Last Updated on July 31, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

100 questions in 170 minutes in CAT 2014 exam: Implications on preparation strategy

The biggest change in CAT 2014 exam is the increase in number of questions from 30 to 50 in each of two sections. Prof S K Agarwal, expert on CAT preparation shares the proposed changes required in the CAT 2014 preparation strategy from now on.

100 questions in 170 minutes in CAT 2014 exam: Implications on preparation strategy

Apart from other big changes in CAT 2014 aspirants, the biggest change is the increase in number of questions from 30 to 50 in each of two sections. According to Dr Rohit Kapoor, faculty at IIM Indore and CAT 2014 convener now Quant & DI section and Verbal & LR sections will have 20 more questions each.

The time to solve these questions has also been increased from 140 minutes to 170 minutes. However, the time allotted has not proportionately been increased as CAT aspirants earlier had 2.32 minutes at their disposal to solve one question and now it stands reduced to 1.70 minutes per question. Numbers of queries are being received by MBAUniverse.com every hour in regard to this change as the CAT 2014 aspirants are now more worried on increased number of questions and reduced time per question.
Prof S K Agarwal, expert on CAT preparation shares the implications and proposed changes required in the CAT 2014 preparation strategy from now on to score a high percentile.

Worry has the ground

According to Prof S K Agarwal, CAT aspirants worry on reduction of time, is not unfounded in case CAT 2014 doesnt adopt a little moderate level of difficulty. In all probability, CAT 2014 may not have the questions of similar type as appeared in earlier years. TCS may prefer to bring some twist within the syllabus and the question types might change.

Aspirants already reeling under the pressure of reduced time limit might be loaded with different type of questions as it happened in CAT 2006 and CAT 2012 when questions like completion of last sentence of paragraph; Picking out the Out of context sentence in a jumbled paragraph were placed before the aspirants. Lot of hue & cry was there among the CAT test takers but they had to attempt them in all sincerity.

Expect different questions on PJ and Error correction

On a similar or different pattern from past CAT years, aspirants may be asked some questions to find the first sentence of the paragraph, choose the opening and concluding sentence of a jumbled paragraph. Questions based on one word substitution, usage on proverbs and figures of speech, confused words might find a place in CAT 2014.

Questions on RC may change

There could either be more number of RC passages with similar number of questions based on them as have appeared in CAT 2012 & 2013 or the passages might have an increased length with more number of questions.

Another aspect, expected in Reading Comprehension part is that it may have higher ratio of questions in CAT 2014. RC has so far occupied 1/3rd part of the entire Verbal + LR section and half of the Verbal Ability part with 10 questions. If CAT 2014 chooses to keep it the in the same ratio, questions will increase from 10 to 15 or even more as in other MBA entrance tests like IIFT where more focus is on English comprehension. But if ratio of questions is increased there could be 4-5 RC passages followed by 20-22 questions.

Common type of questions like Tone and attitude of the author in the passage may get different style for example, what could be the thought hovering the authors mind when he wrote .; Or What makes author write..

Expect changes on Vocab based questions

Aspirants may also expect more questions on vocabulary usage like using the synonyms to fill in the blanks, instead of picking the incorrect usage of common vocabulary words, collocations, phrasal verbs questions could be framed to find the correct usage. Number of such questions, apart from the twist in them, may rise. Dr Rohit Kapoor, Convener CAT 2014 has already given the hint that CAT 2014 will have a different exam pattern with no change in syllabus.

What prep strategy should you plan now?

Most of the CAT 2014 aspirants are halfway on their preparation journey. They are now a bit confused whether to continue with the same preparation pattern or some changes to it are required. Besides what should be the new preparation strategy is another big query which needs to be addressed.

But there is no point to be scared or be afraid of CAT 2014. CAT has gone for perceptible changes during the last years and these are the CAT aspirants who have always emerged winners every year.

Slightly modify the preparation pattern

Since there will be more questions, some more topics will be included in CAT 2014 from within the syllabus. So prepare the forgotten topics also. Go for the last 10-15 years past CAT papers, check what has not appeared for quite some time and prepare the same also.

Attempt the revised Mocks

Make a comprehensive study plan to include more topics and practice questions. You might have taken number of mock tests by now. The mocks so far had time constraints on individual sections for example you were supposed to solve 30 questions in 70 minutes and were not allowed to move to other section before the completion of these 70 minutes.

CAT 2014 will have no such restriction and you will be permitted to solve any of the 100 questions from any section during the overall time limit of 170 minutes. With this changed pattern, you should go for revised on-line computer based Mocks which contain 100 questions covering more topics and usage. Besides these Mock tests should have no restriction to move from one section to another.

Scoring pattern may be slightly different in CAT 2014. Please however, remember that with entire time of 170 minutes available for the CAT exam, prepare and practice in the manner that you focus on the both the sections in a balanced manner. Balanced high sectional percentile is more important than overall high percentile. Therefore during your practice sessions, keep a clock with you and find out periodically how many questions from each of the sections you have solved.

Think: what benefits you may get in CAT 2014

Let us put them chronologically

More questions may be based on more topics. So wide coverage on topics will be available to opt for and attempt

No one in CAT is able to solve all the questions, so focus on 60-70 questions with no constraints in navigation from one section to other. Now you have more than 2 minutes per question and hopefully with moderate difficulty level. So plan your preparation strategy accordingly

Better target can be fixed with more available questions. After preparing with an open mind, it will be easier to pick more questions out of 100 questions

1.70 minutes per question is sufficient time to solve, if we go strategically. You always prefer to solve those questions in first attempt which you can solve confidently. Number of such questions calling your attention in the first attempt may not be more than 20-30 out of 100 and you may be able to solve them with an average time of 1 to 1.25 minute each.

No wastage of time, please. If you stick to one difficult question and try to waste your time, you may remain far behind in scoring. Time saved out of these attempts will be available before you to utilize for further attempts. Your level of preparation will equip you to make as many attempts as possible with accuracy.

You have the liberty to solve more questions but dont attempt such questions as you are not able to follow. This would avoid penalty of negative marking.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on CAT 2014 exam preparation

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