XAT 2015: Admit card is out; Login to download & take prints
XAT 2015 conducting top rated B school has made available the admit cards on XAT 2015 site
Keeping its promise of issuing the XAT 2015 admit card on time, XLRI the XAT 2015 conducting top rated B school has made available the admit cards on XAT 2015 site. XAT 2015 aspirants can download their respective admit card after login with XAT registered Id and password.
Icon is on home page
There is a separate icon on XAT 2015 site with the title Download Admit Card with a flashing sign new. XAT 2015 aspirant is required to click on it and it will direct you to the following page. You will have to login with you XAT registration ID and password to view and download the XAT 2015 Admit Card.
Admit card issued on time
XAT 2015 conducting XLRI promised You can download your admit card from our websiteany time during December 18, 2014 - December 31, 2014. XAT office will not be sending admit cards to any candidates. There has not been any delay in issuance of Admit cards by XLRI for XAT 2015 and same are available to be viewed and downloaded as per the schedule.
Download the Admit Card from XAT 2015 site; not from your mail
XLRI the XAT 2015 conducting B school has clarified that the admit card will be only available on the XAT Website when you log on using your XAT 2015 User ID. Please note that your Admit card for XAT 2015 will neither be sent on your mail nor any hard copy of the same will be sent to you.
You will have to log on to the XAT website with your registered user ID of XAT 2015 to view and download the Admit Card wef Dec 18 to Dec 31, 2014.
Logon with XAT 2015 Registered user id only
Please remember not to logon with your mail id but to log on to XAT 2015 site with your XAT 2015 registered user id and password to view the admit card. Once you are able to view it and are satisfied that all the information contained in it is correct, download and save it in a folder.
Take prints
It will be better to take more than 2-3 prints of your admit card. Keep one with your other mandatory documents which you will have to carry to the exam centre and other with you so that in case of any query you may instantly refer to it. Please remember that XAT 2015 Admit Card is a mandatory document required to take the exam. You must bring a print out of your Admit Card to the exam centre.
Admit Card: Check the details
Admit card for XAT 2015 will contain your personal details as well as the details regarding the allotted exam centre and its address, time & date of XAT 2015 exam and necessary dos and donts for XAT 2015 exam. Please read the instructions given on the XAT 2015 Admit card carefully and carry only the required documents to the exam centre.
It will be better in your own interest to check the exam venue, how to reach there, time consumed in travelling and other details to avoid last minute panic on the exam day.
In case XAT 2015 admit card not yet received
If you have registered and paid for XAT 2015, received the registration confirmation but have not received the XAT 2015 Admit Card despite login with your XAT 2015 registered ID and Password, please immediately write to admissions@xatonline.net.in citing the details like registered XAT 2015 ID. You may also call XAT 2015 helpline on 1800 1039574 between 10AM to 6PM to get the issue resolved.
Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates and prep tips on XAT 2015
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