Last Updated on August 21, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

How and When to finalize your CAT 2014 Registration; No amendment after submission

Two aspects in CAT 2014 registration process are now required to be considered before finalizing the registration. The first one is how and the second one is when.

How and  When to finalize your CAT 2014 Registration; No amendment after submission

Once you click on Submit button and pay the fee, you will not be allowed to carry out any amendment in your CAT 2014 Registration and application forms. Numbers of modifications have been incorporated in the registration and testing pattern in CAT 2014. 56 days Registration window for CAT 2014 got opened at 10 AM on August 6, 2014 which will continue till 11.59 PM on September 30, 2014. MBAUniverse.com has already shared with the aspirants the step wise registration process for CAT 2014 http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/7851/CAT-2014-Registration-open

Aspirants are now more confused in taking the decision whether to proceed and finalize the CAT 2014 registration now or do it later. Another problem being faced by them is how to complete the process since a few columns in the registration and application forms are posing problems. Prof S K Agarwal, expert on CAT preparation shares the pros and cons on this aspect with expert advice how and when to finalize your CAT 2014 registration.

2 aspects of CAT 2014 Registration: How and When

Two aspects in CAT 2014 registration process are now required to be considered before finalizing the registration. The first one is how and the second one is when.

How deals with the process of CAT 2014 registration and shares the key points in filling up the form, so that you may not feel sorry after clicking on Submit button as you wouldnt be allowed to change the data after submission and payment of registration fee.

When signifies the period during which you should complete your CAT 2014 registration and submit it. Since there is no freedom to choose the preferred date, session, test centre, candidates are now weighing it with a different thought process and probably this is the reason that in comparison to CAT 2013, fewer registrations have been reported for CAT 2014 even after the lapse of 15 days since the registration for CAT 2014 opened on Aug 6, 2014.

Let us discuss both the aspects so that we may have the clarity in arriving at the appropriate decision

How to complete the registration; avoid the common problems

CAT 2014 aspirants are advised to patiently complete the entire registration process after reading and understanding the instructions on CAT 2014 registration in order to avoid common and small mistakes during the registration process.

-After completion of first part of registration, please check the filled in entries and then click on submit as later on you wont be able to make modifications in your name and date of birth in this part.
-While filling up your name in CAT 2014 Registration form, please ensure that your name should be the same as on your 12th/Diploma/Degree certificates.
-Format for filling up the date of birth is DD/MM/YYYY in CAT 2014 registration. Click on the calendar icon to select the correct date. You shouldnt try to write it. You cannot change it once you click on the submit button.
-Suggestions to get rid of problems in uploading the photograph and signature; filling up Captcha image; academic details; work experience; making payment have already been shared. CAT 2014 aspirants can find fruitful solutions to almost all the petty mistakes that are inadvertently made while filling up the details in registration form at the following link http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/7868/CAT-2014-Registration-process .
-Remember to click save & continue button after completing each part of registration form.
-Dont make payment till you have checked all the filled up details in the registration form.
-Dont click on Submit button till you are satisfied again with all the details. Once you click on submit you stand no chance to amend.

When to finalize; pros & cons

Make a check list, keep the required information ready, the CAT 2014 registration process is not time bound. You may go for step by step process and should ensure after completing each part whatever you have entered is correct.

Should you finalize your registration for CAT 2014 early

In fact there is no need to go for early registration in CAT 2014. All the aspirants who register during the 56 days registration window will be treated at par in CAT 2014 as against the earlier CAT years registration process when the aspirants could select the test date, city and test centre along with the preferred session. There was always a fear of not getting the preferred test centre and session, if the registration process was not completed early.

But CAT 2014 has a modified registration process which doesnt allow any self scheduling of the test and the aspirants will be informed of the test date, one of the 3 preferred test cities selected by the aspirant, test centre and the test session but not before October 16, 2014, 15 days after the close of registration process.

No first come first served in CAT 2014 Registration

CAT 2014 registration process is not going to allot you, your preferred test centre on the first come, first served basis as used to happen till CAT 2013. Now the allotment of test centre will be on random basis subject to availability. The aspirant has to fill in the choice of 3 preferred test cities. So, there is no fear of not getting the preferred test city or centre now if you do not register early.

Now if you register today or a month later but upto September 30, 2014, you stand on the same platform and will get the testing date, session and test centre on October 16, 2014.

Complete the process; Pay later

There is probably no use in finalizing the registration process now and paying when you are not going to get any benefit out of it. Whether you make payment on August 21, 2014 or on September 21, 2014 you are at par. However, it will be better to complete your CAT 2014 registration form in all respects except making the payment and submitting the form.

You never know what might happen at a later date. It will therefore be in fitness of things to finalize your CAT 2014 registration process in the middle of September 2014. By that time number of icons lying dead on CAT 2014 site will also get activated and you will be able to know more on CAT 2014. Besides in case of any further changes and modifications, information for the same will be available on CAT 2014 site.

So there is no point in hurrying up. This thought is going on among thousands of CAT 2014 aspirants who also think it proper to finalize their CAT 2014 registration process a little late as they do not find any benefit in going for early registration in CAT 2014. Prof S K Agarwal advises to focus on your CAT 2014 preparation for another month and then finalize your registration process.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on CAT 2014

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