Last Updated on November 24, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

CAT 2014: IIM Indore and TCS deliver a perfect

Administering of most sought after and largest MBA/PGDM entrance examination CAT 2014 all over the country for 1.97 lakh registered candidates in just 2 days was a perfect show

CAT 2014: IIM Indore and TCS deliver a perfect

Administering of most sought after and largest MBA/PGDM entrance examination CAT 2014 all over the country for 1.97 lakh registered candidates in just 2 days was a perfect show of well devised plan and management strategy by IIM Indore, the CAT 2014 convening IIM) and TCS (the CAT 2014 testing agency) that resulted in delivering a successful CAT 2014 without any technical glitches in 4 sessions on Nov 16 and Nov 22, 2014.

CAT 2014: Shortest & Glitch free test
It is noteworthy to point out that during last 6 years since its inception in 2009 as computerised based testing format, CAT 2014 has been the first CAT that has remained glitch free and conducted in the shortest testing window. CAT in earlier years used to be conducted in 2-3 weeks testing window and in 30-40 sessions with fewer testing cities and centres and yet fewer candidates taking CAT in each session. Gradually it became to be believed that CAT in India may not be conducted in a shorter testing window, in fewer sessions as it might attract problems at technical as well as management level.

All the myths have been broken in CAT 2014 which has been rated aspirant friendly, glitch free, conducted just in 2 days in 4 sessions and was perfectly managed by IIM Indore and TCS.

CAT 2014: Aspirant friendly
Right from the day, the CAT 2014 opened its registration process on Aug 6, 2014, the exam has been stated as aspirant friendly. The changes proposed in the conduct, format, duration, pattern, testing days raised number of questions in the minds of CAT 2014 aspirants and they expected many technical glitches that could occur in one or the other session of CAT 2014. But the CAT 2014 convening IIM Indore and the testing agency TCS not only responded to all the queries and addressed all the issues of aspirants related to CAT 2014 but also ensured to conduct a well managed free from any technical problem CAT 2014 in just 2 days.

First CAT with real No age Bar
Earlier no candidate despite being a graduate from UGC recognized University could register for CAT, if he/she had graduation degree of 2 years duration. The registration for CAT required minimum 3 years of graduation. This anomaly persisted till CAT 2014 which brought pleasant surprises for the graduates who completed their graduation in 80s with 2 years degree course from UGC recognized universities.

CAT 2014 registration allowed 10+2+2/ 10+1+1+2 graduates to register for CAT 2014. IIMs did away with the implied Age Bar in registration for CAT 2014.

CAT 2014: First CAT with no rigidity
Unlike earlier CAT exams registration to which was usually not reopened despite whatever problems candidates might have been facing in the process, CAT 2014 registration was reopened by IIMs on Oct 10, 2014 for one day. CAT 2014 did not adopt the path of rigidity, instead tried to accommodate what it could without compromising with the pristine glory of CAT exam.

In fact number of aspirants were not able to register for CAT 2014 and they shared their grievances with the CAT convening IIM, the registration process was reopened for one day for all the candidates. Sharing this Dr Rohit Kapoor clarified Based on the emails received from the affected candidates, we are opening the window for one day to apply and complete the registration and/or application

Dr Rohit Kapoor attributed the reasons to various last minute technical problems due to which CAT 2014 aspirants could not complete their registration/application We have been given to understand that few candidates faced difficulties during the last day of submission of CAT 2014 application, i.e., on 30th September 2014 owing to failures in internet connection, net banking transactions etc. As a result the registration process was reopened and more than 7 thousand candidates who could not register earlier completed their registration in one day only.

CAT 2014: More candidates, no issues
There were 5-8 testing rooms in each session on November 16 & 22, 2014 at each of the 307 test centres across 99 test cities in India. In contrast to earlier CAT exams when 1 or 2 testing rooms would suffice the daily turnout of the candidates at each test centre, CAT 2014 had more number of testing rooms to accommodate 300-400 candidates per session.

This large volume of test takers at each of the higher number of test centres, caused the apprehension of facing technical and management problems in CAT 2014 since the entire test was held just in 2 days as against earlier 20 days. Surprisingly, not only all the 4 sessions in CAT 2014 began on time, there were no technical or other problems faced during any session of CAT 2014.

Maiden CAT for TCS
CAT 2014 was the first CAT exam that was conducted by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). Number of media reports were apprehensive of various types of problems that could occur in the conduct of CAT 2014 but Dr Rohit Kapoor, Faculty IIM Indore and CAT 2014 Convenor was confident of conducting a problem free CAT. Accordingly, TCS has also upheld the trust of IIMs and has emerged successful in conducting a well managed and problem free CAT 2014.

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more live coverage of CAT 2014

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