CAT 2014: A 5 hour activity Begins in Morning; know the testing room strategy
Only a night remains between you and your CAT 2014 exam that begins at 9.30 AM tomorrow on November 16, 2014
Only a night remains between you and your CAT 2014 exam that begins at 9.30 AM tomorrow on November 16, 2014. You are supposed to report at the test centre 2 hours before the testing time i.e. at 7.30 AM for the morning session and at 1 PM for afternoon session which begins at 3 PM
You are not supposed to get engaged in any sort of hectic activity physical or mental today that could leave you with fatigue or tired mental condition. Remember CAT 2014 is a different test involving 5 hours of activity right from the reporting time to completion of the test excluding your travel time.
You will invest 2 hours before the exam and almost 3 hours inside the testing room without break. It needs a refreshed and cool mind needed to attempt the tricky CAT 2014 which is going to place 100 questions before you, making you run a mini-marathon without breaks.
Make sure that you arrange the required documents to be carried to the test centre without fail. Relax in the evening and have a good night sleep with no hangovers. Dont get overawed with the heat of the CAT 2014. Rest assured if you are prepared well, you can crack it. With this thought in mind, be prepared to enjoy the sweet dreams and go to sleep a bit early so that full undisturbed sleep overpowers you.
Get up absolutely fresh early in the morning, get ready and proceed to the CAT 2014 exam centre with the mandatory documents of Admit card and Photo ID.Once you reach the exam centre with bare minimum required documents, you will be subjected to verification and security check.
If you are carrying any other small articles, like watch, mobile phone, stationery of any type; they will be kept and stored away from the testing room in small plastic bags. It is advisable not to carry bags or valuables to the testing centres as there may not be any facility to store them.
Inside the Testing Room
Prof S K Agarwal Expert and mentor on CAT preparation shares the testing room strategy to tackle the longer than earlier CAT exam and score high. Entering the testing room, You will find a series of computers. You will have to sit before one of the computers to get yourself examined. It is called the Biometric check-in process where the candidates digital image and finger prints are captured in order to verify the identity in future course of selection processOn completion of this check-in, you will be guided to your assigned seat. Since other candidates are in the queue, you may have more waiting time. It is advisable to go to the wash room before the doors are closed. Please note that, after the doors are closed and during the test period, you may not be allowed to go to the rest room.
Paper and pen for rough work: Make their best use
Make optimum use of the pen and scratch paper that will be provided to you for calculation and rough work during the examination. While going through the Reading comprehension passages note down important words and sentences, this will enable you to answer most of the questions based on RC passages.
During the Examination
Please remember not to look around when the examination begins. Your work station will be blocked on three sides, hence any activity to peep at other candidates will be captured on surveillance cameras and may render the candidate disqualified for the test.
Your first test section will be of Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation with 50 questions and the Second section of Verbal Ability and logical Reasoning will also have 50 questions. Total exam duration will be of 170 minutes. There is no time constraint in CAT 2014 and you can freely toggle between the two sections and can attempt any question from any section.
View the test paper
CAT 2014 has provided you the facility to go through the entire test paper in one go. You may scan it once and choose the preferred section that you wish to attempt first. It will also give you a fair idea about the type of questions and difficulty level that you are going to face in the exam.
Take More attempts
Take more attempts and try to answer the questions with higher accuracy level. You have no time constraints.So just relax and maintaining your cool, improve your attempts. Dont waste more time on one question. If time permits you may review it afterwards.
In case of technical snag
Please remember you can go to any section within the overall time limit of 170 minutes. In case of some technical snag during the examination, close your eyes and try to revise and think on type of questions you are facing in the exam. You may recall number of tricks and tips to solve the questions you are going to solve next.
Marking the answers: Use the best navigation tool
CAT 2014 has provided the facility to know the status of the question by viewing the Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen. There are 4 colour symbols on the bottom side of the screen that will indicate the status of the question on the right hand side of question-answer screen in different colours. Green will indicate the Answered question; Red will show the Unanswered question; White will remind that Question is not viewed and Violet will show that Question is marked for review.
If you select an answer option to a question by clicking on the bubble placed before the 4 choices in the form of radio buttons (o) and also click on Save & Next. It will save your answer for the current question and then will move to the next question. This option will not allow you to revisit the question, in case you want to review it later.
A better option than this exists to answer the question as well as have the facility to review it, if time permits. If you mark the appropriate answer option bubble and click on Mark for Review & Next, it will save your answer for the current question and will also mark it for review, and will then go to the next question.
This option will get your answer to be considered for evaluation unless you modify the status of the answer. Please note that your answer for the current question will not be saved, if you navigate to another question directly by clicking on a question number without saving the answer to the previous question.
If you complete the test before time
If you complete the test before the completion of your time as indicated by the ticking time on your computer screen, You will neither be allowed to submit the test as submit button will be enabled after completion of 170 minutes nor you will be allowed to come out of the examination hall.
The best option during this time is to review the answers or look for the questions left unattempted. It is possible that you may answer one or other question out of the left overs.
Nothing to study a night before CAT
Most of the candidates try to read and practice more mocks etc. on the day before their examination, thinking it will help more. However, in view of the experts it sometimes becomes detrimental to your confidence level. Prof. S.K. Agarwal, expert in Verbal and seasoned CAT trainer suggests the candidates to refresh themselves and avoid any hard hitting practice sessions.
Stay tuned to for more tips on CAT 2014 exam
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