Last Updated on January 8, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

WAT topic for MBA: Indian polity has a better model for growth than China

This WAT/ essay on the Topic Indian polity has a better model for growth than China is in the series of GD PI WAT preparation for MBA Admission 2014. This article will provide inputs for your WAT round at Admission 2014

WAT topic for MBA: Indian polity has a better model for growth than China

India chose a federal polity after getting independence while China has been run as a unitary polity. China is a unitary hard state and it can pursue a single goal with determination and mobilize maximal resources in its achievement. India who preferred to move on the path of Federal Democratic Republic wherein the concept of mixed economy was introduced with the co-existence of public and private sectors.

India marched on the path of growth

The democratic structure of Indian polity and the concept of Public Private Partnership, competition between public and private sector in healthcare, economic activities, food provisions, housing shelters etc. were aimed to give a boost to Indian economy which began to grow with enthusiasm.

With the freedom of mobility all over the country for all, skilled and professionally equipped found better employment opportunities in various upcoming industries. Establishment of industrial houses, infrastructural developments like roads, rails, water management with the help of construction of dams etc. became the catalysts of growth in agriculture and industry alike.

Natural resources in India are abundant like minerals, water resources, human resources, etc. India has all the socially well knit requirement for growth of a civilized society. It is an example of unity in diversity where thousands of tribes, castes following different religions co-exist.

China, however, with all the abundance of natural resources began its march on growth in all the sectors initially like a closed economy for the world. It didnt even could get the U.N. Membership with its new name. No freedom of trade and commerce, press etc. was allowed till Maozedong held the reins of power.

The growth in Indian polity is evident as in 1952 India had a per capita income of $60 as against China whose per capita income was $50 (Kumar, Dharma [[1998] The Chinese and Indian Economies in Kumar [1998]. India despite the long foreign rule and diversity in caste, creed, language and customs has never been as hostile to foreigners as China has been. Till 1978 China despite a growing economy remained a closed economy from the world.

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Changing face of growth

The situation has however, now taken a different trend, giving the world surprise blows. Economic growth, growth in defence mechanism and forces, globalization, exports, performance in sports etc. have favoured China and now India has been left behind. The reasons are obvious. While China adopted the policy of one child-it could check the tremendous growth of population. Economic activities grew at a faster pace. More discipline, due to unitary power system, fetched the results in industry, agriculture, sports etc. Per capita income of China has surpassed the per Capita income of India. China is at 31st position as compared to India, which is at 50th position.

India gaining momentum
The world however has great faith and trust in the vibrant growth model of democratic India, where the growth is achieved by negligible use of force. Mission to Mars gave a shot in the arm as India made a debut with low cost Mangalyaan, a venture where China couldnt succeed.

India, with a given freedom of choice to its citizens managed to control the population growth whereas China made the one child policy a compulsion. Indian IT and other professionals are most sought after in the world. The crucial factor however, remains that there is a great disparity between the educated and uneducated and unskilled population. While China has been able to make its larger population more skilled, India is yet to make that mark.

India is a country that is an open economy. It pushed the import liberalization policy harder, has consistently been making efforts to strengthen the international relations. Unlike Pakistan, India has not had a civil war, has survived as a democratic open society based on consensus and debate.

India has been able to provide convertibility to its currency whereas China has so far been afraid of doing so. To stay a stable and peaceful society, India has all the ingredients while China might have more explosions and civil unrests, if people are deprived of their due share of freedom.

World finds India more dependable

China and India both are the victims of corruption although it is more rampant in India. But people will tolerate corruption, although with reluctance since they can throw the corrupt out of office. Democracies coexist with all sorts of imperfections and can indeed withstand a lot of misery unlike authoritarian regimes. China, despite achieving faster pace of growth in the authoritarian regime, will be forced to make a political transition as profound as the Eastern European states did with their economies. India unlike China may have higher growth and development on the strong grounds of democratic federalism with the thrust on participation from all walks of society.

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