Missed CAT 2014 registration: Get one more chance; courtesy CAT 2014 convener Dr Rohit Kapoor
Number of candidates who couldnt register for CAT 2014 by the registration closing date September 30, 2014 need not worry now, courtesy CAT 2014 convener Dr Rohit Kapoor
The decision of CAT conducting IIM Indore and the CAT 2014 Convener Dr Rohit Kapoor to re-open the CAT 2014 registration on October 10, 2014 is a historic decision which is expected to benefit thousands of CAT 2014 aspirants.
Number of candidates who couldnt register for CAT 2014 by the registration closing date September 30, 2014 need not worry now, courtesy CAT 2014 convener Dr Rohit Kapoor. Dr Kapoor is going to bestow one more chance to the aspirants to register for CAT 2014. But candidates have to remember that the registration will remain open only for one day. The faster you are, the better will be your prospects to register for CAT 2014 during the re-opened one day registration window on October 10, 2014.
Guidelines available on CAT 2014 site
CAT 2014 registration site www.iimcat.ac.in has published the pop-up message on October 5, 2014 prominently on its home page inviting all the CAT 2014 aspirants to avail the opportunity of registration for CAT 2014 on October 10, 2014.
Important Notice: CAT Centre 2014 has considered requests to allow application submissions for one more day. Fresh on-line registration for CAT 2014 will be allowed on Friday, 10th October 2014 from 00:00 hours to 23:59 hours.
However, after publication of MBAUniverse.com article on October 3, 2014 regarding re-opening of CAT 2014 registration process,
http://www.mbauniverse.com/article/id/7997/CAT-2014-registration-open candidates have begun visiting the CAT 2014 site since October 5, 2014 and while the information waspublished on the home page of CAT 2014 site, many candidates are still not able to view the same, may be due to some problem in their computers, the suggestion to rectify the same is also shared in the last paragraph of this article.
Good aspirant friendly decision
Dr Rohit Kapoor, Faculty IIM Indore and CAT 2014 Convener has informed We are allowing the candidates one more day on 10th October, 2014 to complete the registration/application process.
During the past many years registration date for CAT could not be reopened. However CAT 2014 convener must have taken pains to accede to the request of CAT 2014 aspirants who couldnt register earlier, to open the CAT 2014 registration window again on October 10, 2014 since the decision cant be taken only by him. Dr Kapoor also took care to inform MBAUniverse.com about this development so that awareness could be spread among the prospective CAT 2014 aspirants who missed the registration process due to one or other problem.
CAT 2014 registration process remains the same
Major reasons for opening the CAT 2014 registration process again on October 10, 2014 for one day according to Dr Rohit Kapoor are We have been given to understand that few candidates faced difficulties during the last day of submission of CAT 2014 application, i.e., on 30th September 2014 owing to failures in internet connection, net banking transactions etc.
There is no change whatsoever in the registration process and the candidates have to follow the process as advised on CAT 2014 site. They have to register first with their mail id and then go to existing user login icon to proceed with the registration process.
The most important aspect is that the candidates should keep all their details ready to complete the registration process as fast as possible.
Reopening of Registration:Result of aspirants emails
To address the problems of number of aspirants who were not able to register for CAT 2014 and requested the CAT 2014 convener the decision to open the CAT 2014 registration process again was taken. Signifying the necessity to re-open the CAT 2014 registration, Dr Rohit Kapoor shares Based on the emails received from the affected candidates, we are opening the window for one day to apply and complete the registration and/or application
Remember October 10, 2014: the only day to register for CAT 2014
No further opportunity to register for CAT 2014 is proposed to be granted before or after October 10, 2014 by CAT 2014 convening IIM Indore. Make the best use of it. The registration process according to Dr Kapoor, CAT 2014 convener will remain open from 00:00 hours to 23:59 hours on October 10, 2014 for all the CAT 2014 aspirants.
Those who couldnt register due to some technical glitches or missed the date can avail the opportunity afresh.
Check your browser
The aspirant friendly registration process for CAT 2014 has to remain accessible all the time on October 10, 2014. To keep the same away from prospective technical problems you should check whether you have one of the following internet browsers working well
Internet Explorer 7,8,9; Mozilla Firefox 14 to 28; Google Chrome 20 to 33
If the registration website is not accessible for any reason, please close your Internet browser and try again. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the recommended Internet browser
CAT 2014 recommends The Registration/Application form is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.
If Mozilla Firefox not displaying updated message
CAT 2014 aspirants in case are not able to view the updated pop up on CAT site it may be because of one of the following reasons-
-old history,
-cookies due to not ending sessions properly;
- Java script not enabled
- Popup not allowed
In such case, please delete the old history and hopefully you will get the updated popup on your screen, when you visit the CAT 2014 registration site again, on or before October 10, 2014.
This is a great opportunity and all such CAT 2014 aspirants who couldnt complete their registration process till September 30, 2014 must not miss the last opportunity to complete the registration process for CAT 2014 on October 10, 2014.
Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on CAT 2014 Registration
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