CAT 2014: 3 key inspiring suggestions shared by Dr Rohit Kapoor, CAT 2014 convener
Dr Rohit Kapoor, faculty IIM Indore and CAT 2014 convener advises and shares the motivational words for CAT 2014 aspirants with 3 key important pieces of advice
Despite number of changes and surprise elements anticipated in CAT 2014, aspirants dont have to get disheartened or demotivated. The preparation should continue at a greater pace and in right direction.
Dr Rohit Kapoor, faculty IIM Indore and CAT 2014 convener advises and shares the motivational words for CAT 2014 aspirants with 3 key important pieces of advice that would be the success mantra for the test takers. The inspiring words of Dr Kapoor Please Read the instructions provided in your admit card carefully. Reach to the test center well before time. Gear up yourself and give your best. I wish all of you best of luck! contain the important suggestions for CAT 2014 aspirants to ace the test.
Read Admit Card instructions
All the CAT 2014 test takers have received their Admit cards and have been advised by CAT Centre 2014 to immediately approach the CAT 2014 help desk if they are unable to view their Admit Card on the site even after logon process. The advice of Dr Rohit Kapoor to read the instructions provided in your admit card carefully signifies the importance of the mandatory primary document the hard copy of which has to be carried by the test takers to the Test Centre on CAT 2014 exam day.
The Admit card contains various important and useful instructions to be followed by the CAT 2014 aspirants. No CAT 2014 aspirant can afford missing any of these instructions, a few of them are shared below
The Admit Card is to be submitted for verification at the time of the test. At least one original (not photocopied or scanned) and valid (not expired) photo identification card (such as College ID, Employer ID, Driving License, Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhaar, UID) should also be presented .The candidates photograph and signature images should be legibly printed and visible on the photo ID card and should match the name on Admit Card. The Photo ID card should not be damaged or smudged.
Print the Admit card on an A4 size paper using a laser printer. Admit Card is valid only if the candidates photograph and signature images are legibly printed.
This Admit card is valid only for the test date and session time as specified in the Admit Card.
Candidate will be disqualified from CAT 2014 if he/she attempts to appear for the test more than once.
Mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets such as watches, calculators and stationary items like pen, pencil, and paper are NOT ALLOWED inside the examination hall. There is no facility for safekeeping of your personal belongings outside the test hall and CAT Centre 2014 will not be responsible for its loss. Only Admit Card & Photo ID Card only will be allowed inside the test hall.
Friends and relatives accompanying the candidate will not be allowed inside the test centre.
Rough sheet(s) and pen will be provided to the candidate for rough work which will have to be returned after the test. Candidate should write his/her name and registration number on the rough sheet(s).
Candidate needs to make his/her own travel and stay arrangements for attending the test.
The admit card is provisional, subject to the condition that the candidate has fulfilled the eligibility conditions like academic qualification, category, PWD status etc. as mentioned in his/her application which is subject to verification in the consecutive stages of the selection process.
Discrepancy, if any, in Date of Birth (printed above) and/or Gender can be edited on the CAT website from Nov 25 2014, 10:00 AM to Nov 28, 2014, 05:00 PM.
Check the details in Admit Card
While viewing your admit card on CAT 2014 site please ensure to check that all the details are available in it. If you find any information missing, please immediately contact the CAT 2014 help desk.
Name: Your name as entered in the registration/application form of CAT 2014
Registration Number : The registration number is same as your registered user id for CAT 2014
Date of Birth : your date of birth as you entered in the application form
Birth Category : Whether General, SC/ST, OBC etc.
PWD/DA : In case the candidate is differently abled/physically challenged, it will have yes else No
Date / Day of test: Date of your CAT 2014 exam (November 16 or November 22, 2014)
Time / Session: Examination session (Before noon or after noon)
Test City: Address of CAT 2014 test centre
Test Center: The exam centre in the city where you will be required to appear in the test
You will have to affix a recent coloured passport size photograph on the hard copy of the Admit Card in the given box.
Be in time at Test Centre
CAT 2014 convener Dr Rohit Kapoor advises the aspirants to reach to the test center well before time. The time to reach at the Test Centre has been specified by CAT Centre 2014 stating Candidates should report at 7:30 AM for the forenoon session and at 1:00 PM for the afternoon session. No candidate will be allowed inside the test centre after 8:45 AM for the forenoon session and post 2:15 PM for the afternoon session
According to the instructions and guidelines the reporting time at CAT 2014 test centre is 2 hours before the exam the morning session of which begins at 9.30AM and afternoon session begins at 3.00 PM. It is therefore very important that the candidates should reach by the specified hour. CAT 2014 further has suggested that Candidates are advised to locate their test centre and its accessibility at least a day before the test so that they can reach the centre on time on the day of the test. It will surely help the test takers to know the distance, route, travel time and mode of conveyance available from place of stay to the exam centre. Arriving late at the test centre is not advisable as you may not be allowed inside the testing room.
Give your best in testing room
The final advisory from Dr Rohit Kapoor to the CAT 2014 aspirants is Gear up yourself and give your best. This is very important since the full length practice test has been published, aspirants now know well the exam pattern, type of questions, navigation tools. They should focus on well planned preparation strategy for CAT 2014, should take more mocks according to new pattern of CAT 2014, learn how to attempt the entire test without breaks. It will give them real testing room feeling. All the relevant topics should be covered with versatile question pattern.
Once the candidates prepare well and have practiced well, the need is to give your best in the testing room. So keep yourself healthy and save yourself from any problem that arises due to change of seasons as onset of winter can be seen. Less than a fortnight remains to appear in CAT 2014 according to Prof S k Agarwal Verbal Ability expert and mentor on CAT preparation you should make sure you that no stone is left unturned in your CAT 2014 preparation journey. Have confidence and remain motivated.
Stay tuned to for more tips on CAT 2014
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