Last Updated on December 16, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

SNAP 2013 question paper analysis: Moderate Quant, easy Verbal

SNAP 2013, held on December 15, 2013 had 150 questions in all. The test was divided in four sections and as such had specific sectional cut off also

SNAP 2013 question paper analysis: Moderate Quant, easy Verbal

SNAP 2013, held on December 15, 2013 had 150 questions in all. The test was divided in four sections and as such had specific sectional cut off also, although the paper pencil based test had a comprehensive paper and candidates could attempt any question from any section. The test had the time duration of 2 hours (2.00 P.M. to 4 P.M.) and had maximum marks 180. Although the questions were moderate, a few of them flummoxed the aspirants well.

In fact, it was the time which the candidates were trying to manage as less than one minute was available per question (150 questions in 120 minutes). Getting stuck to any of the questions meant slowing down and losing the opportunity of scoring more marks. As was advised earlier also, the concept to be followed in SNAP is always go on moving else one cannot complete the test.

Sectional division of marks allotted to each section were as under-
General Awareness Each question carried one mark; total weightage -40 marks
Analytical and logical Reasoning-Each question carried two marks; total weightage -60 marks
Quantitative Ability-Each question carried one mark; total weightage-40 marks.
General English- Each question carried one mark; total weightage -40 marks.

General English in SNAP 2013 had the prominence of questions on error corrections in sentences, fill in the blanks, words and phrases
Questions were good in English section and were based on core grammar concepts of usage in parts of speech, tenses, active-passive, phrases, compound words. In vocabulary synonyms and antonyms, one word substitution, idioms and phrases played important role. Two comprehension passages were not very long and were moderately difficult. The questions were not so difficult as we find in CAT yet they consumed a good time of the aspirants. They were more or less direct questions based on the information given in the passage. Questions were also based on phrases, parts of sentences words used in the passage. SNAP has also been placing questions similar to

CAT like tone of the passage, main idea or title of the passage.
There were two questions on Jumbled paragraphs in SNAP 2013. The questions were easier than in CAT. Each question had 4 small one line sentences to be formed in a coherent manner and to be placed between the opening and concluding parts of sentences. Since the questions were not so tricky, aspirants could attempt the same fairly easily.

Analogy that forms an integral part of English in SNAP had two questions. They were not difficult and aspirants could attempt them well. The only factor was time constraint. Those who were able to manage the same, did wand those who didnt practice much had to leave more number of questions, despite knowing their answers.

SNAP 2013 Analysis: General Awareness This section had 40 questions carrying one mark each. More than 15 questions were based on business, economics and finance. There were also the questions on national and international current affairs, committees, appointments, books and authors and other conventional topics. MBAUniverse.com shared important GK questions on various topics and areas for the benefit of aspirants and most of the questions in the SNAP 2013 test were directly or indirectly related to such topics. Besides, candidates were advised to prepare the stuff on current affairs related only up to a fortnight before the test. Those who followed these guidelines did better in the test.

SNAP 2013 Analysis: Analytical and Logical Reasoning This was the most important and scoring section in SNAP 2013. The questions in this section had a maximum score of 60 i.e. 2 marks per question and those who practiced more on the concepts advised by MBAUniverse.com were able to perform better. The questions were not difficult but more time consuming.

Problems in this section were based on statements, arguments, conclusion, Family tree, ranking, sets, analogy, followed conclusion etc.
Analytical and Logical reasoning is based on natural human instincts and need a bit of more practice to crack the problems. SNAP is the only test that gives 33 percent weightage to this section. The aspirants who really wish to crack the SNAP cannot do without it. The best part in this section is that a regular practice will carry you through this section with flying colours.

SNAP 2013 Analysis: Quantitative Ability This section was moderate and more formula based. However, more time was required than in earlier years to solve the forty questions in this section. Arithmatic, algebra and modern mathematics played an important role in formation of questions.

The section needed better time management as despite being on moderate side that needed more time to solve.
Overall examination was moderate and those who attempted the test with judicious time management may expect to get through with a high percentage.

SNAP 2013 Result SNAP 2013 result is scheduled to be out on January 9 2014 at 12:00 pm. The first list of SNAP 2013 result will contain the shortlist candidates name for Personal Interaction and Writing Ability Test (PI-WAT). Proposed date of Final Merit List of SNAP 2013 for all Programs of Institutes will be released on February 28, 2014.

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