Last Updated on July 24, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

Vocabulary in CAT 2014 exam: Learn the borrowed words from East in English

Vocabulary questions in Verbal Ability section in CAT 2014 are expected to be more focused on your understanding of context in the sentences. Verbal Expert emphasizes the need to focus on contextual usage instead of building up the stock of words.

Vocabulary in CAT 2014 exam: Learn the borrowed words from East in English

English vocabulary has leniently welcomed the words from all languages and has included the most used words to its stock. East has been one of such preferred region whose languages have found a good representation in English Dictionary and CAT has frequently been asking questions based on such words.

Vocabulary questions in Verbal Ability section in CAT 2014 are expected to be more focused on your understanding of context in the sentences whether the questions are formed on common words where you have to find out the incorrect use of the word out of the 4 usage or fill in the blanks types or similar words used in a sentence type.

Learn from all sources

Sharing the learning tips on Vocabulary usage for CAT 2014, Prof S K Agarwal, expert on Verbal Ability emphasizes that instead of building up the stock of words make sure you are focusing on contextual usage. In his view important tip to save time and energy in such a level of preparation module, is to utilise your precious time on exercises and practice to solve the different types of Vocabulary questions which will simultaneously help in adding of vocabulary words.

Learning vocabulary in context may not be done in a few days only. CAT 2014 aspirants have to begin now and have to put in the hard work with regular memorising and using the learnt vocabulary else whatever is learnt may be forgotten in a few days.

English has many borrowed words; understand their usage

English language reflects centuries of its historical close contacts with East. Words from Hindi, Arabic, Persian have found prominent place in English Dictionary. CAT aspirants should form divisions in practicing the vocabulary. They will find it easier to correlate them in correct context.

Common words from East

A few words given below will equip you to move further, taking a lead to contextual usage. Choose the word or phrase that is the closest in meaning to the key word. Try to think of the reason before selecting an answer.

1. Hookah :
A. A pipe B. A bird C. A market D. A narrow window

2. Kedgeree: A. A stringed instrument
B. A lowly servant C. A dish of fish and rice D. A velvety fabric

3. Kowtow : A. To run awkwardly
B. To spring back C. To be over-respectful D. To meditate

4. Nabob : A. A wealthy and important man
B. A desert animal C. A card game D. An item of furniture

5. Pagoda: A. A turban
B. A gold coin C. A temple D. A high ranking nobleman

6. Pariah : A. A priest
B. A social outcast C. A large fan D. A plant

7. Pundit : A. A basket
B. A lavish tapestry C. An expert D. A bear like animal

8. Purdah : A. A flat bottomed boat
B. A legal document C. The seclusion of women D. A buffet meal

9. Shanghai: A. A meeting of community leaders
B. To kidnap C. To chatter D. To give charity to

10. Caliph : A. A tunnel B. A shepherd with a turban C. A ruler in Muslim country D. A type of calculator

11. Alcove : A. An alcoholic fruit drink
B. A recess C. A backyard D. A cloak

12. Anti- Macassar : A. An anti aircraft gun
B. A valuable metal C. A cloth covering on a chair D. A thick sock

13. Arsenal : A. A guerrilla group
B. A scientific laboratory C. A stock of weapons D. A medicine

14. Attar : A. A toolbox
B. A perfume C. The ruler of a state D. A weapon

15. Azure : A. Blue
B. A head-dress C. Poisonous D. Confident

Answer keys

1. Hookah: A. An eastern smoking pipe, with a tube for passing the smoke through water to cool it. From Arabic huqqah, a small box.
2. Kedgeree: C. In England a hot dish of fish, rice and eggs. In India a dish of lentils, rice, with eggs and onions . In Hindi khichri.
3. Kowtow: C. To be over respectful, to behave in a slavishly, submissive way as kowtowed to the princess in all her unreasonable demands. Originally, a Chinese greeting involving a deep bow until ones forehead touches the ground.
4. Nabob: A. A wealthy and important man. Originally a ruler in India during Mughal Empire. Portugese- Nababo, Urdu-Nawwab, a ruler.
5. Pagoda: C. A temple or tower, usually ornate and many storeyed, in the Far East. From Persian Butkada( But=idol+kada=temple).
6. Pariah: B. An outcast, originally a member of low cast of drummers in South India. Tamil-Paraiyan, a drummer.
7. Pundit: C. An expert or authority in a particular field. Originally a Hindu scholar. Hindi-Pandit, a learned man.
8. Purdah: C. The seclusion of woman. Originally a curtain used in the East to conceal women from men. From Persian-pardah-a screen.
9. Shanghai : B. To kidnap a man often by drugging him, to serve on ship board, press-gang. After Shanghai, the great Chinese seaport, sailing ships heading there were often crewed by such kidnap-victims.
10. Caliph: A title formerly used by Muslim rulers who were successors of Muhammad, Chief civil & religious ruler in certain Muslim Countries. Caliph or Calif. From Khalifa-the Chief
11. Alcove: B. A recessed area in a wall or room. From Arabic Alqubbah, the vault.
12. Antimacassar : C. A cloth covering on a chair, especially to protect against dirt. After Makassar, today called Ujung Pandang, a city in Indonesia which exported the ingredients for hair oil.
13. Arsenal : C. A stock of Weapons , a place where they are stored, made, or repaired. From Arabic dar-as-sinaah- a house of manufacture.
14. Attar : B. A perfume made petals, e.g. attar of roses. Persian attar perfumed.
15.Azure : A. Sky-blue, from Arabic Al-lazaward, the gemstone lapis lazuli.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more tips on vocabulary prep for CAT 2014

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