IIMs WAT process: Five hot topics on Economy for WAT Essay Round
This article by MBAUniverse.com gives you five probable topics on Economy for IIM short lists to successfully clear the IIM WAT process round for Admission 2014. Prepare these topics to score valuable points in IIMs WAT Process.
The process of WAT and PI in IIMs and other B schools have already started. Most of the institutes have preferred WAT to GD in final admission round. Candidates are running from pillar to post to get meaningful guidance that can be helpful to get through this process successfully.
IIMs WAT process: What do they expect in WAT?
The essay writing test is conducted to take the best out of an aspirant in the writing and communication skill. How convincing the person could be with the ideas and knowledge he or she has.
You may have a great deal of knowledge on economy and during your preparation for WAT, might have learnt the statistics related to economic conditions, growth, future prospects, economic terms and their meanings also. You can answer all the questions if asked individually on these topics in fragments but can you write them systematically beginning with what you are going to write, dividing the body of the essay in coherently written paragraphs and concluding with what you have said in the essay.
A prospective manager should be able to communicate well in writing, making the things clear in no ambiguous terms and in brief. WAT in IIMs wants you to pen down your rich but scattered knowledge on a piece of paper in a consistent flow of thought to judge whether you are able to write a well worded spot essay without beating about the bush.
IIMs WAT process: Solved WAT topics
MBAUniverse.com in this third article of the series on solved probable WAT topics shares with MBA aspirants the essays related to economy.
Our earlier important articles:
WAT /Essay Topics: 5 Probable Essay Topics on Socio Political issue for IIM WAT process
IIMs WAT process: Key Economic terms to score high in Essay round
Tips given below the topics will guide you how to begin, write at length and conclude the essay on the topic. Taking a clue from these tips, the candidates are supposed to write on varying topics for practice. When you write please write on paper and with a clear understanding on the topic. Mistakes if any should be analysed and understood to avoid their recurrence.
Topic 1: Lack of transparency & corruption make India a difficult place to do business
How to begin- Wish to establish business in India gets a setback due to complicated laws and red tapism
Main essay- Lack of transparent system, Obstacles, corruption, political risks, regulatory risks, high taxation Conclusion- Make the system easy and friendly to establish the business.
For full article, Click here
Topic 2: Indian economy lacks coherent Fiscal and monetary policies
How to begin- Economy is controlled by these policies; what are these policies Main essay- How do these policies work; mismatch in India; need is the coherence Conclusion- steps taken so far, how to make the policy coherent
For full article, Click here
Topic 3: Elimination of subsidies on Petroleum products will boost the image of government
How to begin- Why the subsidies are granted; who are the real beneficiaries; populism makes it difficult to do away with the subsidies Main essay- subsidy elimination may make up deficits; may lead to alternate energy resources; need is to install more renewable energy plants; saved funds will help in making the country a welfare state in reality; will create greener environment Conclusion - It will be a win-win situation; neither the government will lose populism nor the consumers will lose; rural population will get better assistance
For full article, Click here
Topic 4: Indian economy should be privatized
How to begin- what is privatisation; many countries opened their doors for private sector to improve quality and economic growth Main essay- how will it help; the need; growth after privatisation; effects Conclusion- Creative and innovative thinking; skilled working will be the outcome of privatisation
For full article, Click here
Topic 5: Role of women in socio economic growth of the country
How to begin- Women are the real architects of growth in a country; have been contributing a lot Main essay- Despite obstacles role is significant; Historical evidence; omnipresent contributions; Conclusion- Role is important and cannot be undermined
Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more solved WAT topics for MBA Admission 2014
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