Last Updated on January 7, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

Its official! CAT 2012 results on Jan 9, say IIMs, Prometric

CAT 2012 results will be declared on January 9, IIMs and Prometric have confirmed to MBAUniverse.com

Its official! CAT 2012 results on Jan 9, say IIMs, Prometric

The wait is finally over for more than 2.14 lakh CAT 2012 takers. CAT 2012 results will be declared on January 9, managing director of Prometric India, the agency that conducted the test, Soumitra Roy, has confirmed to MBAUniverse.com. This confirmation blows away all sorts of concerns regarding the result date that aspirants may be harbouring in their minds. CAT 2012 results are being declared more than two months after the most popular and important MBA entrance examination ended on November 6, 2012.

Yes, IIMs are making CAT 2012 results available on their website, www.catiim.in, from 9 January 2013. Candidates will be required to enter their CAT registration numbers and email address in order to access the site. They are also advised to retain a printed copy of their results, Prometric MD, on behalf of IIMs, informed MBAUniverse.com in an email response. Mr Roy said IIMs and Prometric are making all arrangements to ensure that candidates do not face any problem while accessing the website to know their scores. However, he has some words of advice for candidates: While every effort has been made to ensure that candidates do not face any issues while accessing their scores, a slightly heavier traffic on the first day may still be anticipated. Candidates are advised to be patient and try accessing the scores a little later if they find the site slow.

Prometrics candidate care call lines and emails will be open and we will provide all support. Access to CAT 2012 results will be available until December 31, Mr Roy added.
Now, as it has been confirmed that CAT 2012 results will come out on January 9 as scheduled, next few hours are going to be tough for aspirants. Ishita Bhowmik, a candidate from Noida, said, It is difficult to express the feeling. The yields of my year-long efforts will be known within a few hours. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

In 2012, the number of applications increased by around 4.5 per cent. With this positive change, the management education scenario of India that witnessed a pall of gloom in the last couple of years is seeing a glimmer of hope. Around 2.15 lakh candidate bought CAT 2012 vouchers. Of this, 2.14 lakh candidates registered themselves for the exam. About 9,000 more candidates appeared for CAT this year compared with the previous year, which saw 2.05 lakh candidates taking the test. Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on CAT 2012 results

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