CAT 2014 Registration Check list; understand the process well before beginning brings for the benefit of the aspirants the check list of various items of information that should be kept ready and understood well before entering the process of registration for CAT 2014
CAT 2014 Registration with many changes will begin on August 6, 2014 and will continue till 11.59 PM on September 30, 2014. CAT 2014 aspirants have full 56 days to register themselves to take the test. There will however be many changes in the process of registration for CAT 2014. Aspirants should ensure that they have gone through the necessary guidelines for registration and prepare a check list before beginning the process as it would be a time bound exercise and in case of not filling up the required information or filling up any wrong information may render the candidate disqualified even if he or she has secured a high percentile in CAT 2014. brings for the benefit of the aspirants the check list of various items of information that should be kept ready and understood well before entering the process of registration for CAT 2014.
Off line voucher Purchase; eliminated
CAT 2014 registration will be an absolutely on line process right from the purchase of voucher to completion of registration process. Unlike earlier CAT registrations where offline purchase of vouchers was permitted, CAT 2014 has gone completely green and no paper work is required.
Scheduling of Test; not permitted
CAT 2014 aspirants have to register themselves only but will not find any option in registration window to choose the date, session and test centre as per their choice. They can select the 3 most preferred examination cities out of 99 test cities but cannot enter any other preference. The date, session, and test centre will be allotted by the test conducting agency TCS after the last day for registration is over.
Ensure your eligibility criteria
CAT 2014 aspirants should satisfy the following eligibility criteria and keep their marks, percentages, CGPA ready with them before proceeding for registration process-
- The candidate must hold a Bachelors Degree, with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA
-Candidates appearing for the final year of bachelors degree/equivalent qualification examination and those who have completed degree requirements and are awaiting results can also apply. However, necessary eligibility certificate from the Head of the institution should be submitted by June 30, 2015.
-The candidates belonging to categories for which seats are reserved need to note and read the eligibility requirements carefully before applying. No change in the category will be entertained after the closure of registration window. Hence, applicants are advised to give attention while registering.
-A copy of the Reserved Category certificate(s) must be uploaded at the time of CAT Application online. Failure to upload a copy of the caste/class certificate will result in the rejection of your CAT registration.
Have your operating email id
CAT 2014 aspirants need to have a valid and unique email address. All correspondence until CAT 2014 and during the selection stage will be communicated using this email address.
After successful completion of registration process, the candidate will be informed on this mail id. Email id of any other person, coaching institute is not acceptable.
Complete the process in allotted time
Not more than 20-30 minutes will be allotted to complete the process of registration. In case the process is not completed within the given time frame, the registration window might get closed and you will have to go through the process again.
Opening the link to registration
CAT 2014 registration link will open on August 6, 2014 at 10 AM. Since all the CAT 2014 aspirants will open the link for the first time for registration, they should click on Register instead of going to existing user. Please note that the candidates who registered and appeared also for CAT 2012 or 2013 will also be the new users hence they should also click on Register.
Paying the Registration fee
You may not be allowed to proceed for registration unless you have paid the registration fee. Till CAT 2013 you could purchase the voucher from the designated Bank and during the registration process could enter the number given on the voucher. Now you will have to pay for it online. Hence keep the credit card/net banking instruments ready with you to pay the registration fee for CAT 2014.
Creating the profile and login
This part is going to be the first section of registration for CAT 2014. It may appear with some other name in CAT 2014 registration process.
- In this section you will be required to create your profile and a login id so that you may log back in later to carry out certain changes.
-Your name should be the same as appears on your 10th certificate. No change will be allowed in name later, please remember.
-Additional contact information would also be required to be uploaded in this section.
-There would be secret reminder question which you will be required to remember in case you forget the password.
-Please also remember once you complete this process and submit the same no change would be allowed.
Applying for CAT 2014
-The next part will be the application process. It will require your personal information like gender, date of birth, nationality, and category, so keep all the related information ready to enter.
-Support documents for Reserved category candidates will be required to be uploaded at the time of registration so keep the same ready with you.
-Details of educational qualification will be required to be entered beginning from results of class 10 to the highest qualification with year of passing, marks obtained, percentage of marks, correct name of the Board/University/Institute. It will be better to note down the entire information well before starting the registration process.
-There could be 2 options under Bachelors/graduation degree; complete or incomplete. Please enter the data accordingly. If you opt for incomplete, the number of completed years and average/aggregate marks will be required to be filled up till the last completed year.
- IIMs include Bachelors degree in Public Administration to commerce/economics, so you may not find the name of this course in the drop down menu and therefore include it in above. Similarly degree in Biotech engineering may have separate option and you will be required to select science as the option.
Jot down the programmes and institutes as per preference
-You will be required to enter the programmes for which you wish to be considered for admission after CAT 2014. The programme names and institutes have already been displayed in the notification. To avoid any confusion and time wastage, write down the details so that the same can be entered quickly.
-There will be an option to select cities for your next phase of admission round i.e. GDPIWAT after CAT for the said programme. You will be required to select the city from the drop down menu.
Choose 3 preferred test cities
There is no more self scheduling of test. Now you are required to enter the 3 preferred test cities out of 99. So make sure about these testing cities and then enter the same from drop down menu during registration process. The test centre, date and session shall be advised to you on October 16, 2014 with your admit card which will be available on your email.
Work Experience; how to enter
CAT prefers to calculate the work experience in months. So enter the total work experience data in months. If you have a work experience of 2 years, please enter it as 24 months. If you have worked in more than 1 sector, choose all the applicable sectors. Please note that work experience will be calculated after completion of your bachelors degree; for all sectors taken together for the total period you worked and should be full time paid work experience.
Enter all the mandatory data
All the required mandatory information should be entered else it will waste your time and screen will continue showing incomplete and the confirmation will not be received by you.
Complete the registration within time
You can complete the CAT 2014 registration in 10 to 15 minutes if you keep all the details ready. If you forget something, please close the window and login again when you have that information
Error rectification during registration
You may select Existing User Login on CAT website to make changes to your personal details, such as address, educational information or exam city preferences. For security reasons, editing of candidates full name, date of birth, email id, mobile no and Country will not be allowed.
Dont submit till you complete
If you click on submit button you will not be able to rectify any errors made during registration process. So please do not click on submit button till you are satisfied that you have entered the correct data.
The ability to edit application profile will be available only until you have not submitted the Application Form. Once you have submitted and made the payment, you will not be allowed to make any more changes. You may only view and print thereafter.
So far CAT has not asked for uploading the photograph with the registration. However it can be a different case in CAT 2014 with so many changes in the process of registration. It will be better to keep your digital photograph ready also.
Besides the aspirants are advised to read the registration instructions well and understand the process of mock registration exercise before proceeding for registration for CAT 2014 on any date from August 6 to September 30, 2014.
Keep a check for LIVE Updates on CAT 2014 Exam, Click here: CAT 2014 Exam Notification Details
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