Last Updated on November 15, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAH CET 2014 Exam pattern and updates

DTE Mumbai has issued a notification confirming that it shall conduct MAH CET 2014 for MBA/MMS Admission 2014. This article discusses the MAH CET 2014 exam pattern.

MAH CET 2014 Exam pattern and updates

Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai shall conduct the Common Entrance Test for Admission to First Year MBA/MMS for 2014-2015 in Maharashtra.

According to a notification released by Director of technical education Dr. Subhash Mahajan, 85% seats in the government run and aided MBA /MMS institutes in the state and 65% seats at private unaided and minority institutes will be filled through the MAH-MBA / MMS-CET from 2014. Another 15% seats will be filled through the all India quota.

As per the Notification, the all India quota refers to students who appear in the nationally recognized tests, such as the CAT conducted by the IIMs, JMET conducted by the IITs, MAT conducted by the AIMA, XAT conducted by the XLRI, and ATMA conducted by the AIMS. Students who appear for the CMAT will now be allotted seats at institutes in the state through the all India quota, the notification said.

Last year, admissions to the MBA institutes in the Maharashtra was carried out on the basis of Common Management Aptitude Test (CMAT) conducted by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).But rural students were unable to take the online test, CMAT which was taken at the national level. Approx 39% students could not take their exams. The state also had witnessed 66% drop in number of applicants across various B schools in Maharashtra last year.

DTE has not decided the MAH-MBA / MMS-CET 2014 date till yet but the detail regarding the same will be soon available on the DTE Website.
MBAUniverse.com was the first media platform to bring latest updates on CMAT and other key policy developments related to MBA education.

MAH CET 2014 Exam Pattern:
DTE has not yet announced MAHCET 2014 exam pattern but it is expected that the MAH CET 2014 Exam Pattern will be same as before. MBAUniverse.com will continue to update you on MAH CET 2014 exam pattern.

As per last years trends, MAH CET 2014 exam pattern will be held in a paper pencil based format. The duration will be 150 minutes or 2.5 hours. There will be 200 questions asked from 5 different areas including Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, Data Interpretation/Data Sufficiency and Reasoning. MAH CET 2014 exam pattern does not contain any negative marking in the paper.
MAH CET 2014 Result
The dates of MAH CET 2014 results are not announced yet but MAH CET 2014 result is expected to be out in April 2014 as per last exam trends.
MAH CET 2014 B schools
Some of the top B schools in Maharashtra which accepts the MAH CET 2014 scores are as follows:

Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), Mumbai
K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research (KJSIMSR), Mumbai
Bharati Vidyapeeths Institute of Management Studies & Research
Prin. LN Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research
Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education (SIMSREE), Mumbai
University of Pune DMS (PUMBA)
Balaji Institute of Telecom & Management
Institute for Technology & Management (ITM)
Balaji Institute of Management & HRD (BIMHRD)

Prepare for XAT 2014, IIFT, NMAT, SNAP, IBSAT
XAT 2014: Paper pattern, Key dates, B schools using XAT Scores
NMAT 2014 Exam pattern, Paper pattern and Test schedule
XAT 2014, NMAT, SNAP, IIFT & IBSAT: Focus on other exams after CAT
IBSAT 2013: ICFAI B Schools, IBSAT 2013 exam Pattern and key dates
IIFT 2013 exam tips: Improve your score in IIFT 2013
CMAT 2014: Dates announced, exams to start from Feb 20, 2014

The next article in this series will be Expert article on MAHCET 2014 preparations.
Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more news and updates on MAHCET 2014

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