to emerging successful in CAT exam.
MBAUniverse.com brings to you critical advice on how to maintain a healthy mind and a healthy body in these last highly stressed days. Dont just read these advice, you have to adopt them to keep your cool and emerge victorious.
Re-focus Take a break when you find your mind losing focus. Forcing yourself to focus for too long can have a detrimental effect on your overall performance if it generated unwanted pressure, boredom or fatigue. When you find your mind wandering, take a short break. Schedule regular intervals, but in these breaks, do activities that keep you relaxed and dont engage your mind too much, since its important to keep your mind free of distractions when you get back to studies.
Avoid Distractions It is not the time for a new video game, TV or redecoration. Anything that will keep your attention distracted, be it a new computer or rock band in your city, try to keep your mind clear of it. Its just a short jog till the end of the race, but it counts a lot. No matter how tempting the distractions, remember, losing your focus at this time could mean ruining the months of hard work you have put in so far!
Positive Visualization Take a moment to sit with your eyes closed and visualize yourself achieving the ideal outcome. You have to convince yourself that your hard work will pay off, and this includes convincing your sub conscious. Repeated negative thoughts seep into your sub conscious and eat away at your energy and confidence. This is not the time to do postmortem of what you have studied so far. Rather, tell yourself what ever you have studied will help you in the test.
Tune Your Sleeping Pattern If your sleeping pattern is topsy turvy and you find yourself burning the night oil too often, your brain will get accustomed to shifting into relax mode during the day and alert mode during night. For CAT 2011, you need to be at your sharpest at 10 in the morning. Regulate your sleeping pattern accordingly and remember that your body will take a while to get used to the new pattern. So its best to start off with it at the earliest possible time. Yes, that mean tonight.
Believe in Yourself Right before a paper, some people feel convinced that they wont do well, in spite of their hard work. But there are plenty of cases of people who logically thought their efforts wouldnt amount to much, but continued in their endeavor anyways because they trusted their intuition that they did have a chance. Thanks to their faith, many of them are now in the IIMs and other top institutes. Trust your intuition. Allow yourself to imagine what it would feel like if you achieve your goal- cracking the CAT 2011 and coming out with flying colors.
Body and Mind This is a crucial time to take care of your health- physical and mental. No, we arent going to suggest a gym subscription. Its simple things that count, like drinking enough water in the day to relieve tension or eating light food to keep your mood and energies up. The day before the test, keep your cool by listening to songs, calling up a friend who motivates you or watching a movie. If possible, do some relaxation exercises to keep your mind calm.
Last Minute to-dos Avoid last minute tension by finding out the exact route to your CAT center. Check your stationery well in advance and on CAT day, check and recheck for your admit card. Be at the center well in advance and stay clear of negative or tension generating discussions. If you find yourself feeling anxious, sit in solitude and practice deep breathing. Keep your attention to your paper and put up a fight till the very last minute.
Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more special advice on CAT 2011!
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