Last Updated on June 24, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

IIMs goof up on CAT scores: 80 students get highly inflated scores

In a shocking revelation that will impact MBA admission based on CAT 2012 scores and shake up the credibility of CAT exam, IIMs have admitted that CAT scorecards available officially to non-IIMs for admission year 2012-13 have been tampered.

IIMs goof up on CAT scores: 80 students get highly inflated scores

In a shocking revelation that will impact MBA admission based on CAT 2012 scores and shake up the credibility of CAT exam, IIMs have admitted that CAT scorecards available officially to non-IIMs for admission year 2012-13 have been tampered with inflated scores of some candidates.

According to IIMs, scorecards of as many as 80 testing IDs available on official CAT website have been found inflated as compared to the actual scores available with IIMs in the master datasheet of CAT 2012 scorecards.
A comparison of CAT 2012 scores available on the website www.catiim.in (hosted and managed by M/s Web Weavers) with master database of the scores (those received from Prometric) shows that scores of eighty examinees have been tampered/altered, resulting in inflation of scores for these examinees, the IIMs said. A copy of the IIM notification in this regard is available with MBAUniverse.com.

However, the rest of the examinees scores on the website www.catiim.in, were found to be intact and matching with the master database received from Prometric.
While this comes as an alert and a major disruption for top non-IIM B-schools who offered admissions on the basis of CAT 2012 scores, it will also cause a fresh controversy on entire admission process for academic year 2013-15 conducted on the basis of CAT 2012 scores.

The IIMs have, however, claimed that their own admissions are unaffected as they have used the master datasheet of scorecards directly received from Prometric for short-listing.
IIMs have also alerted non-IIMs and offered Master data sheet to them to cross-check their records of admission for the current admission year. Non- IIMs institutes that have a formal relationship for the use of CAT scores, are being alerted and scores from master database are being provided to them, IIM notification said.

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is an entrance test conducted for selecting candidates to join the IIMs across the country, located at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Indore, Kashipur, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Raipur, Ranchi, Rohtak, Shillong, Tiruchirappalli and Udaipur. The CAT scores are used by many PGDM institutes and other non-IIM institutes as their first stage of short-listing and overall admission process.

The CAT 2012 exams were conducted between October 11, 2012 and November 6, 2012. The tests were computer based tests, taken by the candidates at designated test centres.
According to IIMs, The actual conduct and evaluation of test was entrusted to M/s. Prometric. As per the practice in the previous years, the test results were published on the web site www.catiim.in which is managed and hosted by M/s. Web Weavers.

Also, the registration IDs in controversy show that the goof-up may not be a result of technical glitch as the IDs are not in a series.
CAT 2012 Convenor on behalf of all Indian Institutes of Management also published the list of testing IDS of the candidate, which showed inflated score cards.

Testing IDs of candidates where discrepancies were found by IIMs.
SR8221889 SR8274032 SR8387828 SR8534869
SR8224413 SR8277581 SR8390292 SR8541647
SR8226120 SR8278627 SR8409185 SR8541701
SR8232804 SR8280667 SR8409962 SR8543472
SR8232833 SR8284189 SR8413300 SR8548793
SR8236603 SR8286939 SR8413522 SR8549358
SR8238679 SR8291086 SR8414987 SR8551901
SR8240162 SR8294155 SR8426695 SR8553964
SR8240363 SR8298075 SR8426816 SR8555333
SR8244769 SR8298861 SR8427723 SR8573068
SR8246677 SR8305670 SR8429471 SR8578239
SR8246760 SR8309835 SR8447766 SR8594245
SR8249733 SR8314808 SR8459894 SR8598529
SR8251579 SR8329671 SR8464121 SR8603818
SR8251621 SR8347822 SR8489849 SR8605132
SR8256133 SR8351726 SR8497183 SR8612160
SR8256835 SR8374094 SR8511840 SR8615915
SR8258067 SR8375033 SR8515382 SR8621557
SR8265584 SR8380713 SR8517692 SR8632357
SR8273063 SR8381434 SR8529094 SR8633879

The IIMs have said that they are reviewing the process by which data are managed and published externally.

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