CAT 2014 registration: Glitches may happen on Oct 10; be ready to register early
The candidates might face similar technical or other problems on October 10, 2014 since the registration opens again only for one day.
CAT 2014 registration window is being reopened on October 10, 2014 for one day to accommodate all such candidates who couldnt register and apply for CAT 2014. Number of candidates couldnt apply during the 56 days registration window from Aug 6 to Sep 30, 2014. Till Sep 30, 2014 around 1.90 lakhs CAT 2014 aspirants registered and applied for CAT 2014.
A good number of aspirants who usually apply during the last days of registration window missed the opportunity either due to the fact that CAT 2014 registration window remained suspended from September 28 to September 29, 2014 or due to the last minute technical glitches. CAT 2014 convener Dr Rohit Kapoor reviewed the situation and took the bold and historic decision to reopen CAT 2014 registration window for one day. According to him Based on the emails received from the affected candidates, we are opening the window for one day to apply and complete the registration and/or application
The last opportunity: Avoid the anticipated problems
In fact the reopening of CAT 2014 registration window, according to Prof S K Agarwal, expert on CAT preparation should not be viewed as an extension of registration date. The decision of CAT 2014 conducting IIM is generous to accommodate all such candidates who couldnt register and apply for CAT 2014.
When the last days in CAT 2014 registration process had technical glitches and prevented the aspirants from registering and applying, the candidates might face similar technical or other problems on October 10, 2014 since the registration opens again only for one day. The entire residual rush of 56 days would be present only in a single day. suggests following steps to avoid such problems and complete the registration/application process smoothly and without technical glitches.
Keep all the details & documents ready
Go through the CAT 2014 registration guidelines and various articles already published on regarding steps of registration process.
This will help you to gather all the related material and keep it ready to complete the registration process.;;
Keep the computer system updated
CAT 2014 conducting IIM Indore recommends The Registration/Application form is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. The aspirant friendly registration process for CAT 2014 must remain accessible all the time on October 10, 2014. To keep the same away from prospective technical problems you should check whether you have one of the following internet browsers working well
Internet Explorer 7,8,9; Mozilla Firefox 14 to 28; Google Chrome 20 to 33
In case the registration website is not accessible for any reason, please close your Internet browser and try again. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of the recommended Internet browser
Registration opens at 00 hrs: No need to wait for late hrs
The registration process according to Dr Kapoor, CAT 2014 convener will remain open from 00:00 hours to 23:59 hours on October 10, 2014 for all the CAT 2014 aspirants.
Since there would not be any further opportunity to register for CAT 2014 after October 10, 2014 by CAT 2014 convening IIM Indore. Aspirants should make the best use of it. Those who couldnt register due to some technical glitches, inoperational net banking due to half yearly closing day of Banks on Sep 30, 2014 or missed the date can now avail the only opportunity.
There is no point waiting till the late hours on October 10, 2014 for CAT 2014 registration as it may again pose technical problems due to rush on the site.
Registration process is same
According to Dr Rohit Kapoor, CAT 2014 convener We have been given to understand that few candidates faced difficulties during the last day of submission of CAT 2014 application, i.e., on 30th September 2014 owing to failures in internet connection, net banking transactions etc.
There is no change whatsoever in the registration process and the candidates have to follow the process as advised on CAT 2014 site. They have to register first with their mail id and then go to existing user login icon to proceed with the registration process.
Guidelines on CAT 2014 site
There is a clear pop-up message on the home page of CAT 2014 site inviting all the CAT 2014 aspirants to avail the opportunity of registration for CAT 2014 on October 10, 2014.
Important Notice: CAT Centre 2014 has considered requests to allow application submissions for one more day. Fresh on-line registration for CAT 2014 will be allowed on Friday, 10th October 2014 from 00:00 hours to 23:59 hours.
All those who wish to register and apply for CAT 2014 are advised to go for registration process in the wee hours on October 10, 2014 to avoid any disappointment again due to any problem.
Stay tuned to for more updates on CAT 2014 Registration
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