Last Updated on March 10, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

MAH CET 2014: Logical Reasoning- Expected questions and tips to crack MAH MBA CET 2014

With just five days left to MAH CET 2014 exams, MBAUniverse.com brings you expert article on expected questions and tips to crack MAH MBA CET 2014

MAH CET 2014: Logical Reasoning- Expected questions and tips to crack MAH MBA CET 2014

The difficulty level of the question paper in MAH CET 2014 is easier than CAT/XAT although total number of questions is more than these All India tests. MAHCET has 200 MCQs as against 60 in CAT and 103 in XAT 2014. Time to solve the test in MAHCET is 150 minutes which is 140 minutes in CAT and 160 minutes in XAT. There is no negative marking in MAHCET whereas all other tests impose penalty for every wrong answer. Candidates prefer to attempt all the questions in MAHCET since there is no fear of deduction of marks due to negative marking and this is the reason due to which high percentage becomes the cut off point to top rated B schools.

How important is Reasoning in MAHCET 2014?

Logical and Abstract reasoning in MAHCET may have 70+ questions out of total 200 and as such form a major share of the test. Cracking them right will be the gateway to score high in the test. Many of the questions will involve some tricks but an aspirant with basic conceptual clarity will be able to solve these questions.

This section may include Analytical Reasoning, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning. Around 50 questions can be expected in Analytical Reasoning part and 20 to 25 questions may come in Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal (Visual) Reasoning.

Important topics In reasoning section important topics are Caselet, Analogies, Coding Decoding, Series Completion, Data Sufficiency, Inference Based Question, and in some questions, you will be provided with a statement and will need to find the correct set of assumption or the correct conclusion.

As paper contains 200 questions in 150 minutes with no negative marking, one must mark answer for all the questions without wasting time. If you are not able to solve a question, you can have smart guess to pick out the most appropriate option rather than leaving the question un-attempted.

Here are some sample questions on various topics which can be asked in the exam.


Caselet- In this topic a caselet having some information or data will be provided and it will be followed by 3-5 questions based on the information provided. We need to answer based only on the information provided in the caselet.

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. (i)Lectures on six subjects P, Q, R, S, T and U are organised on the same day one after the other by six different persons A, B, C, D, E and F. Subjects and persons are not necessarily in the same order.

(ii) First lecture was on subject Q but not by B immediately followed by Cs lecture. Lecture on subject R is taken by E just before the last lecture. Last lecture on subject T is taught by F. Ds lecture on subject P is between C and Bs lectures.

Q.1. Lecture on subject P is preceded by whose lecture? (1) B (2) E (3) B or E (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these

Q.2. Whose lecture is at serial No. 4? (1) B (2) C (3) B or C (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these

Q.3. Who takes lecture on subject S? (1) C (2) B (3) C or B (4) A or B (5) None of these

Q.4. Who takes the first lecture? (1) C (2) A (3) D (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these Statement Conclusion:

In each question below are given some statements followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

Q.5. Statements: All films are clouds. All rats are clouds. Some clouds are chairs. Conclusions: (I) No film is chair. (II) Some rats are films. (III) Some clouds are rats. (IV) Some chairs are rats.

(1) Only I and III follow (2) Either II or IV follows (3) None follows (4) Only IV follows (5) None of these

Q.6. Statements: Some bugs are slates. All slates are apples. No apple is car. Conclusions : (I) Some cars are slates. (II) Some bugs are cars. (III) Some apples are bugs. (IV) No car is bug.

(1) None follows (2) Only II follows (3) Only III follows (4) Either II or IV and III follow (5) None of these


Q.7. In a code language pla te lo means Children like playing; te wo de means Children hate studying and fa al lo means All like flowers. So which word stands for hate in that language? (1) de (2) wo (3) fa (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these

Q.8. A + B means A is sister of B; B C means C is wife of B; C x D means D is son of C. If all are true how is A related to D? (1) Mother (2) Sister (3) Aunt (4) Grandmother (5) None of these

Non-Verbal Reasoning- It is divided under following categories: [1] Classification: In each problem, out of the five figures marked (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), four are similar in a certain manner. However, one figure is not like the other four. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more news and updates on MAH CET 2014 exam and MAH CET 2014 Results

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