MAH CET 2015: 10 key points to note; registration to open shortly
DTE, Maharashtra is going to conduct MAH-MBA/MMS CET 2015 exam in the months of March/April 2015
Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra is going to conduct MAH-MBA/MMS CET 2015 exam in the months of March/April 2015. The registration for this one of the largest and sought after MBA entrance tests leading to admission in 2015 for MBA/MMS batch 2015-17 in hundreds of reputed B schools is going to be opened shortly.
To guide and equip the candidates about the key points of MAH CET 2015 presents 10 important points below to apprise them about the nature of this examination.
Online Test
MAH-MBA/MMSCET 2015 shall be conducted online at the selected examination centers. The expected number of questions are 200 of multiple choice objective type (MCQS).
Test in English only
The MAH-MBA/MMS CET 2015 question paper is proposed to be set in English only. Translations in any languages may not be available.
150 minutes Test with 200 marks
The MAH-CET 2015 would be of two and half (2&) hours duration and is proposed to be of maximum 200 marks.
Multiple Batch exam
The MAH-CET 2015 is proposed to be held in multiple batches in different sessions on 2 or more dates.
No penalty exam
The MAH CET 2015 is proposed to be free from awarding any negative marks for the wrong answers although more wrong answers will not be appreciated.
No revaluation or marks verification
MAH CET 2015 may not allow any verification of marks or revaluation of answer sheets of the MBA/MMS CET 2015 exam.
No carrying forward of the marks
The marks at the CET would be considered for admission during the current academic year only and would not be allowed to be carried forward to the next year.
Freedom to choose the city; not the venue
The cities in which MAH-CET 2015 is proposed to be conducted would be designated as centres for the CET. Each centre will have several venues depending upon the number of candidates going to appear at that centre. A candidate applying for the MAH CET would have the freedom to choose his/her centre but shall not have freedom to choose the venue.
No articles allowed
Use of calculators, slide rules, log tables or other such arithmetic aids and cellular phone, pager etc. will not be allowed in MAH CET 2015 exam. Even the Instructions sent to the candidate with the application receipt, books, notes will not be allowed. If you bring any of these, please leave them with the invigilator.
Exam components & sample questions
200 questions in MAH CET 2015 are proposed to be divided in 3 sections namely Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (English Language test); Quantitative Aptitude; logical and Abstract Ability. All the questions would be of MCQ type. Test takers may toggle among the 3 sections without sectional time constraints.
The detailed information and the instructions about the MAH CET 2015 and the set of sample questions illustrating the nature, variety, scope, pattern, type of questions that will be set for the MAH CET 2015 would be shared by DTE Maharashtra with the Information Brochure.
Intake in Maharashtra B schools in admission 2015 through MAH-CET 2015 and other All India tests like CAT 2014, XAT 2015, CMAT 2015 (both the exams) stands to 45 thousand seats. Top B schools like JBIMS, SIMSREE, KJ Somaiya, N L Dalmiya, SIES, IESMCRC, MET, DSIMS, DY Patil, PUMBA, Singhad and many more will accept MAH CET 2015 scores.
Stay tuned to for more updates on MAHCET 2015
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