CMAT 2014 Paper Pattern: Exam Remains balanced Third day analysis; Update GK on Indian Polity
CMAT on September 27, 2014 was more similar to CMAT on Sep 25, 2014
There was no surprise element on the third day of CMAT Sep 2014. CMAT on September 27, 2014 was more similar to CMAT on Sep 25, 2014 (first day). Students attempting 65-70 can accept a good position in merit. CMAT on the third day remained moderate with GK more focused on Indian Economy and polity. 3 RC passages were also moderate and short. Although each of the 4 sections had a few difficult and tricky questions the test was doable overall and candidates could attempt very well in a range of 60-70 questions.
A few candidates, as shared by them, were tempted towards some particular question in one section and forgot the ticking clock. The time they could have utilised on some other questions to score more was consumed by such tricky questions. Although they might have thought and taken such tricky questions as a challenge and might have had the satisfaction of solving them, it did no good in terms of managing time and scoring high since more time was wasted on these questions while every question carried equal marks. By the time they realised it, the damage had already been done.
General Awareness
More questions were based on General Science, Constitution of India, Fiscal system of the country like taxation, type of tax, World affairs, sports, words used for the study of certain sciences.
More such questions are expected in forthcoming days and aspirants are advised to brush up their knowledge on CRR, SLR, Bank rate policy, Balance of trade, Balance of Payment, current GDP, Capitals of States of India and of the countries, currency, different constitutional figures of the country and how they are elected, who controls the monetary and fiscal policy of the country, what are the inflation control measures adopted by these authorities.
Candidates who could attempt 18-20 questions in this section might get good position in merit. However it is no use learning current affairs that happened a fortnight ahead of the CMAT since the test paper was prepared prior to that.
Quant and DI
Quant on third day of CMAT Sep 2014 was also of moderate level. It was a mix of questions based on Algebra, Geometry, PnC, profit and loss, Mensuration, Numbers. Quant was not tough but it became a little more time consuming for most of the aspirants. Data interpretation questions were again a little lengthy and required better reading of the problem and understanding the same to answer the set of questions based on data. Candidates with core technical background and expert in mathematics could perform better in this section.
For the remaining 2 days the suggestion is to practice more in your strong areas and do not try to learn any new concept as it will waste your time more than fetching any substantial benefit. An attempt of 17-19 questions was good to score well in this section.
Language comprehension
There were 3 Reading Comprehension passages of 300-400 words followed by 15-16 questions on them. Each passage was moderate with a few difficult words and sentences. Overall they were doable. Questions on RC passages were based on inference, facts.
Apart from RC questions remaining 10 questions out of 25 questions were on core English grammar, use of synonyms and antonyms, fill in the blanks, short but tricky jumbled sentences. The section remained moderate with a few questions rated as a bit difficult. Those who had good knowledge of fundamentals were more comfortable with the Language Comprehension questions on 3rd day of CMAT Sep 2014 (first CMAT 2015). Those who could attempt around 19-20 questions would be rated as good.
Logical reasoning
Analytical reasoning on the third day of CMAT Sep 2014 was comparatively easy to do. Questions were based on series completion, visual reasoning, truth and lie detection, setting arrangement, blood relationship
The overall section was not difficult although a few questions consumed more time than expected. CMAT aspirants who could crack 18-20 correct can expect a good merit position.
CMAT does not award score in the form of percentile nor does it disqualify any candidate. The raw scores awarded to the candidates result in formation of their merit position on the basis of which candidates seek admission opportunities in various B schools. Please therefore avoid any wastage of time by sticking to one question taking it as a challenge. The one fourth negative marking can also pull down your scores, so avoid guess work.
The CBT exam is not an option to go for some experiments testing your skill. You have to score high to get a high position in merit.
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