CAT 2014: My experience of taking test on Day 1; first person account on Nov 16, 2014 presents a first-person account of a candidate who took the CAT 2014 exam on first day on November 16, 2014 to help you get ready for your D-Day on Nov 22, 2014 presents a first-person account of a candidate who took the CAT 2014 exam on first day on November 16, 2014 to help you get ready for your D-Day on Nov 22, 2014. Candidates account of his CAT 2014 experience follows:
My date with CAT was in the afternoon session of Sunday, November 16, 2014 the second session of CAT 2014 which was expected to bring more surprises with increased number of questions. As I walked closer to the test centre at Mangalmay Institute in Greater Noida, my test centre, the first thing I saw was the displayed board outside the centre gate CAT 2014 Test Centre to enable the candidates to locate their designated examination centre.
I reached the centre early at 12.45 PM. A few candidates were already there
Number of candidates had arrived before I reached the test centre. It was due to the fear of traffic jams and to ensure the timely arrival at the examination centre, the gates of which were supposed to be opened before 2 hours of the beginning of the test, scheduled at 3 PM. The gates were closed at that time and the number of first session candidates were waiting for their friends and relatives to pick them up after the examination. While many of these candidates were smiling a few were seen pulling a long face as they found number of questions quite tricky and time consuming. On enquiring about any technical glitches, the candidates confirmed that there were no technical problems and the first day first session was quite smooth. The fact could also apparently be verified as the first session of CAT 2014 got over at the scheduled time.
The exam centre gates were opened at 1.00 PM. Candidates began entering the exam centre gradually without any hurry. There were no long queues and the security check was smooth. The process didnt mark any hindrance although the turnout was good in numbers. The volunteers and faculty at the first point of document verification were more than pleased to guide you to the process. Most of the candidates who came to take the test, were the first timers after a hard level of preparation and appeared quite scared of the process. But the cooperative and reassuring behaviour of the volunteers at the exam centres made them relax.
Helmets not allowed inside the centre
Vehicles, except those of test organising team and invigilators at the centre, had to be parked outside the examination venue. The friends and relatives who accompanied their wards to the centre either had to wait outside or went away as they were not allowed the entry inside the premises. Another problem came up to those who had helmets and couldnt find a place to keep them. Helmetswere not allowed to be carried inside the examination centres. So remember this and make some prior arrangement, to fasten and lock the helmet to your two wheeler.
Arrive on time: No entry after 2.15 PM
Security check didnt consume too much it used to take in earlier CAT exams. There were three test centre personnel to cross examine the Admit cards and identification documents of the candidates. No long queue was formed, the process went on smoothly.
Some of the candidates carried more than the required documents and found it difficult to manage them. It was also made abundantly clear on the CATwebsite as well as in the published articles on MBAUniverse site not to carry any other small or big articles as apart from your Admit cards and identification documents, nothing will be allowed inside the testing room, although arrangements to keep small articles in the guard room were made by the exam centre personnel.
No other articles please
Despite all the guidelines, a few candidates chose to carry with them, some articles as large as laptop bags. They had to face tough time at security check. These candidates had to deposit the bags in the guard room at entry gates, requesting them to take care of their bags or so. Guards were also not in a position to oblige them as officially they couldnt do it. Some of them went out to find a place to keep their belongings while those who had comparatively smaller bags, could manage through security check. Those who have to appear in CAT on Nov 22, 2014 should take note of this, to avoid the avoidable problems before the test.
More testing Labs to accommodate more candidates
There were 6-7 testing labs at the exam centre. Around 300 candidates could appear in CAT a single session at the centre. The process was surprisingly smooth and those who have earlier appeared in CAT may find it pleasant that candidates in the queue were not more than 15-20 at a testing lab. It didnt take more than 2-3 minutes to clear one candidate.
The check in process
A list of candidates assigned for each test lab was available outside the gate of the exam centre. Every testing room also displayed the list of candidates notified for the said testing lab with his/her registration number, name and assigned seat/computer number outside the room.
The registration check in was 2 step process. The candidates had to sit before a computer to get their image and finger prints captured. The procedure was carried out to verify the identity of the candidates. Then the candidate had to sign the attendance sheet and had to make entries manually in the attendance sheet.
Most of the candidates preferred to go to the rest room before proceeding for Check-in. The reason was that no one was supposed to go to the rest room, once the doors of the testing room were closed 30 minutes prior to the test.The arrangement for water and wash room was available just outside the testing lab at the centre.
The candidates were escorted to the designated work station in the testing lab. There were three Test Centre volunteers and invigilators who were helping signing in every candidate. The image of the test taker appeared on the computer screen.
There was more than 40 minutes waiting time for the examination to begin after I occupied my seat. Other candidates were gradually coming inside the testing lab. Those who wanted to visit the rest room during this period, were allowed and when they were escorted back to the work station, their admit cards and identification documents were checked again, although a little quickly. The doors of the testing lab were closed before 30 minutes to the beginning of the Test; however a few candidates were still allowed to come in.
Work station blocked on 3 sides
The work station was blocked on three sides and no was allowed to look around. There were instructions being issued on various dos and donts during the examination. All the candidates were provided with a pen and scratch paper. They were to be returned on completion of the examination.
Neither the tutorial nor the practice test was available before the actual exam in CAT 2014 testing room. The facility stands withdrawn in CAT 2014. So test takers could not have hands on practice. Invigilators read out the instructions and important dos and donts for the examination.
The test began and ended on time: No technical snags
Before beginning the test a disclosure agreement appeared on the screen, which had to be clicked on I agree. The first section appeared with Quant and DI questions with 50 questions in this section. There were 34 questions on Quantitative Ability and 16 questions on Data Interpretation.Quant was felt moderate while questions on Data interpretation were a bit more tough and time consuming. Candidates, in accordance with their learning experience, found Quant quite doable. Most of the candidates couldnt attempt more than 4-5 DI questions.
The second section comprising Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning also had 50 questions in the same ratio 34 on Verbal and RC and 16 on Logical reasoning. Again while Verbal was not so difficult despite the fact that questions in this section appeared in totally different shape in CAT 2014, questions on Logical Reasoning were more tricky and time consuming. Average attempted questions by the candidates in this section were 24-28.
There were no technical snags during any session and exam continued with no obstacles on November 16, 2014. There were no sectional time constraints and candidates could toggle between the sections freely.
The test ended at 5.50 P.M. without any major or minor technical snag. Therewere some candidates who forgot to click on save and next after marking the answer option and had to go through the process of marking the answer again. The best way is to mark the answer option and click on Mark for review as this will help you to review your answers, if time permits. If you are unable to review the same, your answers will still be evaluated by CAT Centre 2014.
Overall experience of the first day was nice. Candidates, going for CAT on Nov 22, 2014, are advised to take care of all the avoidable problems, so that they may not have to run here and there before the examination.
Stay tuned to for more tips and updates on CAT 2014 exam
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