Last Updated on December 23, 2014 by MBAUniverse.com News Desk

SNAP 2014 Analysis: General Awareness difficult, Analytical Ability good; overall doable; 52% marks for SIBM

SNAP 2014 takers coming out of the exam hall after 4 PM were categorically unanimous on the fact that GK questions were found more difficult by them

SNAP 2014 Analysis: General Awareness difficult, Analytical Ability good; overall doable; 52% marks for SIBM

As anticipated, SNAP 2014 entrance test for admission session 2015-16 held on Sunday Dec 21, 2014, had 150 questions with maximum score of 180. The paper pen based exam had total time duration of 2 hours emphasizing that less than 1 minute per question to solve was available.

SNAP 2014 takers coming out of the exam hall after 4 PM were categorically unanimous on the fact that GK questions were found more difficult by them in comparison to other questions as it was more based on indepth study of Business and economics. The candidates who can score about 94-95 out of 180 can expect to be shortlisted by SIBM Pune.

While the 110 questions in sections of Quantitative Ability & data Interpretation; Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension; Analytical & Logical Ability were not found so difficult, out of the 40 questions on General Knowledge and current affairs a large number was found to be more difficult. Candidates could not answer more than 15-16 questions in this section, although GK is considered a good scoring section in SNAP.

The 3 sections other than Analytical & Logical Ability section had uniform marking scheme of awarding 1 mark each for every correct answer. The total maximum score for these 3 sections remained at 120. The Analytical & Logical Ability section was the most scoring section with 30 questions carrying maximum 2 marks for each correct answer making it the only section that could award 60 marks for 30 questions.

Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension

Grammar was the major area on which more questions in this section were based. Candidates also needed good knowledge of fundamentals to solve Vocabulary and fill in the blank type questions.

The 2 RC passages were doable and candidates were able to solve them. Passages were not very long and were based on Economy and Education. One of the RC passages discussed issues on export business while the other was taken from the famous essay Of studies by Francis Bacon.

Those who studied well the fundamentals of English language could fare well in this section. The recent preparation for CAT and IIFT proved to be quite advantageous while attempting questions on idioms and phrasal verbs in this section. Candidates could solve 30+ questions accurately in this section.

General Knowledge and current affairs

The section was rated more difficult. Those who had been preparing consistently on Business, economics and reading newspapers a bit more carefully could solve this section well. Since the section does not required any special skill, it is only the interest of the candidate in keeping him updated on General Knowledge which can drive him through this section. More questions were found on Business, constitution, policy matters, commerce and economy.

With the high difficulty level the candidates who can score 12-16 marks can cross the sectional cut off in this section.

Quantitative Ability & data Interpretation

Out of the 40 questions in this section except only a few all the questions were moderate and doable. However, good study on the basics of Arithmetic and Algebra was needed to crack the questions. The section had questions based on Profit & Loss, Percentage, average, Algebra, Log, Trigonometry, clocks, calendars, Geometry. DI had a set of 5 questions in this section. The candidates could solve 25+ questions in this section and could score around 20+ marks to get into merit position.

Analytical & Logical Ability

This can prove the most scoring section as number of questions in this section were only 30 while total score awarded to this section was 60. Each question carried 2 marks. Major topics on which questions were framed were Blood relations, seating arrangement, statement-assumption, argument, series. A few questions on Analytical Ability were time consuming and a few questions on Venn diagram were easier.

Candidates who attempted more in this section and could solve more questions stand a fair chance of scoring high.

Spending 40 minutes to this section was not a bad deal. A candidate could solve 20-25 questions and could score 34 to 40 marks brightening the chances to get shortlisted by SIBM Pune.

Related Links SNAP 2014: 2 days left; make sure to crack problems on Analytical & Logical Ability SNAP 2014: 4 days to go; know how to increase score in sections SNAP 2014: A week before the Examination; 5 important dos and donts SNAP 2014: Your study plan for next 10 days; key topics to focus SNAP 2014: Score 33% more with Analytical & Logical Ability: know how to crack the section SNAP 2014: Know how to deal with components of Verbal Ability section; exam round the corner

Stay tuned to MBAUniverse.com for more updates on SNAP 2014

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