Last Updated on December 27, 2013 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

UGC Revised Guidelines include PGDM too; encroach on autonomy, fee, admissions

University Grants Commission (UGC), has made its intentions clear to include 300 odd PGDM institutions under its ambit. MBAUniverse.com has the revised draft guidelines for technical education

UGC Revised Guidelines include PGDM too; encroach on autonomy, fee, admissions

The worst fears of education bodies EPSI and AIMS, and those of senior PGDM Educators, have come true. After being ambiguous in its earlier notification dated December 3, University Grants Commission (UGC), has made its intentions clear to include 300 odd PGDM institutions under its ambit. The revised draft guidelines for technical education, issued by UGC on December 23, 2013 have explicitly stated Norms for PGDM Program, which cover all crucial area Fees fixation, Admission process, and even model curriculum. UGC has asked for feedback on these guidelines by December 30, 2013.

Should these guidelines come into force, 300 odd PGDM B-schools, including top tier B-schools like XLRI, MDI, SPJIMR, IMT, IMI, TAPMI and BIMTECH will fall under the gamut of UGC, and lose their autonomy. In fact the revised UGG guidelines are very similar to those proposed by AICTE in December 2010, which prompted B-school managements to stage a massive protest and approach the Supreme Court of India, where they got relief when the Apex Court stayed the AICTE notification.

Perhaps the most concerning issue in the revised UGC guideline is with respect to fees that PGDM B-schools can charge. New UGC guidelines states, The college shall charge fees as notified by the Fees fixation Committee in the respective State and shall be notified to university and published on the college web site.

Our Earlier Articles on UGC

UGC draft guidelines: EPSI to hold interactive meeting with PGDM B Schools heads on Dec 28 in New Delhi
UGC draft guidelines: UGC Draft Guidelines not applicable to PGDM B schools
EPSI meets Pallam Raju; MHRD extends UGC deadline on Tech Education
UGC Guideline: AIMS, FAMPEI join EPSI & B-school Association to oppose
UGC guidelines for technical Institutes; Impact on PGDM unclear
UGC Guidelines: EPSI & Business Schools Association object; fear negative impact on PGDM
UGC draft guidelines: EPSI to organize meeting with PGDM B Schools heads in New Delhi on Dec 28
For benefit of our readers, MBAUniverse.com is publishing the full extract from the UGC guidelines that have direct impact to PGDM B-schools.

In appendix 9 (which was earlier missing) on Page 102 & 103 of the revised guidelines of December 23, UGC states the Norms for PGDM Programs as follows:
a) All Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) shall be of duration not less than 24 Months / 2 Years
b) All Post Graduate Certificate in Management (PGCM) shall be of duration more than 12 Months / 1 year, and less than 24 Months / 2 years shall be termed Post Graduate Certificate in Management (PGCM)
c) Executive PGDM shall be of duration of 15 Months / 1 years
d) Admission to all PGDM Courses and PGCM courses shall be done through common entrance test such as CAT / MAT / Examinations conducted by the respective State Governments for all Institutions other than Minority Institutions.
e) The Admissions to PGDM, PGDM (Executive) and PGCM shall not start before 1st April of the Academic Year.
f) Model Curriculum / Syllabus for PGDM, PGDM (Executive) and PGCM shall be issued by the university.
g) Admissions to PGDM Programs shall be conducted by the respective State Governments through their competent authority designated for such purpose.
h) The fees to be charged for the PGDM, PGDM (Executive) and PGCM Programs shall be approved by the State Level Fee Committee of respective State Governments.

i) Rules for matters relating to examinations / arbitration on matters of examinations shall be decided by the university.
j) The academic session shall normally be from June 1st to May 31st of the succeeding Year.
Notwithstanding the above, the colleges shall observe the following as per the interim order of the Honble Supreme Court of India in respect of W.P (c) No (s) 89 of 2011 and the interim order of the Honble Supreme Court of India dated 26th July 2011, wherever applicable.

Admission criteria:
Colleges offering Post Graduate Diploma in Management shall admits students who have valid score of CAT, MAT,XAT, ATMA, JMET and common entrance CMAT of university.
The college shall inform the state government and clearly display on the Institute web site the eligibility criteria, selection procedure and the merit list of the students who have applied for the program. The selection of students shall be strictly on the basis of merit.

The college shall charge fees as notified by the Fees fixation Committee in the respective State and shall be notified to university and published on the college web site.
Composition of Board of Governors (BOG)

The Board of Governors of the college shall have two invitees, one nominated by the university and the other nominated by the State Government.

Source: UGC Website
Education sector associations like EPSI & AIMS are certain to object to this UGC move. In fact this issue is expected to be at the center of discussions at the EPSI meet on December 28 in New Delhi. As reported earlier on this portal, EPSI is organizing a Chairmen & Directors meet in the capital on the UGC Guideline. This will be addressed by Directors & Deans from 15 leading PGDM institutions including XLRI, MDI, SPJIMR, IMT, IMI, TAPMI, BIMTECH, and is expected to draw participation from 100 B-schools across the country.

On December 3, University Grants Commission (UGC) hadannounced new draft guidelines to regulate thousands of technical colleges including engineering and management schools in the country. UGC had asked education institutions for any feedback to be given by December 9, just 6 days to file their objections. EPSI and other education bodies had objected to this hasty move by UGC. This move by UGC comes seven months after the Supreme Court Verdict that questioned the authority of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to regulate technical education. On April 25, 2013, the apex court had said that colleges affiliated to universities dont fall under the purview of AICTE. Though the HRD ministry had initially suggested promulgating an ordinance to restore the powers of AICTE, the move was put on the back burner due to the prevailing policy uncertainty.
The new guidelines suggest that UGC is likely to regulate the 3500+ MBA programs offered by Public Universities and their affiliating colleges.

On December 9, bothEducation Promotion Society of India (EPSI) and the newly formed Indian Association of Autonomous Business Schools objectedto the rushed manner in which UGC is trying to create a new regulatory framework.Handing over to MBA, MCA and engineering education to UGC will prove disastrous because our public universities lack capabilities and experience to regulate technical education. EPSI will request Mr Pallam Raju, Union Minister of HRD, to intervene in this matter, said Dr H Chaturvedi, Alternate President of EPSI, and Director of BIMTECH.

MBAUniverse.com readers will remember that your portal was the first media platform to raise the concern about the rushed and non-participatory manner in which UGC was trying to create a new regulatory framework.Our first story dated December 6categorically mentioned, It may be noted that the guidelines were published on UGC website a few days back on December 3. This short window of time to seek feedback is impractical and seen by experts as a move by UGC to hasten the process of adopting new guidelines for management and technical institutions.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on this important development.

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