Last Updated on April 2, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

180 days to CAT 2013: Past changes prompt systematic preparation

As you begin your CAT 2013 preparation, MBAuniverse.com will bring you a series of articles on section-wise analysis of CAT syllabus and expert guidance on CAT 2013 preparation.

180 days to CAT 2013:  Past changes prompt systematic preparation

With about six months left for Common Admission Test (CAT) 2013, the time begins for MBA aspirants to tighten their belt for a rigorous CAT preparation to score enough to enter into their dream B-schools like IIMs and other top institutes such as FMS, JBIMS, MDI, SPJIMR etc. As you begin your CAT 2013 preparation, MBAuniverse.com will continue guiding you on different stages of preparation. We will also bring you a series of articles on section-wise analysis and expert guidance on CAT 2013 preparation.

Changing colour of CAT
The Common Admission Test (CAT) is the most revered MBA entrance test which is accepted by most of the B-schools in India including 13 Indian Institute of Management (IIM). The CAT, an old animal in absolutely new attire, has gone through the perceptible changes over a period of time in the Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, Verbal Ability and logical reasoning Tests. An aspirant needs to know what and how to prepare before moving on the tricky path of CAT preparation module. While these changes might make the aspirant relax to some extent, the difficulty level is more wanting and quest for speed and accuracy has increased- a challenge which is to be met by the examinees or forget the CAT.

Let us summarise the principal features of changes in CAT.
1. CAT has gone green since 2009. Instead of using paper-pen/pencil mode the candidate has to appear online, attempt the question and move ahead.

2. Since 2010, the number of sections in the examination has been reduced from three to two. Earlier there used to be one section of Quant, one section of Verbal Ability and one section of Data interpretation & Logical reasoning. Now they have clubbed data interpretation and logical reasoning sections to Quantitative and Verbal Ability sections respectively. An aspirant can feel a little relaxed since he/she has to individually qualify in two sections instead of three. Those who have strong Quant or DI may get through this section. Similarly an aspirant with strong Verbal or LR may get the same benefit. But are we missing something? Probably yes! This relaxation is there at the cost of difficulty level. The difficulty level has increased and more accuracy is desired.

3. Number of total questions which were 240 in 1990 to be solved in 120 minutes were reduced to 75 questions in 2007 (quite difficult-no doubt), and increased to 90 questions in 2008. However, since 2009 total questions have remained 60 and have become moderately tough to attempt. Number of questions, although, in comparison to 2008 in CAT, have been reduced but the ratio of the same has increased.

4. A quick look at the table below will fetch an idea of ongoing trend in CAT examination over a period of last few years.

Year 2006:
Total No of Qs- 75VA- 25DI-LR- 25Quant- 25Difficulty level - DifficultQuestion break up - RC, parajumbles, grammar, sentence completion, vocabulary etc.

Year 2007:
Total No of Qs- 75VA- 25DI-LR- 25Quant- 25Difficulty level - VA-Difficult; Quant- DifficultQuestion break up RC- 4 passages, each question with five close choices, Grammar, sentence completion, parajumbles; Algebra, Arithmetic=60% Geometry, Modern Math were relatively less time-consuming but were reasoning based and required clarity in fundamental concepts. There were some questions on Data Sufficiency which were tough and confusing in nature.

Year 2008:
Total No of Qs- 90VA- 40DI-LR- 25Quant- 25Difficulty level - DifficultQuestion break up RC-4 passages(20 questions), Fill in the blanks, sentence correction, Vocabulary, Grammar; Quant had more Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry

Year 2009:
Total No of Qs- 60VA- 20DI-LR- 20Quant- 20Difficulty level - ModerateQuestion break up - Sentence rearrangement, Grammar, comprehension, correction of errors, sentence completion, Usage Vocabulary; Number System, Algebra, Mensuration, and Commercial Math.

Year 2010:
Total No of Qs- 60VA- 20DI-LR- 20Quant- 20Difficulty level - Moderate to difficult-Question break up - RC, Grammar, Parajumbles, sentence correction & completion; Quant was tougher compared to CAT 2009. The areas were more calculation intensive and needed conceptual understanding.

Year 2011:
Total No of Qs- 60VA- 30(LR 10)DI-LR- ---Quant- 30(DI10)Difficulty level - Moderate to difficultQuestion break up - Jumbled sentences, error correction, Vocabulary, RC, grammar; Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Number Systems, Modern MathsYear 2012:

Total No of Qs- 60VA- 30(LR 10)- ( 10 verbal, 10 RC, 10 LR)DI-LR---Quant- 30(DI 10)Difficulty level - Moderate to difficult (Difficulty level was more or less maintained to the same levelQuestion break up
Error correction-1 to 2, parajumbles-2, Completion of last sentence of paragraph-2, Out of context Sentence in jumbled paragraph -1 to 2, Fill in the blanks vocabulary words- 1 to 2 Words used in different ways-2, Reading comprehension three passages with 3 to 4 questions each (Common question in almost all the sessions from 11th Oct.2012 to 6th Nov.2012 Tone of the author-at least two questions in every session)New or surprise element Two questions on Out of context sentences in jumbled paragraph Paragraph had to be placed in order and the out of context sentence had to be picked out.

Permutations & Combinations, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Number Systems, Modern Maths

Begin Now

CAT aspirants are flummoxed whether it is time to start their preparation module now or they should wait for another few months. The most coveted B-school entrance examination, supposed to begin sometime in September/October-2013, needs hardcore in- depth preparation, where nothing can be left to chance. Therefore, dont wait and start now.

MBAUniverse.com also offers a comprehensive preparation package coupled with over 200 online interactive classes with Top CAT experts including from IIMs for CAT 2013 preparation.

Visit the link below for more information and new batch schedules:
Our next article on CAT 2013 will bring you detailed analysis and preparation strategy on Quant section.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more prep guide articles on CAT 2013.

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