Last Updated on December 22, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

XAT 2015 Verbal Ability: Learn how to crack 3 questions on Articles

XAT 2015, Two to three questions in the form of fill in the blanks in XAT 2015 Verbal Ability section are framed on the use of articles

XAT 2015 Verbal Ability: Learn how to crack 3 questions on Articles

Two to three questions in the form of fill in the blanks in XAT Verbal Ability section are framed on the use of articles and XAT 2015 may not be an exception to the trend. Articles are the basics of English language. You can follow and understand their usage well if you can spend only 30 minutes today and read with concentration the following learning tips by Prof S K Agarwal, expert on Verbal Ability and mentor on XAT preparation.

Out of 30 questions in Verbal Ability 2-3 are always there on Articles which have been the favourite of XAT in error correction part. If the questions on error correction are increased, the questions on usage of articles are also increased. Surprisingly, the questions are simple but the options are so close that the candidates, despite knowing the answers, find it difficult to choose the right answer option.

Articles: Use is sound based
XAT 2012, XAT 2013 and XAT 2014 had 2 to 3 questions each based on the concept of articles in the form of fill in the blanks. Hence, It is advisable to have a clear concept on the usage of these simple and sound based confusing parts of speech, in order to score full marks on these questions.

The basic rule governing the use of articles is that while a and an are the indefinite articles, the is the definite article. The grammar book further distinguishes between a and an and says that a the indefinite article should be used before consonant while an another idefinite article should be used before vowels.

But there are many riders to it which can be understood well with the help of examples. For now it must be understood that any vowel generating the sound of a consonant must be preceded by a and any consonant generating the sound of vowel should be preceded by the use of an.

Definite article The has its own specifically defined usage and no intervention of indefinite articles in the domain of definite article usage can be tolerated by English Language.

Splitting the 3: how to use
Quick learning tips given below, from Verbal Expert Prof. S.K. Agarwal will have a clear understanding and shed away your doubts on insertion and omission of Articles

Using the indefinite Articles
Article - A - It is an indefinite article and is used before the singular countable noun starting with a consonant e.g. A ten Rupee note, a horse, a fine and vivid speech, A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, A word to the wise is sufficient.
Exceptions - Although article A is used before a consonant, but it is also used before a vowel, the sound of which begins like a consonant, for example -
A European, A University, ( E and U being pronounced as yu), Similarly, if a consonant sounds like a vowel, article A will not be used before the said word for example An Honest person, An honour to the profession ( H of the honest and honour being pronounced as O - Onest, Onour)
Article AN Again an Indefinite article, but is used before a word beginning with a vowel sound- for example An umbrella; An honest man; An Hour; An Honour; An Heir ( The sound in the words beginning with H is of vowel O, e, a.

Using definite article The
It is the definite Article and has multi facet usage. It is expected from the students that while making any corrections, they should recall the following rules
i) Used before the names of things unique of their kind in the Universe The earth, the moon, the jupitar, the sky, the sun, the sea
ii)Used before superlatives - the best, the worst, the ugliest, the darkest
iii)Used before the Ordinal numbers the seventh page of the chapter, the first man to set foot on the moon.
iv)Used before the names of famous/certain books the Geeta, the Vedas, the Ramayana, the Illiad
v)Used before a certain place, person, thing or the one already referred to e.g. The park, where the boy went, is a little far away; The chapter, you dont want to study is very important; The dog is not traceable. (The particular dog which we have been searching for some time.)
vi) Used before the names of certain countries which include the words like Kingdom, Republic, group of islands, seat of Government the United Kingdom, the Irish Republic, the Netherlands, the Hague( it is the seat of Government of the Netherlands)
vii) Used before an Adverb with comparatives The more you read, the more you understand, the more I get, the more I want

Repetition of Articles-
1.When two or more connected nouns refer to the same person or thing, the article is used before the first only but when two or more connected noun refer to different persons or things, the article is used before each.
The secretary and Treasurer is absent (One person)
The Secretary and the Treasurer are absent (Two persons)
2. When two or more adjectives qualify the same noun, the Article is used before the first adjective only but if they are meant to qualify the different nouns, expressed or understood, the Article is normally used before each adjective.
I have a blue and white motorcycle. (One motorcycle)
I have a blue and a white motorcycle (Ttwo motorcycles)

Omission of Articles
i)Omitted before the names of materials as, Gold is a precious material, Cotton grows in India, America and Egypt.
ii)Omitted before Proper Noun (Except the ones referred earlier) Delhi, India, Mumbai, Shakespeare, Mount Everest, Ram, Rahim. If the Article is used before proper noun it will become common noun e.g. He was the Nepolean of his age., Mumbai is the
Manchester of India
iii) No article before Abstract Noun Wisdom is the gift of Heaven, Virtue is its own reward, Honesty is the best policy
iv)No article before languages English, Hindi, French
v)Before school, colleges, church, bed, Hospital market, prison when these places are visited or used for their primary purposes for which they exist.
The is used with them when they are used to indicate a definite place or object rather than to the normal activity that goes on there e.g. The bed is broken, I met him at the Church, I went to the hospital on its inauguration.
vi) No article before the names of relations like father, mother, aunt, uncle, cook, nurse (our cook, Our nurse) Aunt wants to see her, Cook has given notice But we need a cook, a nurse.

XAT 2015: Usage of article sample questions
Direction Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option that follows-
Q.1 ___ shop keeper did not give me ___ one rupee coin, although he had it and It is very difficult to find _____ honest politician who is ____ man of word.
(1) A, an, a, the
(2) The, a, an, a
(3) The, --, the, a
(4) A, the, a, a

Q.2 ___ few years ago, ___ importance of __ person who was__ M. A., was more than that it is now. The person however, has__ sour throat as he shouted from __ distance.
(1) The, the, a, a, the, the
(2) A, the, the, the, the, a
(3) A, the, a, an, a, a
(4) The, an, the, an, a, the

Q.3 - ______ poor woman has not _____ rupee why dont you get ____ pound of sugar from _____ nearest grocer.
(1) A, the, the, a
(2) The, a, a, the
(3)A, a, the, the
(4) The, the, the, the

Q.4 Dr. Reid Thomas, ____ great physician, is _____ European and _____ sweet smile always rests on his face. He is ______ regular morning walker and anyone who wishes to take ______ walk with him must get up not later than 5.00 A.M.
(1) a, a, a, a, a
(2) a, an, the, the, no article,
(3) the, the, a, the, the
(4) the, an, the, a, a

Q.5 - _________wolf meeting, with______lamb astray from_________fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify ________lamb__________wolfs right to eat him (XAT 2013)
A, a, the, the, the
The, a, the, a, the
A, a, a, the, the
The, the, the, the, the
The, a, the, a, a

Q.6 ______bat who fell upon ____ ground and was caught by _________weasel pleaded to be spared his life____weasel refused, saying that he was by nature_____enemy of all birds. ____bat assured his that he was not____bird, but____mouse, and thus was set free.(XAT 2013)
a, the, a, the, the, the, the a
a, the, a, the, a, the, a, a
the, a, a, the, the, a, the, the
a, the, a, the, the, the, a, a,
the, a, a, a, the, the, a, a,

Q.7- For Brutus is ____ honourable man is _____ ironical statement and is ___ part of _____ famous speech made by Antony after _____ assassination of Julius Caesar.
1) the, a, a, a, an
2) a, the, the, a, the
3) an, an, a, the, the
4) an, the, the, a, an

Q.8 ____ doctor says it is _____ hopeless case but man has no more right to say ____ uncivil thing than to act one. Please set back _____ clock; it is _____ hour too fast.
1) A, the, a, a, an
2) The, the, an, a, an
3) The, a, an, the, an
4) A, a, an, no article, an

Q.9 - They never fail who die in______ great cause and you must be aware that _______ Umbrella is of no avail against ______ thunderstorm. It was ____ year ago when these two great persons met each other.
(1) a, an, the, a
1) the, the, the, an,
2) a, the, a, an
3) the, no article, a, a

Q.10 Most of my friends have studied at ____university and It is _____ well established fact that ___ computer, now a days, is ______ useful device.
(1) an, the, a, the,
(2) the, a, the, a
(3) a, a, the, a
(4) a, the, the, the

Q.1(2); Q.2-(1); Q3-(2); Q.4-(1); Q.5-(1); Q.6-(4) Q.7-(3); Q.8(3); Q.9-(1); Q.10(3)
Explanation with tips

Use of definite article for already referred and specific objects is needed.
Remember the use of indefinite article is sound based. University, Useful, European, utensil begins with yu hence use of a is required. Honest, honourable, uncivil, ironical, umbrella begins with the sound of o, a, hence use of an is necessary.

Stay tuned to MAUniverse.com for more preparation tips for XAT 2015

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