CAT 2014 Admit Card Candidate can download from 19th October 2014, 1:00 PM onwards
CAT 2014 Admit card will be available for view and print from Sunday, 19th October 2014 onwards.CAT 2014 Exam will held on 16 & 22 Nov, 2014.
IIM Indore the CAT 2014 conducting IIM confirms Admit card will be available for view and print from, Sunday, 19th October 2014 onwards. You will have to log onto the CAT website with your registered User ID. With this perception and confirmation CAT 2014 aspirants can download admit cards from October 19, 2014.
Ensure to check the details While viewing your admit card on CAT 2014 site please ensure to check following details are available in it. In case any lack of information is found please immediately contact the CAT 2014 help desk. -Your name as entered in the registration/application form of CAT 2014 -Date of CAT 2014 exam (whether it is November 16 or November 22, 2014) along with slot of exam -Address of CAT 2014 test centre -User ID
Logon to view and download the admit card You are supposed to log on to CAT 2014 site with your CAT 2014 registered user id and password to view the admit card. Once you are able to view it and are satisfied that all the information contained in it is correct, download and save it in a folder.
Take prints It will be better to take more than 2-3 prints of your admit card. Keep one with your other mandatory documents which you will have to carry to the exam centre and other with you so that in case of any query you may instantly refer to it. Please remember Admit Card is a mandatory document required to take the exam. You must bring a print out of your Admit Card to the exam centre.
Admit card: wait is painful Number of aspirants have been raising the query regarding the timely issue of admit card. You may however be able to get your admit card after noon October 19, 2014. Hard work to get the same issued as early as possible appears to be going on. Once you receive the admit card number of things will be clear like which exam city has been allotted, which is your exam centre, what is the date of your CAT 2014 test, in which slot you will have to appear in the test.
List of Exam centres List of CAT 2014 exam centres is also proposed to be available alongwith the issuance of CAT admit cards. This list will be updated as more exam centres are allocated for CAT 2014.
In case Admit card is not received As per CAT 2014 You will be eligible for an Admit Card only upon submission of online application form. You will receive an automated email confirmation upon successful submission. It is therefore imperative to know whether you were able to successfully submit the online application form and check whether you received the mail confirmation regarding the same. In case it didnt happen you wouldnt receive the CAT 2014 exam Admit Card.
If you are unable to view your Admit Card on the site even after logon process, you should immediately refer and report to the CAT 2014 help desk. Dont wait for hard copy of Admit Card IIM Indore the CAT 2014 conducting IIM has clarified that The admit card will be only available on the CAT Website when you log on using your CAT 2014 User ID. No hard copy of CAT 2014 Admit card will be sent to you.
Many prefer: Nov 22 in Admit Card Many CAT 2014 aspirants have shared that they would prefer to take the test on November 22, 2014. This will help them to have the pre familiarity of CAT 2014 from the peers who appear on November 16 for CAT 2014. They are praying that their admit card should contain November 22, 2014 as the testing date.
Stay tuned to for more updates on CAT 2014 Admit card
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