Last Updated on June 27, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2014 exam: Last or First sentence of paragraph; Be ready for surprises in CAT 2014

CAT 2014 is expected to serve you with not less than two questions based on completion of a paragraph which would give an edge of six marks

CAT 2014 exam: Last or First sentence of paragraph; Be ready for surprises in CAT 2014

CAT 2014 is expected to serve you with not less than two questions based on completion of a paragraph which would give an edge of six marks and would improve your percentile by 12 to 15. The first time when this type of question appeared in Verbal Ability section in 2006, it created a lot of panic among the CAT takers. Since then 1-3 questions of this type invariably appear in CAT Verbal Ability section every year.
CAT despite having gone for perceptible changes since 2006 has not changed much the basics of this question type. CAT 2014 is expected to place the question in a different manner to find the first sentence along with the last sentence of paragraph. Prof S K Agarwal, Expert on Verbal Ability shares below the expected type of such questions and how to prepare for them.

Structure of the question
This question asks the test taker to find out the most appropriate sentence option that completes the incomplete paragraph. Hence the question appears with an incomplete paragraph, leaving the last line, which is required to be picked out of the four alternative concluding statements, given as possible answers, to complete the paragraph in the most appropriate way.
It is not much difficult to guess the concluding sentence if different options express different directions. But the agonizing part is that all the options appear quite close to one another and each option looks as if correct. However, those who understand the text, idea and tone of the author can do well and answer them correctly.

Part of Critical reasoning
Question on completion of Last sentence of paragraph in fact belongs to Critical Reasoning which is part and parcel of Logical Reasoning. Since it is more inclined towards verbal ability, an aspirant with better command over VA will be better equipped to solve such problems.

How to prepare
Completion of a paragraph is nothing but a test of your comprehension skills. However, knowing well that CAT exam is always full of surprises and the difficulty level is rather high, we should be aware how to be ready to attempt such questions with some tips beforehand.

-Understanding the unity and coherence in the paragraph is a must. Beginning of the paragraph may well provide a lead to its topic and tone. The paragraph develops its main body by discussing the details and facts. Try to link the sentences by spotting the key words and logical arguments. This can be achieved by reading more variety of stuff. Go for Editorials and articles in newspapers, read them and find out what you can miss without the last sentence.

-Identify the gist of the paragraph by following the thread of thought (steps cited above).
-Getting close to concluding sentence keep yourself away from the last line but be in touch of the thought that would complete the paragraph. The concluding sentence in fact, does not start a new thought or idea but restates or sums up whatever has been detailed in the paragraph. The last sentence, thus reiterates the main idea of the paragraph although in different words.

-Do not get involved in the jugglery of words used in the paragraph, as the same may waste your time; instead get the general meaning that may lead you to your goal. - practise more such questions, it will give you an edge over others.

CAT 2014 Verbal Preparation with CAT Expert!
Anticipate the surprise in CAT 2014 exam
Since 2006 CAT has been placing this question every year with no structural changes. In 2013 CAT convenor Dr Rohit Kapoor of IIM Indore, promised that there wouldnt be any surprise element in CAT 2013 but it appeared in the form of repetition of question to pick out the most appropriate out of context sentence from a jumbled paragraph. The reins of CAT 2014 are again in the hands of Dr Kapoor and the CAT testing agency has changed from Prometric to TCS this year.

You can very well expect surprises in formation of 2-3 questions on Last sentence of paragraph. It could be other way round; while the last sentence exists in the paragraph the aspirants may be required to find out the First sentence of paragraph.

So how to prepare for the Surprise element in CAT 2014 exam!
The preparation strategy for this surprise element is not much different. This time you will simply move upwards from last line to the first line, i.e. in the reverse order.
You already have concluding thought that sums up the paragraph, you also have the main idea and tone of the paragraph in the body of the same, now you need the sentence that introduces the paragraph. The first sentence in fact contains what is going to be discussed in the coming paragraph. So any sentence that conveys closing thought or giving contradictory thought may not be the first sentence of paragraph.

Prepare RC Passages for CAT 2014
Parajumble preparation for CAT exam
CAT Verbal Ability Error correction in sentences and paragraphs
Example 1: Last sentence of paragraph

Directions for question 1 Following question has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.
Age has a curvilinear relationship with the exploitation of opportunity. Initially, age will increase the likelihood that a person will exploit an entrepreneurial opportunity because people gather much of the knowledge necessary to exploit opportunities over the course of their lives and because age provides credibility in transmitting that information to others.

However, as people become older, their willingness to bear risks declines, their opportunity costs rise, and they become less receptive to new information.
1. As a result, people transmit more information rather than experiment with new ideas as they reach an advanced age.
2. As a result, people become reluctant to exploit entrepreneurial opportunities when they reach an advanced age.
3. As a result, people are reluctant to experiment with new ideas as they reach an advanced age.
4. As a result, only people with lower opportunity costs exploit opportunity when they reach an advanced age.
5. As a result, people depend on credibility rather than on novelty as they reach an advanced age.
1(A) 2(B) 3(C) 4(D) 5(E)

Example 2: Anticipated surprise element: First sentence of para
Direction-question 2: Below the incomplete paragraph, options are given to complete the same. Identify the most appropriate option that begins the paragraph in the best suitable manner.
The waiting period will only be temporary in nature. The only thing that can create a serious problem for you is to lose your patience or to lose your hope or to forget that the situation is temporary and not permanent
1. No pessimism should therefore persist despite all the odds
2. If you are in trouble you can ask for the help from your near and dear as you know
3. Optimism means knowing that one will eventually be rescued since
4. You must wait for the right moment to strike the goal as
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D

How to approach the answer
For Last sentence of Para
1. Read the first sentence of the paragraph, it has got the tone and idea to proceed to main body of paragraph
2. Find out the main points and main idea in the paragraph while giving it a thoughtful reading. If you are unable to decide the main points importance wise check whether the point you have chosen has due relevance to your reading.
3. Think carefully now, what should close the paragraph
4. Choose the most appropriate option-the option that concludes the paragraph, instead of taking it to some other thought, idea, action or any other domain
5. Mark the answer.
For First Sentence of para

Take the reverse order. What sums up the para has the clue to introduce the para. Hope is an optimistic idea which should begin the sentence. Other sentences with therefore, referred trouble, referring the right moment to strike for some persisting trouble may not be the beginning sentences

Answers:Example-1: 2(B) logical conclusion to the paragraph as the central idea is about the exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunity at a later age in life. Example-2: 3 C. All other sentences refer to some earlier discussions or direct to other facts away from this paragraph

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